Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
Nice 35 miles for me today, sun came out for the last half too, also got my 250 km strava badge today, not much by some standards but still my biggest cycling month to date and still a fair bit of it left.

Highlight of my day was a nice cafe stop and this little treat..


Über Member
Well I managed to get out for 35 miles today, developed a strange 'ticking' noise coming fom the BB, I will have to get it looked at.

Some of you guys do speeds and milage that the rest of us can only dream of...well done to everyone


Legendary Member
14.32 miles / 14.19 mph av'.

Was chuffed with this as I put my CX Beastie to the test on a Green Road which was 1.6 miles long, climbed 230' and descended 260' according to the map.

I struggled a bit on my semi-slicks as the ground was sodden, muddy in places and rocky/stony in others - didn't have to dismount though (apart from four gates).

Bike has since been pampered as she (he?) was covered in mud and bits of Smartie sized sheep crap.

Talking of sheep: 1 mile from home I had to stop on a narrow lane to let 207 of the stinky things pass. I didn't count them tbh I asked the farmer how many there were.

Really enjoyable ride - loved it. :bicycle::wub::thumbsup:^_^

Take it easy everyone and if you're on for an evening ride stay safe.

The other day I had to stop as two lambs had decided to sun themselves in the middle of the road


Well I managed to get out for 35 miles today, developed a strange 'ticking' noise coming fom the BB, I will have to get it looked at.

Some of you guys do speeds and milage that the rest of us can only dream of...well done to everyone

Not saying this is the answer but If you have a spare set of pedals try swapping them over. I had a ticking noise coming from the crank area some time back and that was what worked for me.


North Carolina
Just over 25 miles today, fitting in cake and tea and sunburn :blush:

oh, and Strava confused me with QOM - I was first over a mile stretch near us which no-one else does! And it was slightly downhill....

A QOM is a QOM. Now you can go for a PR on it too. :thumbsup:

Andy, good luck with quitting smoking. I went to ecigs a couple of years ago and got off tobacco but I am still using the Ecig. I do feel better by using them instead of cigarettes and it is less expensive than tobacco but I do hope to give them up one day as well. Quitting altogether is the way to go:thumbsup:

Storms are passing thru my area today and I am trying to stay close to home in case of lightning, so far the weather has been great except for a little breezy. I am going back out because I too have a ticking bb (at least is sounds like it when riding) on my Trek. It could well be the pedals. I am going to switch pedals and if that does not do it, I will try removing, cleaning and greasing the bb. I haven't done it before but I now have the tools to do it. I also ordered a new bb. Both my drop bar bikes use the same bb and I thought it might not be a bad idea to have a spare.


Senior Member
Just over 25 miles today, fitting in cake and tea and sunburn :blush:

oh, and Strava confused me with QOM - I was first over a mile stretch near us which no-one else does! And it was slightly downhill....

Fantastic that you've got a QOM!!

One day I may get one too lol. Really felt like getting on the bike this evening after 35 miles this morning but decided not to in the end :sad:


Senior Member
A fair bit of pain today, somehow anticipated but hey, no pain no gain right? Great progress on everyone I see, glad you enjoyed the sunshine and perfect conditions. No miles for me today as I didn't want to push my luck.

This allowed me to get a bit intimate with the bike and look further into the creaking problem that the LBS coundn't identify or fix perhaps lacking a test rider with a similar weight as mine to replicate the problem.

There were two distinct creaks, one from the rear the other from the back. The rear I've finally identified as a broken saddle, this was suspicious and managed to find the weak spot where it will get a consistent click under pressure to one of the rail insertion points. Replaced it temporarely with the MTB saddle and the sound was gone. Fortunately the temp saddle is plain black and rather comfortable so it will match nicely until the replacement will arrive.

The second creak comming from the front end was poiting at spokes tension as advised by LBS. Lubing all nipples and contact point didn't make any difference so I decided to take apart the headset only to discover how dry everything was in there. Some dust residue and with so many parts in contact I felt like I've discoverred something. Gave it a good clean and smeard some grease on all components, refitted and torqued to specs and voila, front creak is gone and front end completely silent. I'm beginning to wonder how LBS missed on that, must have though I'm obsessing over perfection or didn't know what to expect from a first bike.

So no miles today, but enjoyed getting to know the bike a little bit more. I'm wondering now if I should inspect the BB / cracnk assembly or leave it as it is until becomes suspicious.


Über Member
A nice ride today, I was on nights last night so got a good sleep then did a nice 54 mile ride this afternoon.
I tried to use different roads to normal as much as possible, mainly took it steady but did push it a bit more on the hills and on the last few miles.
I had a bit of fun with the old Garmin Connect route again, I couldn't find my path in the middle of worksop after going back and forth for a good 5 minutes I spotted a pedestrian path which surprise surprise was my route.
54 miles in 3:17:43 at 16.3mph


North Carolina
I'm beginning to wonder how LBS missed on that, must have though I'm obsessing over perfection or didn't know what to expect from a first bike.

So no miles today, but enjoyed getting to know the bike a little bit more. I'm wondering now if I should inspect the BB / cracnk assembly or leave it as it is until becomes suspicious.

Nice work getting things sorted. You sound a lot like me.

I bought both my drop bar bikes used. I get worried if I hear the slightest tick. :rolleyes: It started raining a little here and I have now decided to take off both my crank sets and clean and grease them. That way I will know they have been done recently. I have checked about everything else except the bb, time to do those for peace of mind while I take a rain break. It does require special tools however (at least the type I have do). Maybe it will stop raining in a short while and the roads will dry quickly so I can check out my handiwork.:smile:
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