Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
I knew today was jinxed when my front wheel went down the cattle grid just as I was setting off. Hopped and skipped a bit, luckily hadn't clipped in fully so kept my balance. Bike was fine.

I'm doing the fast diet at the mo so this afternoon I'd had nothing to eat since last night. No energy and had a dizzy spell at nearly 15 miles in. Had my daughter come pick me up, felt terrible. Only had a mile and a half or so to go although it was uphill. Thought it best to be safer than sorry.

Beautiful afternoon though, loads of cyclists out to wave at and one old guy even spoke to me first which kinda put everything into perspective.

Well done on all those of you who got out today.

Forget dieting, just cycle more.


Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
Ah, a fellow early bird ^_^ You even beat me to it today. I set off at 5am with the intention of doing a longish ride as this is meant to be the only really nice day this week before the wind and rain comes back :sad:

Did my longest ride so far. Just over 52 miles. Must have been that bit of birthday cake that I took with me that kept me going. :laugh:

That's fantastic Mo.:bravo: Not far off a metric century. Distances I struggle to manage in a week.


Well-Known Member
Ah, a fellow early bird ^_^ You even beat me to it today. I set off at 5am with the intention of doing a longish ride as this is meant to be the only really nice day this week before the wind and rain comes back :sad:

Did my longest ride so far. Just over 52 miles. Must have been that bit of birthday cake that I took with me that kept me going. :laugh:

I have to admit, I require encouragement to get up that early. My other half gets up at ten past four to cycle to work, and since it was already a warm morning with the promise of sunshine, I thought I might as well drag my backside out of bed!

I'm not sure I could have tackled 52 miles at that time mind :blink:. Well done!


Legendary Member
That's fantastic Mo.:bravo: Not far off a metric century. Distances I struggle to manage in a week.
I actually felt like I could probably have done the metric century if I took my time but, like Nigel on here, I start getting a bit bored after a while and just want to get back home. I was looking forward to my breakfast and getting the dog out for a walk. It doesn't feel fair leaving a fit, active dog in the house for too long.


three wheels on my wagon
I actually felt like I could probably have done the metric century if I took my time but, like Nigel on here, I start getting a bit bored after a while and just want to get back home. I was looking forward to my breakfast and getting the dog out for a walk. It doesn't feel fair leaving a fit, active dog in the house for too long.

I agree I always feel guilty leaving Vinnie behind, and he always gives me that look as I leave to make sure.
Did manage another 8 mile loop on the T3 avg 17.1. Stunning weather :sun: makes going to the night shift even harder.:cry:


Legendary Member
It's not too bad Mo, the pattern is normally 5 till midnight mon tue and Wednesday, day off thurs day then 7 am till 5 pm Friday and Saturday.
Not too bad then. I did 7 on and 7 off. Meant I was working 74 hours on my week on hence the time off after it then when I got leave it made it two weeks off so it was good while it lasted.


North Carolina
I am up early this morning (for me) and it is another cool cloudy wet day. I am going to try to get in another short ride between storms and do some spring cleaning. The temperatures here have been running 10 degrees f cooler here so far this spring. :sad:
Cute animals Mo. I had opened a box with some bike stuff I ordered online in it and just sat the empty box beside the trash can in my office. This is what I find in it.


No, I didn't kill him and stuff him in a box and Yes, he does have one of those cat bed things to sleep in but he rarely does. :rolleyes:


Über Member
Ah, a fellow early bird ^_^ You even beat me to it today. I set off at 5am with the intention of doing a longish ride as this is meant to be the only really nice day this week before the wind and rain comes back :sad:

Did my longest ride so far. Just over 52 miles. Must have been that bit of birthday cake that I took with me that kept me going. :laugh:
Well done Mo:bravo: the metric ton is on the cards any time soon
Ok, I got the old chainset back on new chain, (and tool) acera on the back 13/15/17/19/21/24/28 rear and 50 or 52/40/30 front
My low is a tad lower from 28.49" to 28.18" but I have lost 9" on high (this will make a difference downhill), though the step down from the 40th front to the 30th looks better than the 38th to 26th.
This might explain it better.
gear in.JPG

Gear for gear they are on the whole slightly lower, and shorter cranks 170mm opposed to 172.5mm, might mean i might be able to spin slightly higher, we will see.
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