Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I promised myself I will take a day off cycling no matter what since I didn't take one in 3 weeks since I started ... I almost managed ... but as the sun begun to set, the urge become stronger and decided to take the MTB for a gentle spin. So glad I did, it was such a quiet and pleasant experience ... I shall try this more often.
Try what more often? Lying to and cheating yourself?


Über Member
If the suns out theres no better place :smile:
The apple is on of the hill in this picture.



Senior Member
Did the same ride again and this time remembered to record all of the ride, except about 200m of it down Haytor during which i went the fastest (typical!). Went a bit slower overall but my legs were hurting from the first time still. I did manage to cycle the entire way up the loooooong categorised climb that starts just about half way around because I paced myself better this time, knowing exactly how long and hard it was. Managed to snap a few photos on my phone too.


Had my chain jam too, so have been stripping and cleaning my drive train today. All back together except the rear gear cable, which I seem completely unable to fit...the end has frayed and so has my patience. wo betide the numpty who has taken my wire cutters and not put them back in the appropriate tool box... Hang them...HANG THEM!


Winter is Coming!
Kendal Cumbria
I knew today was jinxed when my front wheel went down the cattle grid just as I was setting off. Hopped and skipped a bit, luckily hadn't clipped in fully so kept my balance. Bike was fine.

I'm doing the fast diet at the mo so this afternoon I'd had nothing to eat since last night. No energy and had a dizzy spell at nearly 15 miles in. Had my daughter come pick me up, felt terrible. Only had a mile and a half or so to go although it was uphill. Thought it best to be safer than sorry.

Beautiful afternoon though, loads of cyclists out to wave at and one old guy even spoke to me first which kinda put everything into perspective.

Well done on all those of you who got out today.


Über Member
Lots of nice rides again today. I just had a gentle spin on mtb with my daughter on cross bar seat.

Enjoy seeing peoples photos from rides!
Here s a great one from yesterday. Newport transporter bridge.

Luke Rowe flew past me not far from here in his Sky kit on a sky branded pinarello bike. I wasn't fast enough to get his photo or to get a tow from him.



I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I knew today was jinxed when my front wheel went down the cattle grid just as I was setting off. Hopped and skipped a bit, luckily hadn't clipped in fully so kept my balance. Bike was fine.

I'm doing the fast diet at the mo so this afternoon I'd had nothing to eat since last night. No energy and had a dizzy spell at nearly 15 miles in. Had my daughter come pick me up, felt terrible. Only had a mile and a half or so to go although it was uphill. Thought it best to be safer than sorry.

Beautiful afternoon though, loads of cyclists out to wave at and one old guy even spoke to me first which kinda put everything into perspective.

Well done on all those of you who got out today.

Thats not the way to do it man. Your body still needs energy, still needs nutrients and protein. I'm battling with a belly situation at the moment which I can't quite shift no matter how many miles I do, but I still know I need to eat the food.

Try to figure out the right diet for yourself, but one things for sure, starvation aint it!!! GL mate.

Like Brian I had an awesome day at work all day, right into the evening. No ride, no strava, no nice pics or memories of sunshine and rabbits...

Thats not the way to do it man. Your body still needs energy, still needs nutrients and protein. I'm battling with a belly situation at the moment which I can't quite shift no matter how many miles I do, but I still know I need to eat the food.

Try to figure out the right diet for yourself, but one things for sure, starvation aint it!!! GL mate.

Like Brian I had an awesome day at work all day, right into the evening. No ride, no strava, no nice pics or memories of sunshine and rabbits...

Yeah, don't scrimp on the calories on riding days. Being hungry on the bike is hellish.
Had my chain jam too, so have been stripping and cleaning my drive train today. All back together except the rear gear cable, which I seem completely unable to fit...the end has frayed and so has my patience. wo betide the numpty who has taken my wire cutters and not put them back in the appropriate tool box... Hang them...HANG THEM!
Get some cable ends, stops the fraying


Get some cable ends, stops the fraying
I had to replace a damaged cable (broke at the shifter end) but didn't have a new cable to replace it with so used an old one, one 'thread' had come untwined when I tried to push it threw the fitting...ended up unwinding it all the way and cutting off the loose bit...will replace the cable with a new one soon. I'd spent some hours dismantling and cleaning the drive train earlier, thinking this is why I was having shifting problems, probably why I lost patience when I discovered the damaged cable and missing tools, just before tea too. The test ride at quarter to one ended my grumps and all is running well and shifting smoothly.... it was worth the bit of huff and puff.
I am just trying to decide if a 9 sp front mech will be ok, according to sheldons it should be, but may be a little chain rub on extremes, I have seen a 105 9sp on ebay for £21 including postage. I know a 9sp chain will work on 8sp gears but I have a mix of 7 and 8 sp on the rear, and whilst its ok, there is quite a difference between a 7 and 9sp sprocket.


Legendary Member
18 miles this morning. 4.30am is a brilliant time to cycle! Lovely empty roads and the sun coming up, very peaceful. Apart from the drunk old man at a bus stop shouting abuse at me :rolleyes:.
Ah, a fellow early bird ^_^ You even beat me to it today. I set off at 5am with the intention of doing a longish ride as this is meant to be the only really nice day this week before the wind and rain comes back :sad:

Did my longest ride so far. Just over 52 miles. Must have been that bit of birthday cake that I took with me that kept me going. :laugh:


Legendary Member
18 miles this morning. 4.30am is a brilliant time to cycle! Lovely empty roads and the sun coming up, very peaceful. Apart from the drunk old man at a bus stop shouting abuse at me :rolleyes:.
Ah, a fellow early bird ^_^ You even beat me to it today. I set off at 5am with the intention of doing a longish ride as this is meant to be the only really nice day this week before the wind and rain comes back :sad:

Did my longest ride so far. Just over 52 miles. Must have been that bit of birthday cake that I took with me that kept me going. :laugh:

And I thought I was dedicated going out at 6am for a pootle before work! 33 miles this morning, hoping to do similar on the way home tonight.
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