Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well yesterday was the warmest ride I have had since the 8th of Sept. 18.2 yesterday 22.6 in Sept. mind the wing was stronger at 7.7mph compared with 2.2mph. Mind I was 1/2mph quicer yesterday on average.

I also after reading this How to get your seat height right lowered my saddle, and from what I read I still have it to high.
Any thoughts anyone.


Über Member
Well yesterday was the warmest ride I have had since the 8th of Sept. 18.2 yesterday 22.6 in Sept. mind the wing was stronger at 7.7mph compared with 2.2mph. Mind I was 1/2mph quicer yesterday on average.

I also after reading this How to get your seat height right lowered my saddle, and from what I read I still have it to high.
Any thoughts anyone.
All I know for sure is that if you have it too high and you are locking out your knee injury can follow but at the same time too low will result in a loss of performance, I have read many ways to set it right but for me they are a good starting point that then only require micro adjustments to get right, also fore and aft adjustment is equally important as this can alter the muscle groups you use.


All I know for sure is that if you have it too high and you are locking out your knee injury can follow but at the same time too low will result in a loss of performance, I have read many ways to set it right but for me they are a good starting point that then only require micro adjustments to get right, also fore and aft adjustment is equally important as this can alter the muscle groups you use.
I found this too. I kept adjusting the saddle slightly and aches in my knees kept swopping left to right, got that right and then set up cleats to improve more.

Just need to sort the problem of groin ache on my right side (inner hip area) on the longer journeys now (65miles +)
All I know for sure is that if you have it too high and you are locking out your knee injury can follow but at the same time too low will result in a loss of performance, I have read many ways to set it right but for me they are a good starting point that then only require micro adjustments to get right, also fore and aft adjustment is equally important as this can alter the muscle groups you use.
I set it to the heel height, and according to those two methods, I had to bring it down at least 4cm and that height is centre crank to seat rails, so you can see there is more height to lose. I have to say however, yesterday was my fastest avg over that sort of distance, the wind kind of spoilt it a bit in the latter half, as the first half I was 16+mph avg, but thats the way it goes, had rides where I have increased avg from 12.5mph to 14+ because of terrain or wind. I also noticed I seemed to spin better if not particularly faster.


Über Member
Great morning in Swansea. Got in a recovery ride. 20 miles around the bay and a coffee in the sun.

I never thought I would think of 20 miles as a recovery ride. Not long ago 20 miles was a long ride.



Über Member
Just a very very steady 23.8 miles for me today on nights so was just what the Doctor ordered.
Average HR was 113 so shows how steady it was if I am pushing it average HR is about 155.
Met up with a couple of people from the club and it was just nice to enjoy this glorious weather:sun:


Well-Known Member
37 miles yesterday, mostly along trails in lovely weather. The three pints and a curry at the end were the best I've ever had :laugh:.

Established that my constant thumb pain is because my saddle is tilted downwards, making me slide off the front and putting too much of my weight on my hands and wrists. Put a bit more air in my tyres and was surprised at the difference in handling. Quicker on the road, but less traction and a twitchier back end off-road. It makes sense, but I didn't expect it to feel so pronounced. All a learning curve for me.

My chain came off and I was catapulted off the road and up onto the pavement, which was not the highlight of my day. Fortunately the bike came with me and I managed to land on my feet, with my hands still on the handlebars and the bike, unharmed, between my legs. I've got a nice bruise on my backside from the saddle jabbing me as we came to a rather abrupt halt. A bit of a bruised ego too :blush:.
37 miles yesterday, mostly along trails in lovely weather. The three pints and a curry at the end were the best I've ever had :laugh:.

Established that my constant thumb pain is because my saddle is tilted downwards, making me slide off the front and putting too much of my weight on my hands and wrists. Put a bit more air in my tyres and was surprised at the difference in handling. Quicker on the road, but less traction and a twitchier back end off-road. It makes sense, but I didn't expect it to feel so pronounced. All a learning curve for me.

My chain came off and I was catapulted off the road and up onto the pavement, which was not the highlight of my day. Fortunately the bike came with me and I managed to land on my feet, with my hands still on the handlebars and the bike, unharmed, between my legs. I've got a nice bruise on my backside from the saddle jabbing me as we came to a rather abrupt halt. A bit of a bruised ego too :blush:.
At least you and the bike are ok.:smile:
At the miniute I have the front mech of, have thoroughly clean the chain, I have a broken tooth on my middle ring, and its pretty worn (another expense), though I may put my other chainset back on.


Legendary Member
At least you and the bike are ok.:smile:
At the miniute I have the front mech of, have thoroughly clean the chain, I have a broken tooth on my middle ring, and its pretty worn (another expense), though I may put my other chainset back on.
Hmmm, now this is something that is starting to worry me about putting in more miles. I don't feel up to doing much beyond basic maintenance so if I have to start taking bikes into the LBS for new parts soon, I don't feel like I can afford it. :sad:


North Carolina
No sun here, but after my last post I felt guilty not taking advantage of the lack of wind this morning and suddenly decided to go so just hauled out the hybrid for a change and shot out the door so quickly I even forgot my helmet!

Just did my shortest available loop which is only 14 miles but better than nothing I suppose.

Terrible weather here today. It was raining so hard that my satellite reception went out...right when the Giro d'Italia stage 3 winner was crossing the finish line. :sad: The forecast for the rest of the day is about the same. I am taking the day off, I have not had one in a while.


North Carolina
Hmmm, now this is something that is starting to worry me about putting in more miles. I don't feel up to doing much beyond basic maintenance so if I have to start taking bikes into the LBS for new parts soon, I don't feel like I can afford it. :sad:

I feel fortunate that I was able to get a back up drop bar bike. I will do pretty much anything to a bike now, except maybe dissecting an STI shifter. With the back up I can either take off a part or just ride the back up until I can get it fixed. I do need to learn how to lace a wheel still. I will probably learn that with one of my old Raleigh rain bikes.


Well-Known Member
Fleetwood UK
Fantastic day here. I decided to buy myself a Garmin 200, put it on charge during the 14 mile journy home, had lunch and fitted the mount to the bike. Then once the Garmin had charged up I took it out on a test ride. I had made a route that I used to ride, its only 5.78 miles long but it has been over a year since I rode in anger!!!! So this is a restart ;-)

I actually went off my planned route after two corners, but the result was that I cut a whole .1 of a mile off the planned route. Yeah Yeah yeah lol

It took 41 minutes to do the actual 5.68 miles, and I had to stop for 3mins at the turn around. I was on Fleetwood prom, which was busy with pedestrians and fellow cyclists, I kept having to slow down to plan the route through these mobile obstacles.

All in all it was a nice ride, my legs felt like jelly at the end, I will do more of this cycling lark hehe. I promise I wont leave it so long nxt time..
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