Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Billy Adam

Senior Member
Loving the Red/White combo
Cheers Steve


Thanks on the bike.!
Cheers Steve

It would seem I should have bought a white/red bike after seeing these.

Where did you get the Raleigh, I had those a lot as a child and think of them as great because they were what I was brought up on, however the bike shop I visited sold mainly specialized as one of the stores in their chain was solely Spec bikes. Not that I don't like my bike, I love it

Dan Allison

Well-Known Member
It would seem I should have bought a white/red bike after seeing these.

Where did you get the Raleigh, I had those a lot as a child and think of them as great because they were what I was brought up on, however the bike shop I visited sold mainly specialized as one of the stores in their chain was solely Spec bikes. Not that I don't like my bike, I love it

The red/white does look good. Got it from my LBS in Ipswich.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
It would seem I should have bought a white/red bike after seeing these.

Where did you get the Raleigh, I had those a lot as a child and think of them as great because they were what I was brought up on, however the bike shop I visited sold mainly specialized as one of the stores in their chain was solely Spec bikes. Not that I don't like my bike, I love it
Mine is the fabled B'twin triban3 from decatlon with quite a few upgrades. RS30 wheels sram cassette sora front mech other stuff you can see from the pic. It's a brilliant bike for the price. Very hard to get now as decathlon have updated the T3 and downgraded the gears and removed the carbon forks.


Legendary Member
Some great rides posted in this thread recently, well done all.

And belated happy birthday Mo.:cheers:
Thanks..........and there certainly has been some amazing rides posted. Everyone seems to be really stretching their miles and speeds.

In saying that, I woke early as usual this morning and, even although it is a decent morning, decided for the first time in ages that I just couldn't be bothered cycling. Hope it is just a temporary blip.


Legendary Member
Quiet roads,sun out on the bike it is ... see ya later people :sun:
No sun here, but after my last post I felt guilty not taking advantage of the lack of wind this morning and suddenly decided to go so just hauled out the hybrid for a change and shot out the door so quickly I even forgot my helmet!

Just did my shortest available loop which is only 14 miles but better than nothing I suppose.


Legendary Member
I just looked at my Strava dashboard, some very impressive rides today, puts my little 10 mile cruise to shame. :blush: Great riding everyone! :thumbsup:
Ha, ha.........I know what you mean. I only did 14 this morning but strangely enjoyed it knowing I wasn't going to be slogging away for more than two hours. I think a short spin does you good sometimes.


Legendary Member
See Mo was temporary, I agree short spins are good, I find I can work on my cadence better on short ones.
Felt strangely liberating on the more upright hybrid. Felt naked without my helmet :laugh: Couldn't be bothered turning round and going back for it. Felt weird with the wind blowing through my hair. It's now getting darker and darker here. Think it is probably going to pour any minute so glad I got a quick spin.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Great club ride today, 70.3 miles in 3:56:31 at 17.8 mph

This was my first club ride as group leader so I was a little nervous before the start.
Our new club kit had turned up during the week so this was our first ride looking the part.
Leading the ride makes it much tougher instead of tucking into the pack and letting some of the better riders lead the way I had to be up front for the first 25 miles or so directing the others through the route I had planned. :heat:

Fantastic. Very well done on leading a fab ride!! :smile:

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Trying to decide when to ride today, before or after work (only got one appt today). Sun is out, looks gorgeous, so although my training plan says "80 mins in a big gear, pushing on inclined for the middle 30 mins" (I'm pretending today is Sunday) I may do two, one training and one for fun with no set goals just an explore. ;)
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