Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Come on Sue stop lurking and start posting!
Well, I'll be in trouble for posting this link up;

Very funny view from a newbie cyclist, yes it's SueEvesham.


What great weather for a ride, and you know what was the best thing was?......other bike riders smiling and saying hello/good morning. Oh and my avg. speed is starting to creep up :smile:

Well done it will keep creeping up and you will be surprised by your own progress in a few weeks time!


North Carolina
Welcome Sue! :hello:

Happy Birhday Mo! :birthday:

It is a cool, windy, grey day here, it isn't raining, yet, but is forecast to this afternoon, so I think I am going to go out now for a quick spin before it starts. The Giro d'Italia isn't on TV here yet and I know after I watch that for a couple of hours I would go out rain or no rain. I don't want to have clean my bike up again. I may be losing weight and gaining much more energy, but I am still lazy. :rolleyes:
:birthday:Happy birthday Mo. Good avg speed, see you are getting quicker.

I thank you :thumbsup:
:welcome:Sue, nice write up.

Well, I said to the other half I will be about 3 1/2 hours, she says "your taking longer", I say "aye but I am going further"
However i dont think I will be doing to many rides like today, I was out far to long, problems with the cadence/sp monitor, but knick a battery out of my helmet light and alls well, except another stop to adjust the monitor when I realised the cadence wasn't working.
Slow 2nd half as a lot of it was in to the wind. Still averaged 15mph over the 50 miles, this does put me on 2,500 for the year, I can take the rest of May off now.


Great ride out in the sunnnnnnnssssshhhhhhiiiinnneeeeeeeee:becool: Did arounf 40 before I was feeling incredibly hungry so came home instead of stretching out a loop at the end of the ride. I wish I took a couple of sandwiches with me as I could have kept going for ages I reckon...if I hadn't also ran out of water.

I also fell off in front of an absolute babe* who asked if I was okay, I said yes and carried on as luckily it didn't hurt as it happened at around .0001 mph

*She may have not been a babe, she was in a car and I was too focused on carrying on as didn't want to hold up traffic
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