Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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sutton coldfield
I know the feeling, I lost the small plastic window covering the gear indicator on the rear shifter on the MTB. Quite insignificant but I did the route three time that and the following day looking for it before giving up. Looks like it's missing a tooth when smiling :smile:

The new bike so far is pretty awesome, I didn't expect it to be so comfortable considering lack of suspension, thin hard tyres and narrow saddle but maybe is because I ride exclusevly on the road now. This is probably part of the reason for the massive time / avg. speed increase on the routes that I had some data from the MTB to compare with.

Last weekend I visited a friend in a nearby town, took me 35.5 minutes on the MTB with avg. speed of 18.6km/h on a combination of roads, cycle paths and pavements. Yesterday I managed the exact same route in 25minutes with an avg. speed of 25.7 km/h by sticking to roads only and the road bike. Estimated callorie output was simmilar suggesting that I must have pushed the same, although the hills seemed to have leveled up a little his week.

The LBS keeps impressing me, they already know my name as I visited them again enquiring for some pedals which unfortunatelly they didn't have in stock. They didn't pushed me to buy an alternative model, but offered a free set of toe clips (which I'm verry used to riding with) and sugested to spend some more time with the bike before fully comiting to SPDs. Aparently I also have some credit points with them from purchasing the bike so I got some more freebies like a valve adapter and a bottle and cage without having to reach for my wallet. It's little things like these that make a big difference and I fully understand now why people support their LBS so much.

This encourages me even more to get my first road bike :hyper:

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs


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Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Aw, gee thanks. I was hoping nobody would notice :blush: Wish I could have celebrated by doing 54 miles but afraid it was only 24 this morning to beat the wind before it picked up too much.

Won't be doing much. Just over to Dad and Stepmum later. No doubt we will have a nice birthday tea. :smile:

Have a great birthday. Hope the sun is out there. Eat plenty of cake for refuelling ;)


Happy birthday Mo! :cheers:


Legendary Member
Thanks Chris. Nice ride you had by the looks of it. Gusty winds here now but sun still out so better walk the pooch while it is nice. I found I was overdressed this morning and couldn't even zip my jacket open or the wind would have got inside and slowed me down even more! :laugh: Think it is time to wear either a much lighter weight jacket or even a jersey.


Legendary Member
Thanks Chris. Nice ride you had by the looks of it. Gusty winds here now but sun still out so better walk the pooch while it is nice. I found I was overdressed this morning and couldn't even zip my jacket open or the wind would have got inside and slowed me down even more! :laugh: Think it is time to wear either a much lighter weight jacket or even a jersey.

I only planned on doing 31 miles, but went out a bit further then I realised, once I saw I was going to do nearly 40, I extended it to 50, I must be mad. I don't think the wind is anywhere near as bad here as you have it, not much gusting, just constantly in your face if you are heading West.


Legendary Member
Same here started last aug to lose some weight and get fitter converted my MTB for road i.e tyres and off i went now lost the weight stopped drinking fitness seems to be improving by the week it has quickly become a bit of obssesion :rolleyes:.

I know what you mean. I had been commuting to work for a few years on my bike, doing 5 miles each way, then in November I found this place and thought if I up the mileage I might lose some weight.

If I knew back then what I know now, I would have just gone on a diet....

Only kidding, I love my cycling and think I might be a bit obsessed with it.
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