Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Monday forecast looks better, less wind, though if you are having a curry.......
Believe or not I'm doing another 10 hours on Monday:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

But I am hoping to cycle comute for the first time, ever! :bicycle: :bicycle:


I have just been out for a ride. I have been setting my eyes on a couple of strava segment if you get my drift. When I got home eager to see the result I saw I got second then I wonderer by how much. Turns out 1 second would have given me joint KOM or 2 seconds for my first KOM. I had a little rant at myself for not trying hard enough:laugh:.

Segment -

Ride -


Fine ride on the Commons tonight, but got back to find I've lost my rear light :sad: I think I know where it is and will swap tires back to road and (fingers crossed) go retrieve it.

It might be worth leaving it until tomorrow when its light. I lost a rear light cover, I heard something fall off but it wasn't until I got home that I noticed. I never did find it :cry:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Always wear a clean one then it's not a problem.

Well done Phoenix, put your glasses safe next time;)

Well the shirts always start off clean, but I dont want sweat ridden haribos or fig rolls after 20 miles!! :P

Are there not long slots in the cleats? This would allow more movement forwards/back.

The cleats dont as far as I can see, I'm very new to this cleat business so maybe Im missing something?


Was a very unexpected shower. I was out tidying the garden when it came.

Looking forward to the Loughborough "tour of the national forest" sportive tomorrow. 15 mile ride to the start then a 63mile sportive and 15miles back.

Hopefully I'm on form and will be going to add a few extra miles to break the 100mile mark finally, just depends on how I feel as Beacon hill is pretty much the last part of the sportive with others hills on route!

Good luck with the ride Reece!

My little jaunt today and top it off 5 achievements including a few pb's chuffed...^_^

Great ride mate

My cycling club is trying to get a novice Saturday ride going but it's not taking off for what ever reason.
I decided I would take my lad along today which is now his 4th ride.
Well it was just as well I did as no one else turned up.
Karen a lady I have met before (from group rides) was leading the ride and I felt a little sorry for her that the turn out was so poor.
The weather was fine with little wind and she led us on a lovely 20 mile route in and around Doncaster on many roads and Tarmac off road trails that I have never been on before but will be using in the future now I know they are there.
Jamie my lad pushed himself really hard and moaned less than he would have if it had been only me there, the ride also served as a nice gentle warm up for my ride I am leading tomorrow I only hope the turnout is a little better.
With the ride to and from the start we did a total of 31 miles, not too bad for a 13 year old lad on his 4th ever ride

Shame, people go out of their way to arrange something, always a shame for the apathy of others. Still, glad your lad and yourself enjoyed it.

You are going to love it! I have got a 2012 105 carbon Synapse with matching 105 pedals and a Fizik kurve bull saddle and love everything about it. The higher riding position as compared to out and out racers for me is a revelation. Have ridden for 5 hours and still felt fresh.

Carbon......niiiiiiiice. A dashing looking bike too, albeit a little too much red for my liking (coming from an Evertonian!)

Seriously though, nice bike!

I've actually eased off slightly myself. I've to be careful with my back as it gets sore if I do too much so have had a couple of rest days lately. Still not sure about tomorrow as it is pretty windy and I find pushing into a headwind really tough at the moment.

Oh, and I do love that Synapse. It was on my short list when I bought my Forme and I still kind of wish I had gone for it. Forme has been great too though so no complaints.

Glad to hear your easing it a little instead of worrying over every mile.

Cycled 32 miles of agonising Devon hills today. Very annoyed because I paused strava when I stopped to tighten a cleat that randomly all the screws had come reallly really loose on then forgot to start it again for the next few miles, so strava only shows 30 miles with a random straight line between 2 points. Anyway, there was by far the most climbing I ever imagined doing, including a good few miles that were unrelentingly uphill (the cat 3 and 4 bits). Went down Haytor which was terrifying (its one of the Tour of Britain mountain stages) and got my fastest speed yet at 37mph. Could have gone much faster if I had the nerve or the road was better condition! Think I might need tomorrow off!!! Dartmoor is ridiculously hilly.

Great ride that, especially considering those hills. Dont know if having that on your doorstep is a good thing or bad! Guess it makes you a better cyclist.

Just set up an online donation page for the charity and wondered if anyone fancies sponsoring me. Every little helps.

Also the club TT's start this thursday. 10mile TT so hoping to get out and do my first, and also do one of the last of the year to see if my cycling is improved. Really looking forward to it.

Ive got my own one for the 100 miler in RideLondon. Have hit my target already, but always willing for more. Will match your sponsorship Reece to your page if you plump in a fiver or tenner! :P:P:P


Über Member
Well the shirts always start off clean, but I dont want sweat ridden haribos or fig rolls after 20 miles!! :P

The cleats dont as far as I can see, I'm very new to this cleat business so maybe Im missing something?


If your shoes are anything like mine the female threads will move up and down in the slots and the cleats themselves can be moved sideways to obtain the correct positioning. I will be shocked if you have no adjustment.


The cleats dont as far as I can see, I'm very new to this cleat business so maybe Im missing something?

I think the bits in the shoe can slide up and down then instead of the cleat, maybe try marking them how they are now, and then taking it apart to see how you can rearrange it to get more comfort/better power down


It might be worth leaving it until tomorrow when its light. I lost a rear light cover, I heard something fall off but it wasn't until I got home that I noticed. I never did find it :cry:
I really love night riding! but I didn't find my light (I have two others I should add, I'm not out without lights :s) None of this is an excuse to go back on the common tomorrow...must be on the trail somewhere, dam :smile:
I really love night riding! but I didn't find my light (I have two others I should add, I'm not out without lights :s) None of this is an excuse to go back on the common tomorrow...must be on the trail somewhere, dam :smile:
Sorry to hear that Andy, I don't mind it, but prefer day time.
Got another 12 miles in sat night, and one p.b.


Senior Member
None of this is an excuse to go back on the common tomorrow...must be on the trail somewhere, dam :smile:

I know the feeling, I lost the small plastic window covering the gear indicator on the rear shifter on the MTB. Quite insignificant but I did the route three time that and the following day looking for it before giving up. Looks like it's missing a tooth when smiling :smile:

The new bike so far is pretty awesome, I didn't expect it to be so comfortable considering lack of suspension, thin hard tyres and narrow saddle but maybe is because I ride exclusevly on the road now. This is probably part of the reason for the massive time / avg. speed increase on the routes that I had some data from the MTB to compare with.

Last weekend I visited a friend in a nearby town, took me 35.5 minutes on the MTB with avg. speed of 18.6km/h on a combination of roads, cycle paths and pavements. Yesterday I managed the exact same route in 25minutes with an avg. speed of 25.7 km/h by sticking to roads only and the road bike. Estimated callorie output was simmilar suggesting that I must have pushed the same, although the hills seemed to have leveled up a little his week.

The LBS keeps impressing me, they already know my name as I visited them again enquiring for some pedals which unfortunatelly they didn't have in stock. They didn't pushed me to buy an alternative model, but offered a free set of toe clips (which I'm verry used to riding with) and sugested to spend some more time with the bike before fully comiting to SPDs. Aparently I also have some credit points with them from purchasing the bike so I got some more freebies like a valve adapter and a bottle and cage without having to reach for my wallet. It's little things like these that make a big difference and I fully understand now why people support their LBS so much.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Don't get too hung up on statistic, just completing the distance is an achievement and the speed will come in time :thumbsup:

Yeah, I was really chuffed to get my half century under my belt/wheels. Overall average was 13.5 mph, although on the way out it was 15ish at various intervals. Not to worry, I'm celebrating the distance and can't believe my legs don't ache today :smile:

Sun is out today so very tempting to get back out there but I must stick to a 'recovery' day and spend it shopping instead!

Good luck to everybody competing in various events today, and to anybody hoping for a great ride


Oops just checked my training guide and I should be doing a ride today, may have time after meeting up with my lovely boy at Meadowhall

Reason for edit: should be riding ;)
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