Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Finally followed Rule #5 and stuck on the clipless pedals. Apart from a few issues which I will post in the clipless pedals thread, everything went ok. Bit of a slower journey than I have been doing recently, but there were a few mitigating factors / excuses I have lined up.

1. 1st time using clipless pedals
2. Starting to cycle at 5.30pm in London is not the best idea
3. 13.7mph headwind going to Richmond Park and cycling west thru it
4. Legs still sore after my 50 miler yesterday

If I can recall any more mitigating circumstances / excuses I will let you know!

17.7 miles, 13.7mph average, forgot HR monitor!

Whatever PR's I got were accidental, was by no means going for any kind of speed!


Senior Member
Picked up the new bike this afternoon, it was a pretty scary / exciting experience. 1st I had trouble braking at the first set of lights ... Brakes weren't bedded in (duh ...) and applying pressure on the top of the leaver did nothing ... had to squeeze them properly to stop which produced a nice wobble causing the car next to me to make some room ... no fall so happy ending. Traffic was as expected Friday at 5:30pm, pretty terrifying ... I took me 22 minutes to pedal back home between thousands of cars running in all directions, my wife who drove me to the shop took 40 on her way back. Why do they always choose the traffic islands to overtake / squeeze you in?

New HR record, 169avg, 180max, 63% in Zone 4!!! :wacko:. So the bike was a lot faster compared to the MTB but how much was due to the scare factor, remains to be seen. Oh and "demo" pedals are really bad. Took me some time to realise they don't offer the same amount of grip on both sides.
Finally followed Rule #5 and stuck on the clipless pedals. Apart from a few issues which I will post in the clipless pedals thread, everything went ok. Bit of a slower journey than I have been doing recently, but there were a few mitigating factors / excuses I have lined up.

1. 1st time using clipless pedals
2. Starting to cycle at 5.30pm in London is not the best idea
3. 13.7mph headwind going to Richmond Park and cycling west thru it
4. Legs still sore after my 50 miler yesterday

If I can recall any more mitigating circumstances / excuses I will let you know!

17.7 miles, 13.7mph average, forgot HR monitor!

Whatever PR's I got were accidental, was by no means going for any kind of speed!
Good ride but what do you mean about sore legs? I've been bouncing around like bambi all day. :tongue:
Picked up the new bike this afternoon, it was a pretty scary / exciting experience. 1st I had trouble braking at the first set of lights ... Brakes weren't bedded in (duh ...) and applying pressure on the top of the leaver did nothing ... had to squeeze them properly to stop which produced a nice wobble causing the car next to me to make some room ... no fall so happy ending. Traffic was as expected Friday at 5:30pm, pretty terrifying ... I took me 22 minutes to pedal back home between thousands of cars running in all directions, my wife who drove me to the shop took 40 on her way back. Why do they always choose the traffic islands to overtake / squeeze you in?

New HR record, 169avg, 180max, 63% in Zone 4!!! :wacko:. So the bike was a lot faster compared to the MTB but how much was due to the scare factor, remains to be seen. Oh and "demo" pedals are really bad. Took me some time to realise they don't offer the same amount of grip on both sides.
What bike did you get?


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
How did you find the pedals in the end?

Getting in wasn't much of a problem save for a couple of times after lights, but felt natural with a little learning to go along with it. Unclipping absolutely no problem, though the spring tension was on the easiest, and Im using those easy to unclip shimano cleats so.

I have posted in the Clipless Pedals FAQ thread about the few issues I have, think they all relate to bike fit more than anything.


North Carolina
The magnet on the wheel hasn't been displaced by any chance.

I will replace the battery and check the magnet. Hopefully that will do the trick. :thumbsup:

It looks like many are having some nice rides with the weather hopefully improving. :sun:

I don't want to dampen the enthusiasm but I was just reading about a bike fatality in my area yesterday. The retired CEO of a large and well established road construction company was killed when a car turned into his path. The car was driven by a retired doctor that was a founder of a highly regarded regional orthopaedic clinic. Not that it matters so much what they had done or accomplished, it did make top headlines on the regional news and hopefully will make more drivers and riders aware.
This was not the first bicycle fatality I have read about in my area this week.

RIDE WITH CARE! ....just think a little harder and more in advance when hitting those Strava segments! and stay alert!
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