Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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The annoying thing is that I could have gone a very slightly longer but car free route through a park but instead stuck with the road because I needed to get home quickly. Not making that mistake again!! Sore down one side with a fat elbow and I'm really not looking forward to seeing how sore that and the other bumps are tomorrow.

Glad your ok that's the main thing. People are generally creatures of habit if you ride along that road enough at the same time you will most likely see the offending car again. I hope it put a nasty scratch on the car :evil:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Not been on here much, had my bike around 2 months now, from never owning anything other a cheap bmx as a kid and being well over weight and unfit, smoker drinker etc, been doing my route around 3 times a week, adding little bits here and there, generally around 6-7km (4 miles ish) a circular route mostly flat like this got my time down from best part of an hour (fair bit resting) to just under half hour with little rest apart from water breaks.

Anyway yesterday I took a different turn through some woods and ended up doing around 17km :eek: which is 10km more than I have done before and a climb of around 250m instead of 60-80 (I did push the bike a few times as I couldn;t cope with the woodland climbs for long)
Enjoyed it for the most part but about 2 miles away from finish felt pretty rough was either having a mini panic attack or heart attack, so probably pushed too far too quick I guess, I'm still not confident on any main roads so use paths (I don't drive so have no road sense, but I am am careful not to knock any people over or anything)

was quite an adventure, I just cant wait till I can get out to the peak district and not have a heart attack half way ^_^

Baby steps and you will find those hills slowly become more friendly. Keep within your own limits, and let your body adjust over time to the extra work your asking it to do, it will respond. Great job getting out there. :smile:

I use strava on my phone so I'm not too clued up about it all. Only what I've heard other say so not the best sources admittedly.

I went out for a ride today thinking I'm going to do a big ride today and get this months challenge off to a good start. I went out for over 2 hours really enjoyed myself and then realised once I got home I forgot to start strava :laugh::blush: . What a numpty I am :whistle:. That's cost me 40 miles before I have even got going :dry:.

Its SO annoying when that kind of thing happens. My first 55 miler wasn't recorded properly as about 20 miles in I stopped and had a break and stopped my Garmin. Cycled on about 9 miles before realising and switching the Garmin back on! So my 55 mile became 46 mile, and halfway round I took a shortcut through some fields apparently!

Not happened again. :smile:

Got knocked off the bike today on my way home from work today. A car came way too close and clipped me, i then hit the kerb and came down hard. The bike seems ok, mostly cosmetic damage after I straightened the handlebars out but my elbow is rather huge since that hit the ground first and I have scrapes down my knee and thigh. I'm basically fine but rather unimpressed that the guy just drove off!! I'm going to use it as an excuse to buy some new clothes since mine now have holes in!

Sorry to hear that Spooks. There's some damned ignorant stupid people out there. Wonder if they even realised they hit someone... I read somewhere a recent survey found only 33% of cyclists are actually seen by the average motorist on the road. #driveblind.

Main thing is your 'relatively' fine. I like to think karma will take care of their end.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Can't stop @SueEvesham , out again for another 6 miles this lovely sunny morning down to 33 mins all this on an extremely heavy cruiser

I would like to point out the seat is about a foot higher now.
Come on Sue stop lurking and start posting!

Some wonderfully retro stylish set of wheels those! Proper cruiser. :biggrin:


Not been on here much, had my bike around 2 months now, from never owning anything other a cheap bmx as a kid and being well over weight and unfit, smoker drinker etc, been doing my route around 3 times a week, adding little bits here and there, generally around 6-7km (4 miles ish) a circular route mostly flat like this got my time down from best part of an hour (fair bit resting) to just under half hour with little rest apart from water breaks.

Anyway yesterday I took a different turn through some woods and ended up doing around 17km :eek: which is 10km more than I have done before and a climb of around 250m instead of 60-80 (I did push the bike a few times as I couldn;t cope with the woodland climbs for long)
Enjoyed it for the most part but about 2 miles away from finish felt pretty rough was either having a mini panic attack or heart attack, so probably pushed too far too quick I guess, I'm still not confident on any main roads so use paths (I don't drive so have no road sense, but I am am careful not to knock any people over or anything)

was quite an adventure, I just cant wait till I can get out to the peak district and not have a heart attack half way ^_^

Looks like you're going great guns!Being able to more than double your distance is a great leap, it'll probably be easier next time so don't be scared to give it another go. And there's nothing wrong with getting off and pushing so don't worry, we've all been there at some point but it gets easier with time...until you start attacking bigger climbs

I don't know how close you are to the countryside, as that's great for getting used to riding with traffic. If not just go on roads when it's quiet and try to avoid riding in the gutter otherwise you might get a visit from the p******* fairy/won't have anywhere to go if a car does get too close for comfort.


Got knocked off the bike today on my way home from work today. A car came way too close and clipped me, i then hit the kerb and came down hard. The bike seems ok, mostly cosmetic damage after I straightened the handlebars out but my elbow is rather huge since that hit the ground first and I have scrapes down my knee and thigh. I'm basically fine but rather unimpressed that the guy just drove off!! I'm going to use it as an excuse to buy some new clothes since mine now have holes in!

At least you're able to post this message! A quick recovery will hopefully be on your way


I feel I should note that I *almost* had a clipless moment tonight in the kitchen when trying on shoe/bike combo. I am so worried about falling off tomorrow morning at the station in front of all the commuter chicks I may cycle down in flats and use the proper shoes for the commute home :eek:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I feel I should note that I *almost* had a clipless moment tonight in the kitchen when trying on shoe/bike combo. I am so worried about falling off tomorrow morning at the station in front of all the commuter chicks I may cycle down in flats and use the proper shoes for the commute home :eek:

Haha that's preparation!

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I feel I should note that I *almost* had a clipless moment tonight in the kitchen when trying on shoe/bike combo. I am so worried about falling off tomorrow morning at the station in front of all the commuter chicks I may cycle down in flats and use the proper shoes for the commute home :eek:
If in doubt clip out! :smile:
Was on nights last night so after a decent sleep went for a good ride.
I am doing the route for my cycle club Sunday ride this week so even though I knew the route I wanted to ride it again so as not to look like a complete numbty making errors on Sunday.

60.6 miles in 3:30:00 at 17.3 mph

I was pushing quite hard the whole way round but even so was surprised to get an average speed of over 17 mph for a 60 mile ride.
I hard cramps in my quads for the last couple of miles and they hurt like hell for half an hour after I got back,
I had reduced the amount of carbohydrate i put in my bottles by 50%, not sure but I think this might be the reason for the leg pains.

Nice one Simon, you can edit data with golden cheetah I have had one abnormal H.R. reading, but usually get abnormal cadence.
Got knocked off the bike today on my way home from work today. A car came way too close and clipped me, i then hit the kerb and came down hard. The bike seems ok, mostly cosmetic damage after I straightened the handlebars out but my elbow is rather huge since that hit the ground first and I have scrapes down my knee and thigh. I'm basically fine but rather unimpressed that the guy just drove off!! I'm going to use it as an excuse to buy some new clothes since mine now have holes in!

Glad you ok Spooks.

Cycle naked.
That would be no problem.
Hope you soon recover Spooks. I can't believe he didn't even stop! How rude

Reason for edit - my comment had got out of sync with the chat :smile:
Probably didn't know he/she had done it, if driving that close, he/she wasn't really paying attention, and is likely not to have checked mirrors. I had a small van pass me on Monday on a long straight wide road, the moment he/she decided to over take there was another car coming the other way, I was about 3ft from the curb, so there was me the van and a car at the precise moment he/she passed, and he/she bleared the horn as though I am at fault. It's just lack of judgement as to speeds that road bikes go, ok I wasn't going as fast as Simon is these days, and I was going up a slight incline, but they just aren't used to bikes going more than a sedate pace.
We still have to balance this against all the good drivers in all vehicles that do have patience to wait especially where roads are bad and the forward visibility is bad or limited, I also try and thank those that do wait (though this is sometimes difficult going up a steep hill)


Legendary Member
Well, stuck to my word and got up crack of dawn as usual. Went over to the village of Dunning where I was born and spent the first 26 years of my life and went up the Dunning Glen climb. My first category 3 climb and I don't think I will be looking for a category 2 any time soon :laugh: I huffed and puffed my way up at a very sedate pace. Views were stunning on a beautiful morning. No camera as usual. Really must start carrying a little one. It was pretty amazing looking back down from the top and actually felt slightly pleased with myself at that point even although it had been a slow struggle.

Tomorrow is looking wet and breezy so it will either be a rest day or a gentle tootle.


Senior Member
Bit sore this morning!! Only 11 hours at work to survive then I get to take the bike back to Devon to visit my parents. Half tempted to try cycling up haytor even if I have to stop a million times. Or maybe ill go the easier way up and just cycle down it!!
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