Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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That will be really nice, hope you have a good and safe ride.
We did thanks, I would have liked to gone further but we all know it hurts when you haven't been out for awhile (brother, not me).

What a perfect sunny day for cycling. :sun:
Did a lovely 11 mile flattish circuit with my brother in 46 mins, he is fairly fit but just doesn't cycle much, he surprised me by turning up with a quality bike which he had described as a mountain bike, a Trek flat bar roadie with hi spec wheels and gears. I did laugh at the "flat" tyres he said he had just pumped up, 25 front 30 rear, Blow Joe sorted them out at 100 psi each.
I am hoping this is something we can do on weekly basis as he is quite competitive, I know I have the edge on him at the moment but ........well, we will see.

Loving the clip pedals so far.
What a perfect sunny day for cycling.
Did a lovely 11 mile flattish circuit with my brother in 46 mins, he is fairly fit but just doesn't cycle much, he surprised me by turning up with a quality bike which he had described as a mountain bike, a Trek flat bar roadie with hi spec wheels and gears. I did laugh at the "flat" tyres he said he had just pumped up, 25 front 30 rear, Blow Joe sorted them out at 100 psi each.
I am hoping this is something we can do on weekly basis as he is quite competitive, I know I have the edge on him at the moment but ........well, we will see.

Loving the clip pedals so far.
I bet he found a difference in the ride. A good time to say he's not been out much on a bike, or did I miss something.
Unsure if the world is ready for it but Andrew is in Shorts( I don't think I've worn shorts since infant school)! I did get some leg warmers, so I could chicken out if I wanted to...however I got home and they magically turned into arm there's no turning back now.
I will have to remember that one next time I have cold arms, it was still a bit nippy at 10 this morning.
No, hardly at all. He just bought the bike to ride round with his son (5yrs old) last year. Bit of an overkill I thought. I let him set the pace though, which I thought was impressive for his first ride out.
It is 14.7 mph took me a few months to get anything like that, and only doing it now because of the new wheels (sorry keep mentioning them).
I have a target this month of 558.86 miles if I get that I will have done 6,000 miles in 11 months, (mainly due to last months challenge), this will put me one month ahead of schedule.


Über Member
Bit of newbie progress for me today, I set myself a target of doing my first 100km in May so booked today off work to give it a go, not the greatest time but feel chuffed to get it done.
He was getting worn out near the end and declined the add on 5 mile loop with hills I offered.

Nigel, when did you get new wheels Then?:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
19th April, lost 5 days on the challenge, but a big improvement, both in comfort and rolling.

Bit of newbie progress for me today, I set myself a target of doing my first 100km in May so booked today off work to give it a go, not the greatest time but feel chuffed to get it done.
Nice one, quicker than when i did mine in Nov. I think thats a very good time for a first time 100Km ride.


Senior Member
It is 14.7 mph took me a few months to get anything like that, and only doing it now because of the new wheels (sorry keep mentioning them).

Challenge accepted ;) If I manage to get to that speed by the end of the month on my stock MTB wheels, would you be interested in a swap?
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