Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well I did two Cat 4 climbs today, to see what Mo does on her rides, and to be honest my speed is really no better. So hats off to Mo for doing them as often as she does.
The first to be honest was the easier of the two for the most part a steady climb, straight and boring.
There a few segments covering this climb, this the longer one.
and I am not last.
The second was more difficult, though there was a slight respite about half way, again there are a number of segments on the climb.
and again I am not bottom.
I've had to make a few more holes in my belt again, just measured and that's 5 inches lost around my waist since I restarted cycling also down to 17st 10lb :highfive: and I've only just started, bring on the summer.
Another 6 miles with @SueEvesham in 35 mins, I think she is hooked.
Well done Brian, thats an impressive amount in the time you have been riding. Nice to see you have a riding partner.


Had a grumpy throat for a few days,so been super slack with my efforts. averaged 13.9mph yesterday on my commute...first time I've been under 14mph (possibly 15) since the snow cleared. It was one of those rides which I really should not have recorded. Not because of the speed, more that it dosen't reflect my progress. Feeling better on the way home and set a new pb descending Crookbarrow Way, now 27th All time out of 135 cyclists, nearly topped my Holdings Lane KOM too!


North Carolina
I don't think many of my climbs are long and steep enough to be categorized. I started from a standing stop at the bottom of one hill near the lake I ride at and was doing ok, then had to gear down, then had to stand, then almost had to get off. It was burning my thighs quickly. Strava said it had a 13.5 grade for a short part of the climb. I don't look forward to doing that one again but I will and it will probably be much easier if I hit the hill on the fly.
I don't think any of my climbs are long enough to be categorized. I started from a standing stop at the bottom of one hill near the lake I ride at and was doing ok, then had to gear down, then had to stand, then almost had to get off. It was burning my thighs quickly. Strava said it had a 13.5 grade for a short part of the climb. I don't look forward to doing that one again but I will and it will probably be much easier if I hit the hill on the fly.
They get better Rocky the first one I did back last July (dont have a gps track of it), but if I remember rightly I was in a low gear 34 on the back and it would either have been 30 or 26 front., and whilst I used the 26 ring today the rear was on 19 I think. so about 36" compared with a possible 20" or 23" last time, it is to press the only hill that did get the better of me, I remember crawling up at about 4mph. The slowest segment today was 8.8mph
I don't think many of my climbs are long and steep enough to be categorized. I started from a standing stop at the bottom of one hill near the lake I ride at and was doing ok, then had to gear down, then had to stand, then almost had to get off. It was burning my thighs quickly. Strava said it had a 13.5 grade for a short part of the climb. I don't look forward to doing that one again but I will and it will probably be much easier if I hit the hill on the fly.
Hill near me where i had to stop for a bit halfway up when i tried it 2 weeks ago, last weekend i flew up it in the middle chainring.


I don't think many of my climbs are long and steep enough to be categorized. I started from a standing stop at the bottom of one hill near the lake I ride at and was doing ok, then had to gear down, then had to stand, then almost had to get off. It was burning my thighs quickly. Strava said it had a 13.5 grade for a short part of the climb. I don't look forward to doing that one again but I will and it will probably be much easier if I hit the hill on the fly.

The grade 3 I've climbed has some really tall grades like that for stretches... "what am I doing here?" has sprung into my mind a few times. As a passer by once commented, "You need to find yourself some flat ground mate", sage advise, but I shan't take it...that hill may scare me a bit, but that's why I am there :smile:
at my slowest which was 7.3mph I had a cadence of 56 which is about 43" which is about a 38x23 or on a compact double of 34th front 21th rear.


67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
No progress here today - unless you count the ordering of a new seat post as progress.

My stock Giant post has a notched half moon and cup affair and I cannot get my saddle level - it is either slightly up or slightly down.

Have ordered a micro-adjustable Easton EA50 at the bargain price of £26 delivered from Wiggle.

Drip, drip goes the cycling money fund! :laugh:


Well done all you got-outs!


I don't think many of my climbs are long and steep enough to be categorized. I started from a standing stop at the bottom of one hill near the lake I ride at and was doing ok, then had to gear down, then had to stand, then almost had to get off. It was burning my thighs quickly. Strava said it had a 13.5 grade for a short part of the climb. I don't look forward to doing that one again but I will and it will probably be much easier if I hit the hill on the fly.

Strava is stupid in the way it categorise a hill. If someone sets up a segment on a section of road it use that elvation data regardless of how many people do that segment with substantially different data. There is a road near Tonbridge which is apparently a cat 3 20.4% average!! It's a VERY slight uphill yet one of the biggest climbs round here which is longer and steeper is still only a cat 3. It's a good idea categorising hills but you should be able to flag wrong data so Strava can correct it when they see the other 100+ people have totally different elevation data it should be pretty easy.
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