Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Took a link out of my chain, something I should have done a couple of weeks ago. I still had some daylight so I did a shakedown ride on the repaired chain. I did such a good job repairing it plus losing that extra weight from the one chain link allowed me to set a new PR (no wind assist either :smile:) on my 10 mile track.

I have 15 more miles for my goal for the month. I am going to go for a PR on my 16 mile track tomorrow when I do that ride. Maybe all this riding I did this month paid off.


Senior Member
Did some upgrades too, removed all unnecessary cat's eyes and stickers from wheels, removed the trip computer, lock mount and a few other bits and bobs, some 400g worth of equipment. Adjusted the saddle a little bit better, lubed the chain, pumped up the tires to max PSI and eaten a banana. Result was a new 18:55 PB on my 4mile training route (started 10 days ago at 24:35) with a 45km/h max speed :hyper: . I even had the opportunity to get to the large disc for a minute or two ... hehe.
Did some upgrades too, removed all unnecessary cat's eyes and stickers from wheels, removed the trip computer, lock mount and a few other bits and bobs, some 400g worth of equipment. Adjusted the saddle a little bit better, lubed the chain, pumped up the tires to max PSI and eaten a banana. Result was a new 18:55 PB on my 4mile training route (started 10 days ago at 24:35) with a 45km/h max speed :hyper: . I even had the opportunity to get to the large disc for a minute or two ... hehe.
Wonderful improvement. Keep at it it will improve more.


Go on, tilt your head!
What's your secret? I seem to have got stuck at 45 miles maximum before my bum and lower back gives out. :sad:

This was my second attempt at a 200km ride. The first ended at about 120km due to really bad shooting pains in my hands, a sore neck and raw bum! I went for a proper bike fit at Vankru Cycling in Southampton and Garth sorted me out with a different saddle/cleat position and and a shorter, more upright stem. I'm not saying all the discomfort has completely disappeared, but it certainly enabled me to get through the ride!

I'm sure the saddle thing is just a case of keeping at it and it will get better.
What's your secret? I seem to have got stuck at 45 miles maximum before my bum and lower back gives out. :sad:
Is your average a little higher than norm?
The first ended at about 120km due to really bad shooting pains in my hands, a sore neck and raw bum! I went for a proper bike fit at Vankru Cycling in Southampton and Garth sorted me out with a different saddle/cleat position and and a shorter, more upright stem. I'm not saying all the discomfort has completely disappeared, but it certainly enabled me to get through the ride!

The more I hear about a bike fit the more I want one. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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