Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
It is cloudy here and just drizzling enough to mess up my glasses and make me spend a half hour cleaning my bike if I go out in it. I do want to go out for at least a quick 10 miles or so to stretch my legs. I also need about 50 more miles to hit 1000 miles for the month, something I would not have believed I would do this month. It has been a lot of riding.

Since May is normally such a nice month for riding weather, I still may go for 600 miles or so but don't think I will go after 1000 again this coming month.


Great work! Congrats on keeping up with the guys on the crazy bikes, and only being 1mph off is a great achievement. Hopefully the commute tomorrow won't be too hard

Cheers Steve luckily I'm still on holiday this week so I've not got a commute to worry about . I'm saving my legs until this new strava challenge starts in May :ph34r:
I hate shaving my face enough as it is. The odds of me shaving my legs is pretty much slim to none, and slim left town. I guess I am a little lucky and will still be somewhat aero, I don't have a lot of body hair. (grass don't grow on the play ground ;))
Rule #50 One may never shave on the morning of an important race, as it saps your virility, and you need that to kick ass.


Legendary Member
Very windy 8 mile circuit with OH in 51 mins this morning on the hybrid as taking the T3 would be OTT @SueEvesham is coming on very well.
Well done to Mrs E :thumbsup: especially braving the wind. Blustery here too and I am currently enjoying my second rest day. Tomorrow is looking a bit calmer so will probably do a little bit.


I have kept thinking about this since you posted it.:thumbsup:

And yes, 100 miles is a long way when you stop and consider it. Hadn't thought of it like that. :smile:.

It's strange how when I first started cycling even though I knew I could cycle say 15 miles certain places (15 miles or less) were unreachable in my mind. No I could never cycle to XYZ is what my brain use to say. Now my brain says how quickly can I get from A to B :thumbsup: or even worse what hill can I go up to get there :rolleyes:.


Senior Member
Just been out for 16.5 miles before it got dark. Took it easier than normal, whilst still not dordling. I actually enjoyed it a lot more and was only 0.5mph slower than normal on that route.

I'll have to learn to take it easy more often. :whistle: I'd probably be more inclined to get more miles in then too.

The strong winds we've been having for weeks are finally going to die down tomorrow so I'll be going for another ride tomorrow to finish April off. Roll on May! Loving these light nights :biggrin:
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