Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
Well £300 triban3, first 10 mile TT race !

31:18 beating 2 guys on carbon TT bikes :-)

good bloody work!


Well-Known Member
Hi All - got some newbie progress over here! I managed to rack just under 20 miles on my usual route and manged 15.5 mph avg over 18.9 miles with 1645 ft of climbing. I know its not a huge ride by any means but it's my fastest avg speed yet. Stoked ^_^

Good to see everyone's progress here. some of you guys are really racking up the miles... your mycyclelog counters are bonkers!!!


:smile: feel like I'm fourteen... out testing tires tonight, tbf it was getting dark and at one point I was flying through clouds of nats, but it felt good. Fairly simple track. Stopped by a lady who came shouting at me (tbf I was cycling on a footpath) "Is that an electric bike?" ....was unsure wether to take offence or take it as a compliment! As friendly as she turned out to be, I'd have rather been cycling for the 14 mins she spent telling me about how why she didn't want anyone to complain, because she rides an electric bike there whilst 'walking' her dog. Thankfully there are no challenges that way. I bought the tires to explore Malvern more.
It was my first time off road since I was a teenager!
Hi All - got some newbie progress over here! I managed to rack just under 20 miles on my usual route and manged 15.5 mph avg over 18.9 miles with 1645 ft of climbing. I know its not a huge ride by any means but it's my fastest avg speed yet. Stoked ^_^

Good to see everyone's progress here. some of you guys are really racking up the miles... your mycyclelog counters are bonkers!!!
Your as fast as me, and thats after 10 months, well done.

:smile: feel like I'm fourteen... out testing tires tonight, tbf it was getting dark and at one point I was flying through clouds of nats, but it felt good. Fairly simple track. Stopped by a lady who came shouting at me (tbf I was cycling on a footpath) "Is that an electric bike?" ....was unsure wether to take offence or take it as a compliment! As friendly as she turned out to be, I'd have rather been cycling for the 14 mins she spent telling me about how why she didn't want anyone to complain, because she rides an electric bike there whilst 'walking' her dog. Thankfully there are no challenges that way. I bought the tires to explore Malvern more.
It was my first time off road since I was a teenager!
Your like me with my new wheels last week, I cant seem to stop, what a difference they have made.
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