Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I'm just over 21st. The weight is coming down slowly. I've increased my training over the last week and focused more on my diet. I've 16 weeks before I ride the London100 so I'm hoping the weight drops off.

A slight setback today as I'm sufferining from the effects of eating an undercooked chicken breast. I should be ok for the weekend though.

At least 45 minutes at 375. ;)


Legendary Member
I think better brakes are needed, just touched the back of a car as I could quite stop in time, needless to say I ended up on the deck, and need to re true the rear wheel (again).
I know too fast not enough observation, I know why it happened.
Nothing else to mention really about the ride apart from this.

Hope you are okay


Legendary Member
Glad you're ok. Shame about the wheels. I know how you feel re paying out for stuff for the bike. I really don't have much spare cash at all these days and have wasted a fair bit on saddles but I want to try one more as I think I have sussed out that I need a more t-shaped rather than pear shaped saddle to avoid the rubbing I have been getting. Desperately hunting around for one that is reasonably priced.

Hope your wheel lasts out till you can get enough saved up to treat yourself to new ones.
If you can get to a Specialized store, they have those arse measuring seats. You basically sit on it and it takes an impression of your rear, from that they can advise what size saddle you need.


I think better brakes are needed, just touched the back of a car as I could quite stop in time, needless to say I ended up on the deck, and need to re true the rear wheel (again).
I know too fast not enough observation, I know why it happened.
Nothing else to mention really about the ride apart from this.

I did that too after neglecting to maintain my brakes. It was some time last year, though have to confess it was more than my fault. It happened at a set of traffic lights, by a single lane road under a bridge. It is quite common for the cars there to accelerate threw if the lights start to change... I'm sure you can figure out the rest! To make it worse the lady driving the car kept appologising to me, I felt awful, though no damage was done.


Legendary Member
I realised the other day that MapMyRide had my first ride logged as 11 April 2012, so I wanted to get out today and negotiated the other half walked the dog whilst I went out for a quick circuit. Didn't break any records, but did blow a few cobwebs away :smile:
Happy cycling anniversary :-)


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I think better brakes are needed, just touched the back of a car as I could quite stop in time, needless to say I ended up on the deck, and need to re true the rear wheel (again).
I know too fast not enough observation, I know why it happened.
Nothing else to mention really about the ride apart from this.

Glad your ok Nigel. Notch it up to more experience gained :P
Hope you are okay
Glad your ok Nigel. Notch it up to more experience gained :P
I did that too after neglecting to maintain my brakes. It was some time last year, though have to confess it was more than my fault. It happened at a set of traffic lights, by a single lane road under a bridge. It is quite common for the cars there to accelerate threw if the lights start to change... I'm sure you can figure out the rest! To make it worse the lady driving the car kept appologising to me, I felt awful, though no damage was done.
It wasn't that they didnt stop the bike, just not quick enough, ended up sort of over the handlebars, anyway seems there is more damage to the rear than I thought, theres a creaking groaning kind a noise, could be axle/bearings or spokes I think, going to have a look in a minute.
It got me to the hospital and back, but I might have to welch on the challenge if it's serious.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
not sure what the problem with the phone app was, but it finally went !

Hard going today, legs had no energy , really felt difficult to hold 15 mph. Every part of my body screaming to turn around and go home. Didn't help that it started to rain half way round as I turned into wind !

Anyway, I refused to give up....

maybe the chain need lubricating, or the tires are slightly deflated..hehehe

next out Sunday morning, think I need to try and rest the legs until then.


Glad you sorted it.
Well bearing caps a little pitted, but nothing that would have indicated the sudden appearance of any noise since yesterdays ride. I will re grease, then tension the spokes see if that helps, also check for any cracks in the frame.
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