Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I am down to 16 stone 2 lbs. from 19 stone 6 lbs. since August. My eventual target is around 12 to 12.5 stone. (I hope that all looks right, we don't use stones in measurement here) The best shape I was in was late 80s early 90s and I was 11 stone 9 lbs. My waist was 33 inches. I don't think I have been under that since high school. I have never really been thin built, don't think I ever will be. As far as 28 inch waist :rolleyes:, I don't see me doing that without some serious illness involved. I am hoping my thighs are about that in the next year or so. I only have to add about 3 inches to them to get there. :smile:
I dont ever recall being less than a 32 in my twenties, mind might be my memory.
Good run last night Rocky.
I think better brakes are needed, just touched the back of a car as I could quite stop in time, needless to say I ended up on the deck, and need to re true the rear wheel (again).
I know too fast not enough observation, I know why it happened.
Nothing else to mention really about the ride apart from this.


three wheels on my wagon
I think better brakes are needed, just touched the back of a car as I could quite stop in time, needless to say I ended up on the deck, and need to re true the rear wheel (again).
I know too fast not enough observation, I know why it happened.
Nothing else to mention really about the ride apart from this.
you were going too fast with not enough observation I think :rolleyes:

as long as you are o.k


three wheels on my wagon
I noticed in the shower this morning, no don't stop reading it is not one of those stories :smile: that I am just beginning to get a tan line on my legs and not the dirt line my beloved said they were, not bad going at this time of year methinks I knew it was right to leave the longs at home.
I noticed in the shower this morning, no don't stop reading it is not one of those stories :smile: that I am just beginning to get a tan line on my legs and not the dirt line my beloved said they were, not bad going at this time of year methinks I knew it was right to leave the longs at home.
I am fine ta, where you been cycling that it's been warm enough.
and the wheel is ok (well as it was) just move a touch on the axle and was rubbing on the mudguard.


three wheels on my wagon
Not really been warm enough, but more incentive to keep the effort up. I only have the one pair of longs and they are of the compression type that just make my legs ache before I even get on the bike which also helps me leave them off. I did notice it was mainly me who braved the shorts, I did cheat with two pairs of socks though. Glad the wheel is o.k. too.
Not really been warm enough, but more incentive to keep the effort up. I only have the one pair of longs and they are of the compression type that just make my legs ache before I even get on the bike which also helps me leave them off. I did notice it was mainly me who braved the shorts, I did cheat with two pairs of socks though. Glad the wheel is o.k. too.
I think it's f'd anyway, I cant get it fully true, and I cant afford the LBS for a £60 pair of wheels, I am trying to save for some fulcrums racing 7's but it's going to be a while yet.


Legendary Member
I think it's f'd anyway, I cant get it fully true, and I cant afford the LBS for a £60 pair of wheels, I am trying to save for some fulcrums racing 7's but it's going to be a while yet.
Glad you're ok. Shame about the wheels. I know how you feel re paying out for stuff for the bike. I really don't have much spare cash at all these days and have wasted a fair bit on saddles but I want to try one more as I think I have sussed out that I need a more t-shaped rather than pear shaped saddle to avoid the rubbing I have been getting. Desperately hunting around for one that is reasonably priced.

Hope your wheel lasts out till you can get enough saved up to treat yourself to new ones.


Active Member
I love to hear the weight loss stories, but I have noticed some of your overweight "weights" would still be a good target for me ! I am the largest here? :eek: :eek: :eek: I haven't weighed in for a few weeks now but have gone from 20 1/2 stone to 18 st, probably lower still as my trousers are looking silly squeezed up with extra holes on the belt.
Like some of you my food intake is almost the same, just cut out alcohol altogether.

Back in the early nineties when I last rode I was a stick thin 11 1/2 stone and 28 inch waist, I wonder how far down it will be possible to go down to now.

Not been out since Sundays ride, pesky work getting in the way.

I'm 18 stone 2 lbs now and I'm 36 yrs of age. At my biggest last July I was 19 stone 13 lbs, that's what got me into cycling (that and the Wiggo Effect). Back in the mid 90's I was about 12 stone and could get into 36" jeans (I've got a large frame even without the excess layers of fat on me!). If I could get anywhere near 14 stone I'd be a happy camper. I haven't got a timescale to do this, I'm just going to spin away on my pedals as I love it and over time I'm sure the weight will come down. But please, can we have some sun for more than a day.


Senior Member
Just completed 24 hellish miles. First 11 miles were all into the headwind and going uphill through the cotswolds. I passed the Prescott Hill Climb on the way, so that says all you need to know about the terrain. Strava says I only did 1000 ft of climbing, Strava lies! I didn't get the benefit of the tailwind either as I then headed north home. That's what I get for riding from A to B for the first time I guess. To add to the fun I got drenched, covered in mud and almost taken out by a kamikaze pheasant!

Gotta take the rough with the smooth though. I had a great ride on Tuesday and didn't want to stop. That'll teach me to not stop and go somewhere else in future on those days, especially as it's going to rain all day tomorrow and all weekend too.

This thread: has made me slightly paranoid about posting my rides here so I'm not going to post direct links anymore but as we all follow eachother anyway you can just see it on your timeline anyway.
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