Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Great work on the weight loss guys. I myself have gone from 14st 12lbs to 12st 5 lbs. We'll all be racing whippets by the end of the summer. ;)


Senior Member
It's hard enough keeping the bike steady in a cross wind as it is. Be like Mary bleedin poppins come September :smile:

:laugh: That's true. Yesterday I crossed the M5 twice and the cross winds almost blew me off the bridge and onto the motorway! We'll have to start stuffing weights down the seatpost like the pros do to get up to the UCI weight limit.


Senior Member
Best part is I haven't changed my diet at all, it is purely down to the cycling.

I've changed mine - I actually eat more now as I don't want to lose more than my target of 1lb a week! I get to treat myself with stuff like crisps and not feel guilty, knowing I've already lost my lb for the week.

It's going to be quite surreal getting down to my ideal weight. I'll have to stuff my face more often! I have dieted successfully many times in the past but every time it's come back on gradually over time as I resorted to my old habits. I agree with those people who say that diets are stupid. They are temporary, you have to make a permanent change to your lifestyle if you want to keep the weight off and we've found a fun lifestyle change to do just that. :smile:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
I started cycling for the same reason, my weight was slowly increasing each year, 12st 12lbs at the highest, but when my size 32 trousers would no longer fasten I thought it was time to do something.

as for diet, just tried to cut down on the Ale and if anything eating more sugar stuff especially after the ride.

went down to 1 sugar in tea, but back upto 2 now......based an reading somewhere that we need sugar as cyclist, I even carry jelly beans or gum snakes with me on a ride for a surgery/energy fix.


Legendary Member
..........and here was me thinking it was just us women who discussed diets and buying smaller clothes, etc :laugh: Just joking guys. It is brilliant reading everyone's stories of what cycling has done for them. :wahhey:

Done not too bad on the weight myself. Working constant night shifts in the lovely Scottish Prison Service had me stressed out and eating/sleeping at weird times. Didn't manage to stick it out to 55 so went early and lost a huge amount of pension but just love being relaxed and stress free. I was over 11 stone not long before I chucked it just over a year ago. Since then, being relaxed and getting back to eating and sleeping normally plus extra walking and then taking up the cycling I am currently 8 stone 9 and pretty much eating what I want.


three wheels on my wagon
I was in the position of not wanting to lose weight when I started again so I am now eating about twice what I did before. There are no scales in my house at the moment but I know I am loosing the weight battle. I used to weigh about 11 and a 1/4 stone 1st time round and do not want to be back there, at 6'2" it isn't what I am after I want to stick at the 14 stone mark. Gotta go I need my after tea pre-dinner snack.


Active Member
Gatley, Cheadle
If you can do that without stopping, just keep doing it, then when you can do it twice, the 26 miles in June will be a breeze.
Depending what you use to record your trips depends on what data you can use, i started off with a simple cycle computer which did speed, avg sp, distance and time, using a site like gpsies I had an idea of the elevation gained.
If you have smart phone that can use strava or endomondo you can upload to these sites and they will give you other data, both sites allow you to export the rides so they can be used on other sites or applications.
I keep core data, like distance, time, elevation, H.R. and cadence and weather in spread sheet, which then works our varies other things like ft/mile, difficulty gear" ect.... ( I am a bit of stats freak, though not a very fast cyclist).
I did use MapMyRide until yesterday, but since joining the forums everyone goes on about Endomondo or Strava. I'm trying out Endomondo at the moment. Everyone says MapMyRide is rubbish but I've found it quite good as I've been using it for months with little glitches. I'm not quite sure now which one to use. I can't afford a cycling GPS unless they're cheap - I've seen some for about £100 but that's far too expensive for me :sad:
I'm into stats but I don't have any HR equipment. I see Endomondo does weather though, whereas MapMyRide doesn't. I'm a bit lost, to be honest.

I was over 17 stone in November, now just under 15 stone, my target is to get to 14 stone
That's fantastic!
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