Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Feeling a wee bit disillusioned with all these youngsters knocking out big miles and great speeds. Have to stop comparing myself to them and just do my own thing. :rolleyes:

You cant feel disillusioned, your an inspiration for all of us!


Legendary Member
Just back from visiting my Dad and see you are all leaving me behind again! Heavy sleet on the way home and really cold. If it freezes roads will be bad. Funny feeling it may be a rest day.


North Carolina
Spring has sprung here, to celebrate I did an Imperial fiddy ;)
It was just the reverse of the route I did a few days ago with a few extra twist, like forgetting my gloves and having to do a block of my neighborhood to go and get them and adding a few miles on each of the far ends of the route. I wasn't able to complete this one without getting off the bike. I didn't take anything to drink (and forgot to bring some money) so I stopped and drank about 10 swallows of water at the farthest point in the trip. I also started to get hungry toward the end, so I stopped and ordered Chinese so I could come pick it up as soon as I got back home. :rolleyes: I actually did a couple of more miles than strava shows, I somehow managed to turn off my garmin timer after it got dark. I realized it after a mile or two.

The weather here this coming week looks great for riding. I don't have a lot scheduled at work so I am going to try and get some riding in. I may go for a 100k sometime this week. Everyone is having some great rides, that and the weather have given me more motivation to put in some extra miles. :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
I think none of us are going to get 1st place on the Stava Challenge. I suspect cheating or a dodgy upload!

Current leader:

OverallRankName RidesDistanceProgress
1 -
Current Leader
Doug Low
Sydney, NSW, Australia 8 15,349.7
Maybe his battery was low!
Thanks, or maybe he wasn't using the battery at all, well I am back down to earth this morning, my avg over 22 miles was 13.52mph. but that did include nearly 50ft per/mile over the course climbing.
Though I did get a p.b. on this climb which I didn't expect as it felt slow.
And this but a little tailwind might have helped.
most of the ride and certainly coming down the hills was in to an 8mph easterly wind.
I've noticed that a lot of the threads in this 'beginners' section are from people who can do 50 miles easily or average 20mph over long distances. Which is a bit like those people who turn up for a beginners language course claiming not to know a word when in fact they own a property in the country in question, spend several weeks there a year and are semi-fluent. It is a bit disheartening for genuine completely unfit newbies like myself!

So I thought it would be nice for us complete noobs to have a thread where we can be brutally honest about our pitiful distances and average speeds and support each other to get fitter. :smile:

I'll get the ball rolling. I started off a month ago today doing 3 miles on a flat road twice a day at 8mph average. Now I am doing 20 miles a day (a hilly route in one go without stopping) and my average today was 11.6mph. I also have a shorter route of 4 miles which I do in an average of 14.0 mph.

So far I have also lost 5lbs of the approximately 30lbs I need to lose to get down to my ideal weight.

Pretty shameful really compared to a lot of the guys on here but I think I have made good progress in a month and I will get there eventually. Now let's see your newbie progress! :biggrin:
A week in and so far managing a daily quick two mile 'round the block' route to break my bottom back in. Average 8.8. :sad:
I need to be able to do 80-100 per day at nearly double that speed in a year's time :eek:
You need to speak with satnav, they were doing a world tour, they will have plenty of advise.
Wow that's a big target, what are you in training for?
Hope your feeling better Brian.


The weather has stayed dry! Who'dve thunk it. Well done Nigel on beating an Electric bike! what was the rider like?
I had an awkward passing moment the other day with an elder gentlemen where I slowed as there were a couple of junctions approaching and I didn't want to cut him up, and he had slowed to allow me to pass...we both got very slow until he pulled over to stop. I felt bad as I wasn't exactly racing along and he felt the need to stop.
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