Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well done Brian. Now you need to decide the next challenge.
I want to do 100 miles next, but most of all I want to conquer Saintbury hill. It is to be my new training ground.
Well done fella, glad you're feeling better. Just out of interest how much did you drink while you were out riding?
About a third of my bottle at the feed station 33 miles in. Small cup of tea. Refilled bottle and had used about half when I got back to the finish. I didn't feel thirsty en-route.
A mistake I will not make again.

It is a very hilly route after the first twenty miles. Lots of work for me.
About a third of my bottle at the feed station 33 miles in. Small cup of tea. Refilled bottle and had used about half when I got back to the finish.
A mistake I will not make again.

It is a very hilly route after the first twenty miles. Lots of work for me.

Cheers, that makes me feel better. I usually go through a bottle in about 30 miles on a day like today, might explain why i end up having so many comfort breaks. Or maybe my bladder is just getting old.


Legendary Member
It's just this blooming green strip that's stuck - I just tapped it on my screen with a pencil and it still won't shift. ^_^


Ditch the pencil and get a green crayon and colour it in:tongue:


Well-Known Member
I'm up to 15 miles along the paved canals. I'm hovering around 4:30-4:45 min/mile depending on traffic at intersections. I've really ramped up the cycling the past few weeks as marathon training is over and I have a life again, lol. Looking forward to logging some distance.


Über Member
About a third of my bottle at the feed station 33 miles in. Small cup of tea. Refilled bottle and had used about half when I got back to the finish. I didn't feel thirsty en-route.
A mistake I will not make again.

It is a very hilly route after the first twenty miles. Lots of work for me.

I use a Camelbak. When I rely on bottles I forget to drink. The Camelbak is much easier to use and the drinking tube is easily accessible. I don't see many roadies using them but it keeps me hydrated


Well-Known Member
Just gone out for my first ride on my carrera crossfire 2 hybrid and managed 4 miles i could have done more but it is a route ive set myself untill my fitness increases abit more i really enjoyed it though, but by heck ive got a sore backside do you get used to this or will i need to buy some gel shorts or a new seat?

You'll get used to it with some time and mileage. I invested in some gel padded cycling shorts which help a ton!


I want to get my 100miler in before June 29th when the long one sportive is. Need to up the mileage and get a few 90 or 100 mile rides in so I know I'm ready for the sportive.
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