Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Great ride today (please let this be the start of nice weather).

Just done 22 miles, well 26 if you count the first 2 miles it took me to remember the iPhone - d'oh!

Feel really fresh and feel like I could have carried on for at least a couple of more hours.

Bit disappointed with the avg speed, I could have pushed on quite a bit more but as never ridden that far before I wasn't sure how hard I should be pushing. How do you know how hard to push, or is it down to experience of previous ride? The last part of my ride also really hurt my avg speed, on the map it's down as a bridle way / cycle path - well a tractor would have struggled getting through it. So I had to walk the bike until I could get back to the main road :sad:

Overall really happy and sitting here with a big grin and planning tomorrows route.
Stick to roads if you want high avg speeds, never go out to hard, if you have energy left toward the end up the tempo then, some times i can sprint the last 1/2mile (well relatively) sometimes not.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Got out later than planned today. So went a bit over the top on the first half of the ride, felt it on the second part ( strong head wind to boot). Rest day tomorrow.


Senior Member
After my little freak out i decided that I had to ignore the jelly legs and sore behind from yesterday and just get out there again. Did the same 19 mile ride but managed it a bit faster. Felt suprisingly good except for the last couple of miles where a few small hills and a head wind really did me in. Now I need to find a few extra miles to add on for wednesday. It looks so easy to add a little loop on the map but when I get out on the roads my sense of direction vanishes!!


Well-Known Member
Clacton on Sea
Stick to roads if you want high avg speeds, never go out to hard, if you have energy left toward the end up the tempo then, some times i can sprint the last 1/2mile (well relatively) sometimes not.

Apart from the cycle path I really enjoyed the route, now I've done it once I think I'll try what you suggested and push the last half mile and try a bit further out each time. Cheers


Tried for second day in a row. I said to mate as we set off 'don't expct too much, my legs weren't the best when I woke up after yesterday and I've already played squash' but it was still good to get out.
There's a lot of climbing at the start, and then afterwards its quite flat which is a great help. It was a good social ride, chatting quite a bit and just doing the loop we normally do.

All in all a good chance at training for a 2 day ride I have in May with my mum's work, 65 in day 1 and then 35 in day 2, and I feel pretty comfortable I should be able to do that and not have my legs melt when stepping off the bike.
I wish I had the time to try and get my 100mile ride. 92 is my best yet but ran out of daylight in December lol.
Much further than I ever had Reece.
Oh! Well that's just scuppered my rest day:smile: . Might just be a recovery ride now. ;)


My first epic ride
I didn't go that fast, especially durring the shakespeare ride....there were a lot of people there and I'm just not used to that and got tangeled in with slow groups, but given the distance this was for the best. Really started to struggle for the last 40 miles and by 20 miles to go, the appearance of any hill (even a speed bump)and my legs cried. Lots to improve on for the next big ride :smile: It was hard but I enjoy a challenge ;)


North Carolina
All in all a good chance at training for a 2 day ride I have in May with my mum's work, 65 in day 1 and then 35 in day 2, and I feel pretty comfortable I should be able to do that and not have my legs melt when stepping off the bike.

After your back to back rides I see on Strava you are well on your way. I think you can do it right now. Nice rides. :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
My first epic ride
I didn't go that fast, especially durring the shakespeare ride....there were a lot of people there and I'm just not used to that and got tangeled in with slow groups, but given the distance this was for the best. Really started to struggle for the last 40 miles and by 20 miles to go, the appearance of any hill (even a speed bump)and my legs cried. Lots to improve on for the next big ride :smile: It was hard but I enjoy a challenge ;)

Well done, If I wore I cap I would doff it.


My first epic ride
I didn't go that fast, especially durring the shakespeare ride....there were a lot of people there and I'm just not used to that and got tangeled in with slow groups, but given the distance this was for the best. Really started to struggle for the last 40 miles and by 20 miles to go, the appearance of any hill (even a speed bump)and my legs cried. Lots to improve on for the next big ride :smile: It was hard but I enjoy a challenge ;)

Great work!


My first epic ride
I didn't go that fast, especially durring the shakespeare ride....there were a lot of people there and I'm just not used to that and got tangeled in with slow groups, but given the distance this was for the best. Really started to struggle for the last 40 miles and by 20 miles to go, the appearance of any hill (even a speed bump)and my legs cried. Lots to improve on for the next big ride :smile: It was hard but I enjoy a challenge ;)

Great work!
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