Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Got out this afternoon spurred on by the insane amount of activity some of you guys (or girls) put in. Was planning one lap of Richmond Park and back home but decided to do 2 laps as I was loving it too much (amazing how much more you enjoy it once your out the door!).

Set a personal challenge at the start of the week to get round in under 29 minutes (previous best was 30.06 minutes) and got round in 27.59 which I was pleased with, especially as the start of the lap was 10 miles into the ride.

24 PR too, but am not sure how much to rely on all this data seeing as Garmin Connect and Strava seem to be coming up with completely different stats...

Elapsed Time
Garmin 1.56.17
Strava 1.56.20

Max Speed
Garmin 31.8 mph
Strava 31.5 mph

Elevation (Corrected on both)
Garmin 1,164.7 ft
Strava 739 ft

Average Speed
Garmin 14.3 mph
Strava 14.1 mph

Have also uploaded to Endomondo and the stats are the same as Garmin Connect bar the ascent stats as they aren't corrected. So something is up with Strava for me it seems.
Got out this afternoon spurred on by the insane amount of activity some of you guys (or girls) put in. Was planning one lap of Richmond Park and back home but decided to do 2 laps as I was loving it too much (amazing how much more you enjoy it once your out the door!).

Set a personal challenge at the start of the week to get round in under 29 minutes (previous best was 30.06 minutes) and got round in 27.59 which I was pleased with, especially as the start of the lap was 10 miles into the ride.

24 PR too, but am not sure how much to rely on all this data seeing as Garmin Connect and Strava seem to be coming up with completely different stats...

Elapsed Time
Garmin 1.56.17
Strava 1.56.20

Max Speed
Garmin 31.8 mph
Strava 31.5 mph

Elevation (Corrected on both)
Garmin 1,164.7 ft
Strava 739 ft

Average Speed
Garmin 14.3 mph
Strava 14.1 mph

Have also uploaded to Endomondo and the stats are the same as Garmin Connect bar the ascent stats as they aren't corrected. So something is up with Strava for me it seems.
I wouldnt worry to much about it, though the elevation always bugs me a little, so I don't correct it any more, depending on the garmin model even that can be wrong, at the level we are just use it for a guide, I use rwgps for elevation but not sure thats 100% though it's usually closer to the garmin than strava, the barometer tends to lose elevation, as it is effected by temp, and often shows less gained than lost.
This is why i keep my own spread sheet, main data distance, time, h.r. cadence, calories (though this is speculative) I take elevation from rwgps and temps, wind from sporttacks. the rest the spread sheet does difficult ft/mile ect..


Legendary Member
I wouldnt worry to much about it, though the elevation always bugs me a little, so I don't correct it any more, depending on the garmin model even that can be wrong, at the level we are just use it for a guide, I use rwgps for elevation but not sure thats 100% though it's usually closer to the garmin than strava, the barometer tends to lose elevation, as it is effected by temp, and often shows less gained than lost.
This is why i keep my own spread sheet, main data distance, time, h.r. cadence, calories (though this is speculative) I take elevation from rwgps and temps, wind from sporttacks. the rest the spread sheet does difficult ft/mile ect..

Strava for me gives to low a figure on average speed and ascents done and way to high on maximum speed. Re the average speed I think it is counting the gps readings of very low speed whereas in fact it is just the signal jumping around as you are stationary, my GPS seems to ignore these in its calculations. Memorymap mapping always shows a higher ascents and descents than Strava, pretty sure memorymap is accurate. As for the maximum speeds, it has shown me at 50mph, which is just nonsense.


Legendary Member
It's my birthday today and all I wanted was no wind on the way home... Instead I got gale force winds :dry:.

I'm clocking up my miles slowly for the strava challenge, it's good to see the rest of you creeping them miles up!! :thumbsup:

23 miles tonight, of which at least half was into the wind, absolute killer it was, enjoyed my tea when I got in though.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
I wouldnt worry to much about it, though the elevation always bugs me a little, so I don't correct it any more, depending on the garmin model even that can be wrong, at the level we are just use it for a guide, I use rwgps for elevation but not sure thats 100% though it's usually closer to the garmin than strava, the barometer tends to lose elevation, as it is effected by temp, and often shows less gained than lost.
This is why i keep my own spread sheet, main data distance, time, h.r. cadence, calories (though this is speculative) I take elevation from rwgps and temps, wind from sporttacks. the rest the spread sheet does difficult ft/mile ect..

The inaccuracy of the barometer is why I always use corrected data on Garmin Connect as its based on OS data isn't it? Bugs me a little as you pay an awful lot of money for this technology (Edge 800) and you would hope it is accurate, so quite why a website is pulling data out of its extremities I don't know!

At least I can compare Garmin with Garmin, Strava with Strava, but it hardly makes me want to save up and get a power meter when this data is all over the place.

Still, shouldn't let it bother me, have sent a little support email to Strava though.

It's my birthday today and all I wanted was no wind on the way home... Instead I got gale force winds :dry:.

I'm clocking up my miles slowly for the strava challenge, it's good to see the rest of you creeping them miles up!! :thumbsup:

Happy Windy Birthday!


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
You can set a minimum mph at which it starts recording, i.e. over 3-4mph this will get rid of most wayward plots while stationary at lights.

Yeah mine is set to 3mph, but should lower it I think, I heard it beeping a couple of times as I was maneuvering past traffic.

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
Went out this morning for a quick loop. Quick? Bl**dy hell. Where did that wind come from? Well, I'll tell you, it came from the side (in gusts) and then from the front. Did it come as a tailwind? Nope, of course not!

Slow average speed BUT I got out which is better than nothing I suppose!


Went out this morning for a quick loop. Quick? Bl**dy hell. Where did that wind come from? Well, I'll tell you, it came from the side (in gusts) and then from the front. Did it come as a tailwind? Nope, of course not!

re: side winds, I know how you feel. after 15mins of being surrounded by trees yesterday, I started a rapid decent which includes a bridge over a motorway. Let's just say a sudden and brief side wind whilst at 35mph+ when on a bridge with waist high barriers really stirs you up. :eek:
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