Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Decided that I need to up my game if I stand a chance of doing 100 miles in July so thought I would go out before work a couple of times a week and hopefully once nights get a bit lighter, more at evenings and to up my weekend mileage to at least 20-30 a ride. My new plan started this morning so got up early, set off at 6am, wrapped up warm and thought I'd get a quick 10 miles to the end of my drive, had a flat, by the time I'd gone inside and fixed it I didn't have the time and mainly the motivation to go out as had to get myself sorted for work.

I will try again after work if I get in at a decent time.
That's a pity. Hope you do manage to get out later.

I have the motivation but not the legs or a saddle that suits me :sad: At one point this morning I was seriously thinking of giving up cycling. Fed up being in pain and not being able to get comfortable. Maybe I am one of the unfortunate few that are destined never to be comfortable on a bike. I know my lower back is a bit dodgy and very inflexible and I am beginning to wonder if this causes me to rotate forward from the pelvis rather than bending my back. The fleshy area forward of the sit bones is taking nearly all the pressure. Might have to give up road bikes and stick with a hybrid and sit more upright or something. Getting really exasperated anyway.
That's a pity. Hope you do manage to get out later.

I have the motivation but not the legs or a saddle that suits me :sad: At one point this morning I was seriously thinking of giving up cycling. Fed up being in pain and not being able to get comfortable. Maybe I am one of the unfortunate few that are destined never to be comfortable on a bike. I know my lower back is a bit dodgy and very inflexible and I am beginning to wonder if this causes me to rotate forward from the pelvis rather than bending my back. The fleshy area forward of the sit bones is taking nearly all the pressure. Might have to give up road bikes and stick with a hybrid and sit more upright or something. Getting really exasperated anyway.
I am never quite comfortable either Mo, but as I need to get a new bike shed and wheels (I think they are going to remain a dream for some time yet) or dare I say it a Triban 5A, mind they will be on a new model by the time I have enough money:sad:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Well it happened, slowly slowly at the lights and ........failed to unclip the left foot and over I went ! A little bruise and a scuff, but more of the embarrassment !

Met up with the new lad in the club and off we went, steady pace, and he did well, it was only his second time out !

Nice day, sun shinning, not too cold, but strong the hell you end up with head wind going out, then strong head wind for my climb home....

And that's my cycling over now for 6 days while I go work, so hope the weather stays fine for you all.


Well it happened, slowly slowly at the lights and ........failed to unclip the left foot and over I went ! A little bruise and a scuff, but more of the embarrassment !

Met up with the new lad in the club and off we went, steady pace, and he did well, it was only his second time out !

Nice day, sun shinning, not too cold, but strong the hell you end up with head wind going out, then strong head wind for my climb home....

And that's my cycling over now for 6 days while I go work, so hope the weather stays fine for you all.


At least your ok, thats the main thing. The wind is moving round to the N.W. You would have had a side wind up that hill. You would have had much of a tail wind, apart from coming back through Rode heath


Legendary Member
That's a pity. Hope you do manage to get out later.

I have the motivation but not the legs or a saddle that suits me :sad: At one point this morning I was seriously thinking of giving up cycling. Fed up being in pain and not being able to get comfortable. Maybe I am one of the unfortunate few that are destined never to be comfortable on a bike. I know my lower back is a bit dodgy and very inflexible and I am beginning to wonder if this causes me to rotate forward from the pelvis rather than bending my back. The fleshy area forward of the sit bones is taking nearly all the pressure. Might have to give up road bikes and stick with a hybrid and sit more upright or something. Getting really exasperated anyway.

You can't give up, when I see you have got up at 6am and biked 30 miles it makes me go out and do it.


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
That's a pity. Hope you do manage to get out later.

I have the motivation but not the legs or a saddle that suits me :sad: At one point this morning I was seriously thinking of giving up cycling. Fed up being in pain and not being able to get comfortable. Maybe I am one of the unfortunate few that are destined never to be comfortable on a bike. I know my lower back is a bit dodgy and very inflexible and I am beginning to wonder if this causes me to rotate forward from the pelvis rather than bending my back. The fleshy area forward of the sit bones is taking nearly all the pressure. Might have to give up road bikes and stick with a hybrid and sit more upright or something. Getting really exasperated anyway.

If you do start at looking at new bikes, look at a Synapse road bike too. They are more upright than a normal road bike so slightly more geared towards comfort than performance. Worked out ok for me, though I wouldn't lie and say it was like sitting on an armchair! Still get the bumps from the road, but am managing to handle what saddle discomfort there is.


Über Member
I did almost the same 26 mile ride around Swansea bay this morning as I did last Friday. The wind, if anything , was stronger today. Last week was probably the hardest ride I'd ever done while today it seemed much easier and it was really enjoyable.

I haven't gained any fitness in 4 days so I'm not sure what changed. I hope it doesn't change back :smile:
I did almost the same 26 mile ride around Swansea bay this morning as I did last Friday. The wind, if anything , was stronger today. Last week was probably the hardest ride I'd ever done while today it seemed much easier and it was really enjoyable.

I haven't gained any fitness in 4 days so I'm not sure what changed. I hope it doesn't change back :smile:
Phil you will have good and bad days, sometimes it feel your going backwards, just keep doing the miles, and sometimes put a bit extra effort in, like on hills or a sprint for a while. To improve you have to feel you have worked when you finish.
The improvements I am seeing are better hill climbing sometimes, but a definite reduction in H.R. it was up yesterday but it was quite a difficult ride for me.
My avg H.R. over the 12 miles this morning was 137b.p.m. when i started recording my H.R. in Jan it was about the 150b.p.m. mark, and whilst it wasn't a difficult route there was a steady climb from 6 miles towards the end strava says 6miles a@ 0.5% average. The average for the 4days so far this week is 138.3b.p.m last wk it 141.5b.p.m. and so far I am faster (only just mind) this week and climbed more per mile.


Über Member
I did my usual pre-nights loop for the first time on my new bike, It was very windy but sunny and quite warm which more than made up for the wind.
22 miles in 1:14:58 at 17.6mph average with 618ft of elevation.
This is over 5 minutes quicker than I have done it before, I think I am still getting fitter but I think most of the improvement is down to my carbon bike.
3 top 10's were a surprise this being the best 10th out of 123 and also I was most pleased with this one 10th out of only 29 but it's all up hill and I consider myself to be totally rubbish at climbing
A couple of hours sleep are now in order before a 12 hour night shift:wacko:
I did my usual pre-nights loop for the first time on my new bike, It was very windy but sunny and quite warm which more than made up for the wind.
22 miles in 1:14:58 at 17.6mph average with 618ft of elevation.
This is over 5 minutes quicker than I have done it before, I think I am still getting fitter but I think most of the improvement is down to my carbon bike.
3 top 10's were a surprise this being the best 10th out of 123 and also I was most pleased with this one 10th out of only 29 but it's all up hill and I consider myself to be totally rubbish at climbing
A couple of hours sleep are now in order before a 12 hour night shift:wacko:
I knew it wasn't me, but the bike. :smile:, nice one.


Senior Member
Really struggled in the wind today. Being blown all over the road with lorries and cars thundering past is no fun at all. Got in 17miles though so thats ok, even if I was down to my last drop of energy at the top of some of the hills, only seconds away from having to get off and walk on one hill. I managed to have cross winds most of the way and head winds for the other part. It all helps general fitness though so you've got to look on the bright side.
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