Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well I managed my fastest ever journey today, 9.4 miles @ 16.34mph, all be it with a tail wind and mainly down hill, but I shaved off over 2 mins on the main section.
The return journey wasn't so quick though, but at nearly another 20ft per mile climbing I can live with 13.15mph, plus it was mainly into the wind
Cycling Wakefield 02-04-2013.jpg

6 p.b's in all


Über Member
Managed to squeeze in 18.8 miles today and absolutley loved it, it has been a while since I felt as good as today (stupid flu and lingering cough) but today was warm the roads were quiet and it just felt right :thumbsup:


North Carolina
Sounds a long way in kilometres! I am sure with your commute you will probably do it though.

I'm currently swapping saddles around trying in vain to get comfortable. Was in a bit of pain this morning so going to give the SMP TRK another go. Getting fed up of being in pain. I think I must be a weird shape! :rolleyes:

I am using a SMP Pro now. I have it almost completely level. I got a book and put it on the seat with the bike sitting on its wheels level on the floor. As far as up and back position, my knees do appear to me to be at the right position with the pedals at 3 and 9 o'clock, it is hard to do yourself but I have been doing it and I think it is very close. I do think the biggest help has been the spacing under my bar stem. I have about 1 inch of spacers under my stem now and I was using a 5 inch stem and it felt good. While I was doing all this I decided to try a 4 inch stem, it is really good. So now I am at 1 inch of spacers under the stem and a 4 inch stem and level SMP seat. I don't know the exact cm or mm or whatever :blink:. And my numbers are not precise down to the gnats ass but you can sort of get the idea. I use a regular measuring tape in feet.

It is a battle to get it all set up right but keep at it, you will find it. I used this link to help some The site can help but it can also blind you with science. Try not to get too bogged down by it.

and this :thumbsup:
Re saddles: Padded shorts, sudocrem and lifting my lardy arse out of the seat every now and again works for me


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Club run tonight!

beautiful evening, 3 groups, race section, mid and slow.....i elected for slow, which turned out to my surprise to be a bit too slow, but very enjoyable.|3303

A new lad came with us, who struggled a little, and made me realise that I was there last month and now already feel the difference !

may we have more sunshine.......please, oh yea, and light winds too !



Nice afternoon, The Malvern Hills felt like a scene from Narnia, with warm sunshine and melting snow. No planned route, so I'm definatley getting better with navigation :smile: The paths leading off further up into the Hills are starting to look really tempting, but are perhaps a bit too much for slicks, especially at the moment. Hope the weather is this Gentle on Sunday for the Shakespeare ride... been trying out various clothes combinations to see what will suit temperature wise, I've forgotten what it's like to not have to wear a jacket.


Everyone who entered the challenge seems to be doing well! That bit of motivation to pull you through. I cycled home, and then stuck a bit extra on as my mate ditched a gym session for a job application (boo). So I did a loop I like long climb along the ridge, followed by short drop off it, and then the marvellous V stretch. Nice ride, knees hurt again though so think I might need to raise saddle to ensure legs straighten as my foot points to about 4/5 oclock instead of 3 so my leg never goes straight


North Carolina
I just did the same route as yesterday but in reverse and without riding into town and back at the end. Riding longer distances with the heart rate limits I am putting on myself isn't too bad except for one thing that I have noticed. I get bored, :scratch:especially finishing on flat land like I did today.

After 20 miles or so I start getting antsy and start playing the mp3 player, swerving the bike side to side, singing, riding with no hands ( I need to work on my pedaling technique, I still have a hard time pedaling while using no hands, I have the hang of it coasting ), talking to the animals I pass. I even considered today that I could find some foreign language lessons or something for my mp3 player and learn Italian or French while I ride.:rolleyes:

I just lose my focus on the riding. I am sure there are probably volumes written on the issue but I am not ready to advance that far yet. Probably not a real beginner issue but I just thought I would mention it.


Phoenix Lincs

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Sleaford, Lincs


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Decided that I need to up my game if I stand a chance of doing 100 miles in July so thought I would go out before work a couple of times a week and hopefully once nights get a bit lighter, more at evenings and to up my weekend mileage to at least 20-30 a ride. My new plan started this morning so got up early, set off at 6am, wrapped up warm and thought I'd get a quick 10 miles to the end of my drive, had a flat, by the time I'd gone inside and fixed it I didn't have the time and mainly the motivation to go out as had to get myself sorted for work.

I will try again after work if I get in at a decent time.
Didn't get to the hill but did a quick 8 mile circuit on lovely, if crisp Sunny day.
Due to work commitments I don't think I will get out now till the Shakespeare100 on Sunday. Fingers crossed for good weather.
Cant comment on where it will be, but it's set to be fair here 4degrees+ from 10a.m. onwards upto a sweltering 9 at 4 in the afternoon, with 3-6 mph southerly winds.
Managed a quick 12 miles this morning as I am busy, I did pass 1,500 miles for the year yesterday.
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