Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Despite the wind I managed to set this that i was pleased with.


Well-Known Member
Grays, Thurrock
Took yesterday off due to snow, hail and crazy winds. But surprised myself today despite it still being quite windy. It's day 10 of my training and I managed 5.3 miles today after starting on day 1 with 1.5, so it feels like I'm making good progress. Still having saddle issues and will need to try a new one soon.

Also, there's a tiny hill that has thus far defeated me but today I conquered it. When I say hill I mean a minuscule rise that most people probably wouldn't even notice, but still, it's one metric that shows I'm getting fitter.

Also -7 lbs down since I started.
Took yesterday off due to snow, hail and crazy winds. But surprised myself today despite it still being quite windy. It's day 10 of my training and I managed 5.3 miles today after starting on day 1 with 1.5, so it feels like I'm making good progress. Still having saddle issues and will need to try a new one soon.

Also, there's a tiny hill that has thus far defeated me but today I conquered it. When I say hill I mean a minuscule rise that most people probably wouldn't even notice, but still, it's one metric that shows I'm getting fitter.

Also -7 lbs down since I started.
Step by step, you will get there, as you say conquering that hill now matter how massive shows improvements, your body recuperates with rest, I usually find I am quicker if I have taken some time off, though mu H.R. is usually higher for a few days.


Senior Member
Meant to go out for a ride today but was totally shattered (and for some odd reason my elbows hurt) so didn't bother. I think it's because I'm coming down with a cold. Hopefully I'll feel OK enough to get out in the morning. I'm meant to be doing the London-Brighton ride in June but the furthest I've gone yet is 17 miles and I have barely a free weekend up until then and work until 7 each night so no idea how I'm going to be fit enough in time. Bad planning on my part.


Well-Known Member
Grays, Thurrock
Step by step, you will get there, as you say conquering that hill now matter how massive shows improvements, your body recuperates with rest, I usually find I am quicker if I have taken some time off, though mu H.R. is usually higher for a few days.

Funnily enough the two best days I've had have come after a day of rest. I think what I might do is stagger my rides so that a longish one is followed by as short, easier 'recovery' one. Thanks for the encouragement and kudus. Hopefully in a year or so I'll be closer to your performance :smile:
Can't believe it's been snowing again! none here mind but I'm already struggling to figure out what to wear on Sunday...I'm riding in, so will be faced with minus temperatures first thing but by lunchtime there's predictions of highs of 8 degrees, maybe more.
I have decided that you should be my motivational coach, riding in from Worcester to Stratford to start the Shakespeare100 is top stuff in my book. :bravo:


Active Member
Haven't been out for a ride since I fell off my bike last Tuesday, not because it hurt, but because I've had a stinking cold which I think I'm just got to the end of. Feel like I've put loads of weight on as I have been eating choccy biscuits in my hours of need. Hopefully a trip on my bike on Sunday morning (before veging in front of Eurosport for the afternoon) will convince me its not all been that bad. I know this should probably have been in another section of the website but I like the people who come on this thread most often and I wanted to moan here, so there!!:cold:
Funnily enough the two best days I've had have come after a day of rest. I think what I might do is stagger my rides so that a longish one is followed by as short, easier 'recovery' one. Thanks for the encouragement and kudus. Hopefully in a year or so I'll be closer to your performance :smile:
I bet it won't take that long!
Funnily enough the two best days I've had have come after a day of rest. I think what I might do is stagger my rides so that a longish one is followed by as short, easier 'recovery' one. Thanks for the encouragement and kudus. Hopefully in a year or so I'll be closer to your performance :smile:
Y.W. Colin, we all started at some point, I am by no means fast, though it is more consistent these days. I have only been at it 9/10 months, so it might not be a year, so people started after me on this thread and are quicker, but from what i have seen I do, do quite a bit of climbing, given my location.
My 2nd ride today, this was with panniers as I was taking stuff to the O.H.'s dad. doesnt seem to make much difference to my speed the extra weight, though there were a couple of lengthy breaks.
Pleased with this one.

and finally got my nose in front for my yearly target.


Meant to go out for a ride today but was totally shattered (and for some odd reason my elbows hurt) so didn't bother. I think it's because I'm coming down with a cold. Hopefully I'll feel OK enough to get out in the morning. I'm meant to be doing the London-Brighton ride in June but the furthest I've gone yet is 17 miles and I have barely a free weekend up until then and work until 7 each night so no idea how I'm going to be fit enough in time. Bad planning on my part.

As a rough guide it's rumored that you should be capable of turning out your weekly average mileage in a single day, if properly rested... not sure how it pans out in reality but after a few months regularly cycling, I am out this weekend to test that theory :smile:
As a rough guide it's rumored that you should be capable of turning out your weekly average mileage in a single day, if properly rested... not sure how it pans out in reality but after a few months regularly cycling, I am out this weekend to test that theory :smile:
So what your saying is I should manage 117 miles, get away with yea.;)


Legendary Member
As a rough guide it's rumored that you should be capable of turning out your weekly average mileage in a single day, if properly rested... not sure how it pans out in reality but after a few months regularly cycling, I am out this weekend to test that theory :smile:

I've done 257.50 miles since Monday, no way could I do that in a day

Good luck with the Shakespeare 100 to you, Brian and anyone else who is mad/brave enough to do it.
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