Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Crickey ItsSteveLovell and Nomadski, you're both speedy wheelers! My highest mph has been 26! And that was downhill with the wind behind me.

Hehe mine was also downhill. I don't get past 20mph on flats, and that's massively pushing it. Normally sit on 13-16 mph on flats.


North Carolina
Rain here today and cool to me, I am going to take one of my rain bikes out, not going to do a lot of miles since I am not taking a drop bar bike. It looks like spring starts here Sunday according to the 7 day forecast. Next week looks very nice temperature wise, not sure about the wind but at this point, I will take what I can get. :smile:


Crickey ItsSteveLovell and Nomadski, you're both speedy wheelers! My highest mph has been 26! And that was downhill with the wind behind me.

This is one very steep decent, goes between 11 and 20% over the space of about a quarter of a mile absolute tops. You could power down it, but there would be no point. The tarmac is so smooth as well, very nice to fly down...the man in the 4x4 behind me didn't catch up until we were well into the 30mph zone
I wish it would hurry up, I was doing 11-12mph going downhill tonight because of the wind.
Had a bit of that this week as well.


23 miles tonight, of which at least half was into the wind, absolute killer it was, enjoyed my tea when I got in though.

It's hard but I guess doing an 12.5 mile commute home into a strong headwind makes it like a really hard training ride! Although I dont think I will be saying that tomorrow if the head wind on the way home keeps up! :laugh:


North Carolina
It's hard but I guess doing an 12.5 mile commute home into a strong headwind makes it like a really hard training ride! Although I dont think I will be saying that tomorrow if the head wind on the way home keeps up! :laugh:

It makes me keep telling myself that it will make me appreciate the warm weather with calm winds more...if they will ever get here.:thumbsup:


I managed 29mph on the flat once, I was down on the drops and going for it!
Snowing here today again, so nipped over to Decathlon Coventry for a new base layer and cheap water proof jacket for Sundays ride.
Time for another late shift after a coffee.

Can't believe it's been snowing again! none here mind but I'm already struggling to figure out what to wear on Sunday...I'm riding in, so will be faced with minus temperatures first thing but by lunchtime there's predictions of highs of 8 degrees, maybe more.
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