Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Ha, ha.......wouldn't mind some of that for a while. Hills kill me but determined to try and get a bit better on them. Not sure whether it is the legs or the breathing that gives me most problems. Breathing I think!

Starting to wish I had started cycling years ago and probably would have been able to make decent improvements. Can't help feeling that, at nearly 54, I am never really going to get much fitter now. :sad:
Keep at it Mo, we can beat these hills together and become fitter in the process. Fifties is the new forties.


Legendary Member
Ha, ha.......wouldn't mind some of that for a while. Hills kill me but determined to try and get a bit better on them. Not sure whether it is the legs or the breathing that gives me most problems. Breathing I think!

Starting to wish I had started cycling years ago and probably would have been able to make decent improvements. Can't help feeling that, at nearly 54, I am never really going to get much fitter now. :sad:

The distances you are doing you must be fine with hills.

I'm getting more used to them, though I still hate them, today I even detoured to do a climb, but then I am a young pup (only 40!)
Hope you didn't hurt yourself when it broke. Really must start getting a few tools together for such events. Even a basic little chain tool and a couple of power links.
No I was fine Mo, for some reason the pedal wasn't under much force and I was able to stop and unclip quickly, not bad to say I have only had them a month or so, I am even clipping in easily enough, 80-90% first time.
I had a chain splitter, but I was lucky it was the one next to the quick link, so I just removed it, it was enough to get home, keeping away from extreme gears, but that would have only been a problem in the 48x24 which I dont do.
This is a record of my H.R. zones since Jan, obviously April only has the one day.
hr 4month.JPG

Max and Avg HR


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Pretty sure min was in the early months.
Make sure you have it set up right.

Well its set from my max HR down, I know my max HR is 188, Strava uses the same. I think I'm just trying to cycle as constantly fast as my body allows, which maybe isnt the best way for me to be riding, maybe I need to slow myself down into cruise mode for a period.

Saying that I get burned constantly by other cyclists even when I'm pushing myself!


North Carolina
I got in a long ride for me today. The new bike seems to suit me well. I went on a new route but one I knew there were more hills than I normally do but not ones I thought would beat me up without compact gearing. I am not sure but I think it is my longest ride so far at 33.5 miles and I considered going for 50 miles but it was getting dark and I didn't carry a jacket or any water and it was starting to get dark and cool. I had to deal with the wind some but the temperature was great before sunset. I wasn't thirsty but I didn't want to try and push hard to stay warm without something to drink, so I just came home. I felt I could have done it without much trouble, my butt was not even feeling too sore. I think I am getting my bike fit dialed in, along with getting lighter and more fit, so things seem to be falling into place. :thumbsup:

Nigel, I liked the heart rate charts, I will do some looking around at some. I was pushing mine up some with the hills and distance but nothing that I ever thought was excessive, even though I was over what my Dr. said. Not a lot over but some. I was not pushing really hard but when you get hills and headwind sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
Well its set from my max HR down, I know my max HR is 188, Strava uses the same. I think I'm just trying to cycle as constantly fast as my body allows, which maybe isnt the best way for me to be riding, maybe I need to slow myself down into cruise mode for a period.

Saying that I get burned constantly by other cyclists even when I'm pushing myself!
It'll come I used to, still do, but not as quick., if you havent set custom hr zones in strava they my not be right, as your average was 166 it will be Z4 most of the time on your settings.


Legendary Member
Another 50km knocked off the Strava Challenge, only another 1200 to go!
Sounds a long way in kilometres! I am sure with your commute you will probably do it though.

I'm currently swapping saddles around trying in vain to get comfortable. Was in a bit of pain this morning so going to give the SMP TRK another go. Getting fed up of being in pain. I think I must be a weird shape! :rolleyes:
Sounds a long way in kilometres! I am sure with your commute you will probably do it though.

I'm currently swapping saddles around trying in vain to get comfortable. Was in a bit of pain this morning so going to give the SMP TRK another go. Getting fed up of being in pain. I think I must be a weird shape! :rolleyes:
Been doing this back with the original saddle again.


Legendary Member
Sounds a long way in kilometres! I am sure with your commute you will probably do it though.

I'm currently swapping saddles around trying in vain to get comfortable. Was in a bit of pain this morning so going to give the SMP TRK another go. Getting fed up of being in pain. I think I must be a weird shape! :rolleyes:

40 miles a day on the commuting should just about do it!

Re saddles: Padded shorts, sudocrem and lifting my lardy arse out of the seat every now and again works for me
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