Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Great going getting out in the sunnsssssssshhhhhhiiiiinnnnneeeeeeee, jealous but I used today to go swimming for the first time in years in prep for Tri in May (provided I manage to get an entry) and followed it with a jaunt on my feet. It was positively scorchio in the south today

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
I was very tempted to stop my cycle computer part way round my circuit today when my average speed was over 14mph. I had to stop to pick up my bike pump when it pinged off, I hit a hill and I had to stop for traffic.

It's always so much harder to get the average speed UP than it is for the computer to get it down isn't it? So unfair!! When I eventually got home my average was down to 13.7mph.

Sulking aside, I was pleased with my first lap, less so with my second. I need to get used to refuelling on the go. I couldn't get my flapjack out of my pocket while wearing my gloves and they are such a pain to put back on after removal so I gave up.

Nice to see the sunshine today though :smile:
I was very tempted to stop my cycle computer part way round my circuit today when my average speed was over 14mph. I had to stop to pick up my bike pump when it pinged off, I hit a hill and I had to stop for traffic.

It's always so much harder to get the average speed UP than it is for the computer to get it down isn't it? So unfair!! When I eventually got home my average was down to 13.7mph.

Sulking aside, I was pleased with my first lap, less so with my second. I need to get used to refuelling on the go. I couldn't get my flapjack out of my pocket while wearing my gloves and they are such a pain to put back on after removal so I gave up.

Nice to see the sunshine today though :smile:
This happened me the other day after I broke the bracket.
As mentioned earlier, I managed 13.6mph, this is after 9 months but at over 54ft/mile climbing (or 108ft/mile over half the distance as I start and end at home so half is up and half is down) I can live with that.


North Carolina
I got out a little earlier today, they are calling for rain this evening. If it doesn't rain I may go out for a few more miles later on. First ride with the heart rate monitor. I was relieved that with my normal ride and pace I am staying within the parameters my Dr. recommended, well almost anyway. :whistle: I do think I may have a problem staying within them when I hit more hills at a faster pace. I may put the compact cranks and 11/28 cassette from my other bike onto my new bike, I think I will be using the new bike more for the longer rides with more hills. I think it will also encourage me to keep riding my old bike more often on my normal flatter daily fitness rides. I think the Red Rocket still might be just a tad faster than the new Blue Meteor. ;)

Aside from the new heart rate thing to play around with it was just a pleasant windy ride, I did spot what looked like another heart rate monitor or wrist watch laying on the side of the road. I will give it a few days in case whoever lost it comes back for it. If not, then it is mine. ^_^


Legendary Member
I got out a little earlier today, they are calling for rain this evening. If it doesn't rain I may go out for a few more miles later on. First ride with the heart rate monitor. I was relieved that with my normal ride and pace I am staying within the parameters my Dr. recommended, well almost anyway. :whistle: I do think I may have a problem staying within them when I hit more hills at a faster pace. I may put the compact cranks and 11/28 cassette from my other bike onto my new bike, I think I will be using the new bike more for the longer rides with more hills. I think it will also encourage me to keep riding my old bike more often on my normal flatter daily fitness rides. I think the Red Rocket still might be just a tad faster than the new Blue Meteor. ;)

Aside from the new heart rate thing to play around with it was just a pleasant windy ride, I did spot what looked like another heart rate monitor or wrist watch laying on the side of the road. I will give it a few days in case whoever lost it comes back for it. If not, then it is mine. ^_^


Legendary Member
Oops hit send before I replied. Lol. Was just going to say you are a jammy beggar finding all that stuff at the side of the road! I think I only ever see litter and the odd road kill.


North Carolina
Oops hit send before I replied. Lol. Was just going to say you are a jammy beggar finding all that stuff at the side of the road! I think I only ever see litter and the odd road kill.

I see my share of that too. I hate it when road kill gets into one of my preferred lines,xx( sometimes it takes the buzzards a little too long to do their job, same with the inmate roadside trash cleaning crews.


Legendary Member
I see my share of that too. I hate it when road kill gets into one of my preferred lines,xx( sometimes it takes the buzzards a little too long to do their job, same with the inmate roadside trash cleaning crews.
Talking of buzzards, my next door neighbour got swooped on last summer when he was cycling. It actually scratched his neck and he needed a tetanus shot. Must have had a nest close by I think.


North Carolina
I just cleared out the ride data on my Garmin. It was beginning to get a little slow at Strava. I just saved everything to a folder on my computer before I dumped it. I guess doing that quarterly should suffice.


Legendary Member
I just cleared out the ride data on my Garmin. It was beginning to get a little slow at Strava. I just saved everything to a folder on my computer before I dumped it. I guess doing that quarterly should suffice.
Yes. Sounds fine. I am not sure what size memory they have before they are full. I usually just clear the history every couple of weeks or so.


North Carolina
Talking of buzzards, my next door neighbour got swooped on last summer when he was cycling. It actually scratched his neck and he needed a tetanus shot. Must have had a nest close by I think.

Wow, I know they can get bold and not flee as quickly from cars passing sometimes but I have never heard of them swooping like that. I will keep it in mind. The more rural routes I am hoping to start doing will have more of them I think. I hope wild turkeys don't attack. :ohmy: I will be seeing them too, as well as possibly large mammals, snakes, all sorts of critters. I carry pepper spray but am seriously considering carrying a pistol. Not to start a handgun debate or anything but I have already taken the required course and have a concealed carry permit. Rabid foxes and such are my main concern, well that and Pit Bulls.

I was on one of the few rides I have done out in the sticks so far and a dog saw me and came at me and was not letting up at all. I actually thought it was a dingo (and we don't have dingos in the US, that I know of), it moved like a wild animal. It was on me so fast I just had to brake and brace myself for whatever happened. I got lucky, it was just a bored young dog that wanted me to pet him. After petting him I started riding and he wanted to run right in front of my bike, playing and really wanting to bite my wheels. I was on the flats so I though ok, I will outrun him, nope, this dog could FLY, I had no chance. He would get out ahead, look at the wheels and want to come after them. Eventually(about two miles of fun and games) he got bored and started chasing a squirrel and went back home. :rolleyes:


Legendary Member
Wow, I know they can get bold and not flee as quickly from cars passing sometimes but I have never heard of them swooping like that. I will keep it in mind. The more rural routes I am hoping to start doing will have more of them I think. I hope wild turkeys don't attack. :ohmy: I will be seeing them too, as well as possibly large mammals, snakes, all sorts of critters. I carry pepper spray but am seriously considering carrying a pistol. Not to start a handgun debate or anything but I have already taken the required course and have a concealed carry permit. Rabid foxes and such are my main concern, well that and Pit Bulls.
Wow. Sounds scary. Not really much to worry about round here.

Well, better get off to bed. Nearly 1 am here and I might get up sharpish for a ride tomorrow. Good night.
Oops hit send before I replied. Lol. Was just going to say you are a jammy beggar finding all that stuff at the side of the road! I think I only ever see litter and the odd road kill.
You can always edit the post Mo.
I just cleared out the ride data on my Garmin. It was beginning to get a little slow at Strava. I just saved everything to a folder on my computer before I dumped it. I guess doing that quarterly should suffice.
I do it every month, and then back that up to another drive, or an external device, rewritable CD then they can be filed under years.
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