Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I almost forgot. I am still on pace for my yearly mileage target, I went over 1000 miles with todays ride. With the weather in the first quarter I am sort of happy I don't have to play catch up yet.
Well done.
I am currently 83miles behind if I do 34miles today at least I am on target for the month, I did catch up at one point.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of achey legs, does anyone else find if they are at a slow cadence, their knees can hurt? I think it's instead of my legs going up/down they are going up/forward/down/back which feels less fluid. I might be completely wrong

I was riding with a few friends yesterday and one of them is a proper roadie, the kind that does 60 milers easily and breezes up the biggest hills. he's been riding for 4 years, anyway he explained that going up a hill in a high gear will burn you out much quicker. He said best to spin up the hills at a comfortable cadence, which I find works.

So yesterday's ride was a blast. 6 of us did about 35 miles (annoyingly s trava died 8 miles from the end so it missed my last bit), my furthest so far. Felt good afterwards and for the last 15 miles I was blasting past all but one of our group up the hills. Loved it. Had a slow avg speed though which was a shame. One of the hills we tackled was a proper killer! 2 of the chaps had to get off and walk.
I was riding with a few friends yesterday and one of them is a proper roadie, the kind that does 60 milers easily and breezes up the biggest hills. he's been riding for 4 years, anyway he explained that going up a hill in a high gear will burn you out much quicker. He said best to spin up the hills at a comfortable cadence, which I find works.

So yesterday's ride was a blast. 6 of us did about 35 miles (annoyingly s trava died 8 miles from the end so it missed my last bit), my furthest so far. Felt good afterwards and for the last 15 miles I was blasting past all but one of our group up the hills. Loved it. Had a slow avg speed though which was a shame. One of the hills we tackled was a proper killer! 2 of the chaps had to get off and walk.
That is a little steep, I think I might be getting off at that (well the way the bike is geared) I both spin and grind, depends how I feel, and severity of the hill, most round here arn't very long, nor as steep as that, so I use it as chance to increase strength, and so far it seems to be helping, I can average 80-85rpm, though it's been lower than that recently.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it was a full on climb, I've not got off the bike on a hill yet so made sure I made it to the top. At one point I was in the granny gear, stood up giving my all and going at about 2mph! Definitely felt like the hardest climb yet.

Got to say I really do like going up hills now!
Yeah it was a full on climb, I've not got off the bike on a hill yet so made sure I made it to the top. At one point I was in the granny gear, stood up giving my all and going at about 2mph! Definitely felt like the hardest climb yet.

Got to say I really do like going up hills now!
Granny gear if you have a double with a low 34tx32t ratio of 1:1.03 (27.94") and a triple with the so called granny gear of 26tx24t ratio of 1:1.06 (28.5") or a triple 30tx26t ratio of 1:1.12 (30.3") would you call the double a granny gear even though it's lower than the triple, its about using the right gear at the right time (something I am still working on)


Legendary Member
Blimey, everyone has been gunning it the last few days, well done.

Decided I had time for only a ten miler today, set a few pbs' which was surprising as the wind seemed to be in my face whichever direction I went. Strava says 15mph, my GPS says 15.8mph for my average speed

Was very lucky as when I pulled back into my street I looked down and noticed my quick release was undone on the front wheel


Well-Known Member
Grays, Thurrock
Congrats to everyone for their great rides. I'm pootling along in comparison, but making nice personal progress. Doubled the distance I started with at the beginning of the week.

I'm getting a bit closer to the 'fit' of the bike, with the new saddle helping a fair bit. Although it's not quite perfect (pushes a little in the soft flesh). But here's my wee ride this morning. The aim is to double this by next Sunday—basically two laps of the loop.


Über Member
Gutted! good club run today 62.3 miles in total but when I plugged in my Garmin my ride data was missing.
I had my millage so not a problem for my log but lost all the other stuff, was a fast ride so would have had a few pb's on strava and wanted to see how my average speed compared on my new bike. Always next week I guess.
Was nice to be out with that molten ball of gas in the sky, "The Sun" I think they call it, and as an added bonus just a light breeze instead of the gales of late.
22 turned out today for the club ride, the most we've had and good to see so many of you got out too.
Amazing the number of us that have had colds (man flu) I think almost all the 22 were snorting and sniffing their way round. Real lingers this year can't seem to shake it off even after 3 weeks.
Did my longest ride yet. Not far compared to most on here but it's getting better. I really need to work on the hills. I never realised how many little hills Hampshire had until I had to get up them using only my own power!
Almost as quick as me, I am slowing down again, after everything I did to increase it, so I give up, though I did manage to average above 14mph for March and just made my 500mile target, 133 miles in the last 4 days, on the plus side I preferred todays ride to yesterdays, 7 p.b.'s finally did this in sub 7mins Up Fryston Rd it was a last minute decision to do that section I was going to go a different route.
Nearly There over a min quicker on that one though I think thats due to lights.
Managed to better a p.b set in Oct on this ponte park to north fev
I have done this one 5 times since Aug and 3 are the exact same time, i havent done it since Oct Castleford Rd Petrol Stations an improvement of 24's.
Happy Easter and ride safe.


Did my longest ride yet. Not far compared to most on here but it's getting better. I really need to work on the hills. I never realised how many little hills Hampshire had until I had to get up them using only my own power!

You did pretty well! You've got at least one KOM! That can't be bad going.

I know what you mean, I live in N.Somerset and I always think of 'the somerset levels' I never realised I have to climb over 2 large ridges to get to them


Senior Member
You did pretty well! You've got at least one KOM! That can't be bad going
They are QOMs not KOMs and when you actually look it's because i'm either the only girl or one of less than 10 to have done the segments! I'm near the bottom of the lists against all the guys that do it. Since it was only my 5th ride I don't mind though. I'll work my way up the list slowly. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Granny gear if you have a double with a low 34tx32t ratio of 1:1.03 (27.94") and a triple with the so called granny gear of 26tx24t ratio of 1:1.06 (28.5") or a triple 30tx26t ratio of 1:1.12 (30.3") would you call the double a granny gear even though it's lower than the triple, its about using the right gear at the right time (something I am still working on)

wow that's way too technical for me ^_^ , you just blew my mind!

I have a double compact and changed the cassette out a few weeks ago from 11/25 to 12/27 which helped a lot with the big hills... but yeah granny gear on the big ones is still a reality, although I do use it a lot less these days. The other day I was going up a hill thinking "this is easier than usual, am I in the granny gear already" but to my surprise I wasn't, in fact I was 2 up from it! I almost stopped so I could give myself a high five!
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