Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
I think society has just become so accustomed to the ease & speed of a car that we'll never do without them. I think eventually a viable hydrogen/electric alternative will be introduced that will take over from the current internal combustion engine.

It's a shame because I do think the world would be a better place without cars. Recently I had a puncture and was sat on a bench outside a church fixing it. It was a lovely day, the pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists who passed all said hello and the beauty and silence was only spoiled by the sound of a 2 tonne metal monstrosity zooming past.

I say all this as a car owner myself I have to admit, I have cut down my usage massively in recent years but there are still times when I do just need it. I could not do completely without it unless I sold my house and left my job and like most people I'm just not willing to do it. This is the society that our fathers built - unfortunately.
Till fuel runs out.
Yup but they're banking on one of two things. 1. by that time an alternative will have been successfully researched and be financially viable by then or 2. by that time they will have been out of power for long enough for it not to matter.
I so agree with this.
I was angry when the government de regulated the Bus industry, you can't supply a wide ranging service that pays for itself. They just milked the big routes and scrapped the really needed village services, then sold of the prime location bus garages, In short asset stripped for profit.

I think we may be straying from OP.
Yeah, might have been my fault. Sorry everyone, as you were.


Senior Member
Other parts of the forum confuse and scare me.

Me too! I've been jumped on a few times for innocuous comments on the rare occasions I've strayed out of this thread. The current events forum is just a train wreck. And why is there so much about pies and weird bands I've never heard of in the cafe? It's all very strange. This is our safe place, full of only sane people!

Edit: Also there's been a thread going about trying to join a cycling club in Essex for about two months now and it's always the most recently posted about thread in that forum. How difficult is it to join a cycling club anyway? I thought you just turned up. The privy council is probably easier to join by the sounds of it..
Me too! I've been jumped on a few times for innocuous comments on the rare occasions I've strayed out of this thread. The current events forum is just a train wreck. And why is there so much about pies and weird bands I've never heard of in the cafe? It's all very strange. This is our safe place, full of only sane people!
I haven't seen any of the weird band threads yet, i usually like weird bands.


Senior Member
I haven't seen any of the weird band threads yet, i usually like weird bands.

I don't mind alternative music but it seems like a huge proportion of the threads in that forum are about some band that performed in Yorkshire 3 times in 1971 before breaking up. It just seems a bit odd for a forum that's not about music.
I don't mind alternative music but it seems like a huge proportion of the threads in that forum are about some band that performed in Yorkshire 3 times in 1971 before breaking up. It just seems a bit odd for a forum that's not about music.
That band was brilliant though and if only they had got on top of the pops we'd be talking about them headlining glastonbury this week instead of the shitty old rolling stones.


North Carolina
Not a bad day here today, sunny but cold, headwind a bit of a pain in places. Got my longest ride to date, I was aiming for 100 but the legs didn't want any more.

Nice ride! much more than I have ever done. :thumbsup: I noticed a lot of nice rides on Strava from a lot of the riders in here today.I got sidetracked this afternoon doing some more tinkering on my bike so I didn't do the longer ride I had planned. Since my new bike isn't compact rings I took it down one of my flattest sections to check it out, it gets better every ride. I was pushing for a quick time but I saw a shinny pair of scissors and had to stop. I always say a person can never have enough scissors. :thumbsup: It was warmer today and though I never thought I would feel this way, I was glad to break a good sweat. :ohmy:

I wish I had my cadence monitor on my new bike. I think I kept up a decent rate (for me). That is going to be the next area I start working on I think. It was pretty much an uneventful ride except I did save a dogs life, even as much as dogs annoy me when I am on my bike. I impressed myself. :bravo:

Some tiny old stupid yappy Chihuahua was out in his yard running around with his owner. The dog sees me and is after me without hesitation. :rolleyes: He came out to the road not slowing down at all. I had noticed an SUV coming up behind me at a pretty good pace, something Speedy Gonzales hadn't. I cut back across both lanes so Speedy would be sort of corralled into the opposite lane and I knew he would follow me. Speedy was lucky he didn't meet his maker today. :cycle:

Temperatures are warming up some but they are calling for rain tomorrow and cooling back off some next week. Normally by this time of year my yard is starting to look kind of like Augusta National Golf Course during the Masters. :whistle: So far just tiny yellow buds on my azaleas. Come on Spring, get here already. I am ready for some pollen covering everything, and snakes and wasp and bees and ants and thunderstorms and sunburn and all that fun stuff. ^_^


Loads of great rides! I am jealous of that 80miler! I was planning on a 50 miler on Monday to start the STRAVA challenge, then realised I am going to watch 22 people run around a patch of that's Monday planned. Looks like I'll be going out tomorrow instead, may have a look at the route I'll be following on a charity ride in May.
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