Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
It makes the the news if it snows anywhere in the U.K. for some reason.

We're not very prepared for snow because it happens so infrequently. A lot of Northern Europeans I've worked with are amazed at our lack of ability to deal with the snow but the truth is it's not really cost effective. In Germany they spend 12 billion euros a year on snow defences whereas we spend just a few hundred million, mostly concentrated in Scotland and northern England. The politicians won't admit it but it is just cheaper just to let the country grind to a halt 2 days a year. People are worked to death in Britain compared to other European countries anyway so the free holiday has it's benefits to people's moral and energy levels.

Of course the politicians could never say that though so every year it's the same thing - this won't happen next year, we'll be better prepared blah blah blah.
Yeah it does sometimes, there was some really bad flooding here in 2007. It didn't affect my house but I couldn't get out for a few days. Tewkesbury suffers the worst, it's where the river Avon meets the river Severn so it only takes a bit of rainfall and it starts flooding. Especially since the early 2000s when they very sensibly decided to start concreting over all the flood plains and meadows to build huge new housing developments. :wacko:

That is what you need on those days.
Definitely in Norfolk, perhaps the Netherlands too! In fact you could probably make a fortunate selling that in Holland..
Years ago i tried to tell someone that worked for google that a good way to help people realise the threat of climate change would be to add a sea level change to google maps, that way you could see how much closer to the coast your house would be for every cm the sea level rises.


Senior Member
Years ago i tried to tell someone that worked for google that a good way to help people realise the threat of climate change would be to add a sea level change to google maps, that way you could see how much closer to the coast your house would be for every cm the sea level rises.

That would be a good feature but I'm not sure how much notice people take of climate change in general to be honest. :sad: I mean petrol has gone from about 60p a litre to about £1.45 in under 10 years and there are more cars on the road than ever. It feels like people just don't care.
That would be a good feature but I'm not sure how much notice people take of climate change in general to be honest. :sad: I mean petrol has gone from about 60p a litre to about £1.45 in under 10 years and there are more cars on the road than ever. It feels like people just don't care.
They don't, most cant see beyond themselves or their children, which is why there are so many (not all drives) drivers on he roads.
That would be a good feature but I'm not sure how much notice people take of climate change in general to be honest. :sad: I mean petrol has gone from about 60p a litre to about £1.45 in under 10 years and there are more cars on the road than ever. It feels like people just don't care.

People care but taxing fuel isn't the way to get people out of their cars, providing them with a cheaper, and crucially, more convenient alternative is the way to do it. Of course the government won't do that because then they'd lose all that lovely fuel tax revenue.
It's the same reason they won't ban tobacco even though they spend millions advertising the dangers. Massive lose of revenue and all of a sudden us newly forced non-smokers would be living a lot longer and claiming pensions.
People care but taxing fuel isn't the way to get people out of their cars, providing them with a cheaper, and crucially, more convenient alternative is the way to do it. Of course the government won't do that because then they'd lose all that lovely fuel tax revenue.
I so agree with this.
I was angry when the government de regulated the Bus industry, you can't supply a wide ranging service that pays for itself. They just milked the big routes and scrapped the really needed village services, then sold of the prime location bus garages, In short asset stripped for profit.

I think we may be straying from OP.
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