Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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It's not so bad here. Bit cold and windier than I expected today but no snow or rain.
You still have the best time, it doesn't matter if it's a mountain or a flat bit.
It was difficult maintain 8-9 mph at times today, but just used a lower gear and spun, the windy section ended soon enough. I haven't checked the wind speeds yet, but i think the gusts were stronger than Friday, but it was nice and bright for a change, pleasant ride really, not long enough as other commitments today.
3 p.b's today 6 2nd's and 2 3rd's
I will catch up later with everything.


ashamed to say I've not cycled since Wednesday (been out but on an electric bike, which has zero fitness value, though helps keep my spirits up). should have known my body would break down just before the Spring Shakespeare Ride. On the mend, just feeling glum, hacking up the remnants of a chest infection and cursed with cotton mouth. Getting some light training in shortly, but indoors on an exercise bike. Well done to all who've been out in this latter snow episode, with the wind chill factor I think it's the coldest it's been all winter round here.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear that Andy. Hope you get better soon.

I didn't fancy risking 23mm slick tyres on the icy/snowy roads so I just gingerly made my way around a 5 mile loop on the MTB. Didn't fancy anymore though in this weather :cold: Plus the saddle keeps slipping so I need to tighten the wheel thingy (that's the technical term).


Well-Known Member
I haven't been out for a week and don't plan to until next weekend. We decided to put our house up for sale a week ago and have been madly painting, cleaning and tidying - so much so that I have a painful decorator's wrist (and it's been windy, too........):laugh:. So looking forward to getting the house photographed, on the market next weekend, and then have time to play out again^_^.


North Carolina
I think I have the very same jersey - is it pink with flowers on the front and a couple of pockets on the back for lipstick and stuff?

I did some internetting and found out that left pull zippers on men's clothes is not that uncommon outside the US. After fifty years or so of using only right pull zippers, I have trouble zipping a left pull, especially the small zippers like on bike jerseys. I will keep this one, I do like it, even though the one you mentioned does sound pretty sporty. The one I got was a leftover carbon jersey that had been marked down 50 percent, then I was able to get another 30 percent off that on an additional sale, so I went for it. $35.

I normally ride in t shirts and sweatshirts and such. Now I can put on my snazzy new jersey and go do wheelies and stoppies and track stand in front of the window at the women's fitness and dance studio down the street, while on my way out or back from a ride. :thumbsup:


Now I can put on my snazzy new jersey and go do wheelies and stoppies and track stand in front of the window at the women's fitness and dance studio down the street, while on my way out or back from a ride. :thumbsup:
A great movie quote from Valentines Day should help you as well "Make sure you do some press-ups as well, it'll make your arms look bigger"


Legendary Member
Day off work today so done a pleasure ride.

Very windy, plenty of icy patches still around and a shed load of snow on one particular stretch


Active Member
Went out for the first ride in 6 days. Did 7.6 miles in 36.49 minutes which made me feel good as I feel like I'm actually doing something. The cold wasn't too bad (it was between 0 and -1) but it was the wind that was pretty bad. Had a headwind on the outgoing part of the loop and I thought "well at least I'll have it at my back on the way home". Foolish boy. I had another headwind and a sidewind and a north by northwest wind and a southbysouthwest wind, in fact I think I was inside a cyclone and I'm typing this from Oz. At least I've made some new friends in a scarecrow and a tinman (although they are quite camp). Now I'm a very manly and beautiful 18 stone and the gusts were pushing the bike sideways underneath me so that gives you an idea of how strong the winds are in my part of the world. I also learnt two very valuable lessons today. One, if you are going to spit in wind make sure the wind isn't in your face as a globule of spittle on your shoulder is not attractive. Secondly, after you have made the first mistake don't then try and blow snot out of your nose whilst riding as it makes seeing out of your glasses difficult when your left lens is smeared. As you were...:snowball:


Legendary Member
Just go for a short ride Mo. you'll soon get the motivation back
Well, after my afternoon dog walk decided to try a quick run. Think I had only gone a few hundred yards when the wind seemed to pick up and there was snow/hail showers and I was cursing the weather yet again. Fortunately it got a bit better after half an hour.

Just my little loop that is just under 14 miles but better than nothing I suppose. Certainly got a glow in my cheeks now :smile:
Well, after my afternoon dog walk decided to try a quick run. Think I had only gone a few hundred yards when the wind seemed to pick up and there was snow/hail showers and I was cursing the weather yet again. Fortunately it got a bit better after half an hour.

Just my little loop that is just under 14 miles but better than nothing I suppose. Certainly got a glow in my cheeks now :smile:
Pretty much all I did Mo, though I did get 4 p.b.'s and a 2nd overall and a 6th overall. total 8 riders on the first one and 24 on the 2nd one, who says this wind is awful, my average speed might be down, but it's helped me get a load of p.b.'s since Friday, but the best bit I think is even though I only did 13 miles @ 13.1mph I climbed 75.86ft a mile, so the ride isn't as long but it was more intense.
I am only KOM because nobody else has done those loops, so it doesn't really mean anything.
Went out for the first ride in 6 days. Did 7.6 miles in 36.49 minutes which made me feel good as I feel like I'm actually doing something. The cold wasn't too bad (it was between 0 and -1) but it was the wind that was pretty bad. Had a headwind on the outgoing part of the loop and I thought "well at least I'll have it at my back on the way home". Foolish boy. I had another headwind and a sidewind and a north by northwest wind and a southbysouthwest wind, in fact I think I was inside a cyclone and I'm typing this from Oz. At least I've made some new friends in a scarecrow and a tinman (although they are quite camp). Now I'm a very manly and beautiful 18 stone and the gusts were pushing the bike sideways underneath me so that gives you an idea of how strong the winds are in my part of the world. I also learnt two very valuable lessons today. One, if you are going to spit in wind make sure the wind isn't in your face as a globule of spittle on your shoulder is not attractive. Secondly, after you have made the first mistake don't then try and blow snot out of your nose whilst riding as it makes seeing out of your glasses difficult when your left lens is smeared. As you were...:snowball:
You need to learn your area and direction the roads run and the direction the wind is travelling to best make use of it.
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