Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Well I backed out of riding 10miles home from my sisters today. Dropped her car off, grabbed some lunch and got a lift home. Didn't fancy chancing the back roads around her way.

Hopefully weather maybe a bit better tomorrow to get some miles in, if not the turbo will be out.

Melting like mad the snow here, supposed to freeze tonight though so I wouldn't go out until the afternoon if I where you.


Senior Member
Well even though there's not much snow here I didn't fancy chancing it on possibly icy roads so I decided to go for a walk instead, up Bredon Hill. It's about 1000ft and fairly steep (12% average gradient). The last time I walked up was before I started cycling and I huffed and puffed my way up, this time I actually jogged part of the way.

Took some photos on my phone so not great quality especially considering the conditions but thought I'd upload a few:

20130323_141722.jpg 20130323_142118.jpg 20130323_144120.jpg 20130323_144455.jpg

As you can see from the snowdrift it was pretty deep in some places, around 3 or 4 feet at the top. Mostly it was just a few inches though.


Very cold today, and that wind did NOT help. However the new Jersey which arrived yesterday from wiggle did. I could have used a base layer but for most of the ride I was comfortable.

Well done on the ride and for all who braved the cold! I still feel like crap so might go for a quick spin tomorrow or leave it until Monday and commute into work. Been nearly a week off cycling and I dont want to lose my fitness but I want to get better. On the plus side 75 trip from Reading to Brighton = sorted :thumbsup:


Well done on the ride and for all who braved the cold! I still feel like crap so might go for a quick spin tomorrow or leave it until Monday and commute into work. Been nearly a week off cycling and I dont want to lose my fitness but I want to get better. On the plus side 75 trip from Reading to Brighton = sorted :thumbsup:

I know how you feel, but my motivation is 'If I don't do it now, I'll have to do it later' and that normally hits the spot. I would say GET OUT but it's all down to you.
Oh and MTFU :tongue:
Arrrrrrrrrggghhhhhhhh, throws large heavy object in your direction!

Thanks for that.

Seriously though its pretty naff weather isn't it?


I know how you feel, but my motivation is 'If I don't do it now, I'll have to do it later' and that normally hits the spot. I would say GET OUT but it's all down to you.

I've not been feeling well a flu type thing. Going out will make it worse in the end, as frustrating as it is I know I'm better resting until I feel better.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
I've not been feeling well a flu type thing. Going out will make it worse in the end, as frustrating as it is I know I'm better resting until I feel better.

Bottle of cheap whiskey, add large measure to mug, teaspoon full of honey, and fill cup with hot water, drink it as hot as you can ! Get in will sweat ..... alot, do thst a few days and of course paracetamol ( not at he same time !)

works for me !


North Carolina
Very cold today, and that wind did NOT help. However the new Jersey which arrived yesterday from wiggle did. I could have used a base layer but for most of the ride I was comfortable.

I just got a new summer jersey delivered today. I have a question about jerseys. This is my first full zipper one. It looks nice and fits ok but the zipper is on the wrong side. :ohmy: The pull is on the left side, a girl zipper! :eek: Is this common? It is a Garneau jersey and says Men's on the tag. I may have to return this.


Legendary Member
I just got a new summer jersey delivered today. I have a question about jerseys. This is my first full zipper one. It looks nice and fits ok but the zipper is on the wrong side. :ohmy: The pull is on the left side, a girl zipper! :eek: Is this common? It is a Garneau jersey and says Men's on the tag. I may have to return this.

You sure it isn't inside out? :blink:

Edit that, pull should be on the left hand side
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