Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
Just went out for my first proper ride this morning. I've cycled around the park a few times to get used to the pedals over the last week and felt ok so decided to brave it. 22km not too bad for a total newbie i think.

I just looked at that ride on Strava, three QOMs on your first proper ride. Very nice. :thumbsup:


Über Member
Riding around Cardiff Bay was painful in the freezing wind yesterday. My slowest 25 miles or a long time.

I was planning a ride around Swansea today. The wind is still arctic and even stronger today. I'm finding it hard to get motivated to go out :sad:
It aint the weather that bothers me, it's just not being able to get with all this house rearranging, routing new R.F. cables yesterday from the loft to three bedrooms, ensuring a strong signal so freeview ect works, got an old B.T. vision box working in the bedroom, so now need some booster splitters in the rooms to ensure each room has a strong signal, then need to do the old dining area which is being converted into a bedsitte room. (R.F. and ethernet), and power to the loft for the booster up there (currently on an extension through the access)
Well done to everyone that got out.
Especially to you Spooks being a first proper ride, starting out in this unexpected cold.


Well-Known Member
I just got a new summer jersey delivered today. I have a question about jerseys. This is my first full zipper one. It looks nice and fits ok but the zipper is on the wrong side. :ohmy: The pull is on the left side, a girl zipper! :eek: Is this common? It is a Garneau jersey and says Men's on the tag. I may have to return this.

I think I have the very same jersey - is it pink with flowers on the front and a couple of pockets on the back for lipstick and stuff?


Senior Member
I just looked at that ride on Strava, three QOMs on your first proper ride. Very nice. :thumbsup:
Not so impressive if you know what the "mountains" actually look like. More like small pimples. :biggrin:

20km today. My legs were tired after yesterday but survived. Doing the london-brigton in june and the IOW randonnee in May so have quite a bit of work to do before then.
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