Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I just got home and am also having motivational issues. Cloudy, light showers,cool and wind gust up to 30-35 mph. I didn't ride yesterday because of the rain but I did manage to get couple of miles in walking.

I even noticed in the news that there have now been legal charges filed because of the late spring. I have a bad feeling that what will happen this year will be that we go from cold winter weather, straight to hot blistering summer weather. :sad: I hope I am wrong.

I guess it is time to go thru the slow, laborious process of finding all my riding gear, putting it on and getting out in this mess. I think this is the worst part to me, the actual riding part normally isn't too bad.


Senior Member
I just got home and am also having motivational issues. Cloudy, light showers,cool and wind gust up to 30-35 mph. I didn't ride yesterday because of the rain but I did manage to get couple of miles in walking.

I even noticed in the news that there have now been legal charges filed because of the late spring. I have a bad feeling that what will happen this year will be that we go from cold winter weather, straight to hot blistering summer weather. :sad: I hope I am wrong.

I guess it is time to go thru the slow, laborious process of finding all my riding gear, putting it on and getting out in this mess. I think this is the worst part to me, the actual riding part normally isn't too bad.

That's a big mental barrier for me too. It's such a pain to put on all the lycra and make sure it's adjusted properly so it doesn't "pinch" on the ride. Same with the HRM and making sure that's perfectly in position. I can't wait for the summer weather, I can just put on my lycra shorts and go for a ride in that and my t-shirt. In fact I may just wear the shorts all the time in the house and then I can just get straight on the bike. :laugh:
With the weather as bad as it is I'm feeling a bit pleased with myself for getting my wife to buy the Turbo Trainer for me at Christmas. It's nowhere near the same but it's been tons better hopping on board the set up in the warm'ish garage while watching some of my comedy favourites than braving the elements and freezing me bits orf!! :rolleyes:
I'm hoping that things will start to improve next week what with the clocks going forward and all, come on Spring, we're ready for you now!


Decided as it was dry 'lets cycle as many days as possible this week' today I tried to keep cadence up (which is challenging when you do not have a cadence sensor) whilst on the ride, and ignoring speed. When I found I was challenging myself to a new PB for the journey I went hell for leather in the last 15 minutes, and probably annoyed some motorists who were unable to pass when driving through villages. PBs came a plenty so I was happy, but I missed out on the Backwell climb so that was a bit disappointing.
Decided as it was dry 'lets cycle as many days as possible this week' today I tried to keep cadence up (which is challenging when you do not have a cadence sensor) whilst on the ride, and ignoring speed. When I found I was challenging myself to a new PB for the journey I went hell for leather in the last 15 minutes, and probably annoyed some motorists who were unable to pass when driving through villages. PBs came a plenty so I was happy, but I missed out on the Backwell climb so that was a bit disappointing.
If your going that fast (or not even) it's your road in front of you and to the centre.
I dont understand this motivation thing, as Mo said earlier, once your out its usually fine, ok the high winds can be dangerous, especially strong side winds, and whilst it difficult into the wind just drop a few gears and take it easy, and think of it this way it's a challenge to be able to do it and say to yourself I managed that.
Here on the border of North South East and West Yorkshire (I can do all four in less than an hour) it's not that cold once you get going (well I haven't thought so)


If your going that fast (or not even) it's your road in front of you and to the centre.
I dont understand this motivation thing, as Mo said earlier, once your out its usually fine, ok the high winds can be dangerous, especially strong side winds, and whilst it difficult into the wind just drop a few gears and take it easy, and think of it this way it's a challenge to be able to do it and say to yourself I managed that.
Here on the border of North South East and West Yorkshire (I can do all four in less than an hour) it's not that cold once you get going (well I haven't thought so)

I wasn't put off by the weather as I didn't have any choice as I was at work


If your going that fast (or not even) it's your road in front of you and to the centre.
I dont understand this motivation thing, as Mo said earlier, once your out its usually fine, ok the high winds can be dangerous, especially strong side winds, and whilst it difficult into the wind just drop a few gears and take it easy, and think of it this way it's a challenge to be able to do it and say to yourself I managed that.
Here on the border of North South East and West Yorkshire (I can do all four in less than an hour) it's not that cold once you get going (well I haven't thought so)

You wouldn't have thought that had you seen me today (it was not cold, but I put a lot on, as I'm only just on the mend)...think I dressed for around -20 c lol. Still it was great to get back out on my bike. It was hard work, but mostly due to the excessive heat I was holding on to. ....though Strava have yet to acknowledge it, I've awarded myself a Trophy for trying ;)

I have similar feelings about motivation, the Taylor's challenge really showed me that actually once I'm out, I feel better for it... even when I've been dog tired, it's renewed my energy. That said there's nothing wrong with talking a few days off, as inevitably that will increase motivation to get back out. does for me anyway...caged birds and all that.
I wasn't put off by the weather as I didn't have any choice as I was at work
Sorry Steve, that was just meant in general, not at you.
You wouldn't have thought that had you seen me today (it was not cold, but I put a lot on, as I'm only just on the mend)...think I dressed for around -20 c lol. Still it was great to get back out on my bike. It was hard work, but mostly due to the excessive heat I was holding on to. ....though Strava have yet to acknowledge it, I've awarded myself a Trophy for trying ;)

I have similar feelings about motivation, the Taylor's challenge really showed me that actually once I'm out, I feel better for it... even when I've been dog tired, it's renewed my energy. That said there's nothing wrong with talking a few days off, as inevitably that will increase motivation to get back out. does for me anyway...caged birds and all that.
I agree as you know I sometimes take nearly 2 wks off.
I was just really getting at motivation and weather, it's not that bad once your out.
Yea the wind hurts like hell when your first starting out, as in not done many miles, but as I have said before just use a low gear that you are spinning easily in and it distance/time will soon pass, mind its took me since last summer to find that out.


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Been really ill over the weekend and still am :sad:
hopefully get back out there soon wind or no wind just have to watch the asthma in the cold wind , usually hits me like a ton of bricks!

Billy Adam

Senior Member
I really don't know where you find the motivation to do those kind of distances in this weather. :ohmy:

I've just got home and I'm desperately struggling to find the motivation to go on the turbo trainer, even to just do a few miles..
I'm a bit like you Typhon, but once I get out that's all the motivation I need. The buzz of being out on the bike and the feeling afterwards.


Senior Member
I'm a bit like you Typhon, but once I get out that's all the motivation I need. The buzz of being out on the bike and the feeling afterwards.

Yeah the big problem for me is actually getting out the door. Once I'm out I'm OK, I think I've only abandoned 1 ride for non-mechanical reasons and that was because the heavens really opened and by turning back I only cut the ride short by 2 miles anyway.


Senior Member
Well I only managed 6 miles on the turbo but it's better than nothing. I did an average of 17.4mph which is about 2mph faster than ever before. I hadn't used the turbo in about 6 weeks so it really shows how much my fitness has improved in that time.

What really gets me on the turbo is the mix of hot and cold. I was doing it in the garage where it is 0C and I had a strong fan on me and still I was sweating a little bits in places, whereas the bits the fan was actually hitting was freezing. :wacko: It's crazy. I guess I need more than 1 fan but on lower settings. I don't think you'd ever be able to replicate the conditions of cycling on the road though. It's so easy outdoors, just gotta look at the forecast and dress accordingly. I'm rarely noticeably hot or cold on the bike. Well except my face when it's below 2C!

The latest update strava did seems to have made turbo trainers work on there now, as long as you don't tick the stationary trainer box that is! Before neither worked for me and the averages were just totally wrong.
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