Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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North Carolina
I left work at 4:30 and got 20 miles in, was glad to get home

Did 26 miles this morning, Going up the hill into Countesthorpe from Blaby end was fun, headwind and driving snow, just put my head down and ground my way up it, got to the top cleaned my glasses and looking at all the slush I had ridden through was glad of the ice tyres.

Doubt I will get any riding done this weekend as I need to go sweet talk the lbs into fixing my knackered back brake tomorrow, then got Monday and Tuesday off work, so won't get a lot of riding done then either. Think I am going to just fall short of doing 1000 miles this month.

1000 miles in that weather: Rule 9 Very nice work.


Legendary Member
I've got 76 riders on the segment list for me?

I'll hopefully get the ride home tomorrow, Sundays rides may be cancelled though if weather continues which is a shame. The Sunday north routes just been altered so we go out towards Bradgate park and get the Polly Botts Lane Hill climb in (a real lung buster lol). Was looking forward to it as well!
I wonder if I was looking at people I am following? Oh well, if there are 76 on it I ain't going to chase the number 1 spot :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
There is no way I was going out today...been blizzard conditions , damn cold? lost the felt off my shed roof and blown the fence down too.......

where is spring.......please !
I had a nice ride avg speed down from recent rides.
Slight improvement on this Mamma Mias
and 11 p.b's on my 2nd ride.
I didn't find it as bad as people were making out, though they were strongest winds i have cycled in, the ones last year felt stronger, its just that I am better now it doesnt have the same effect, so please keep at it, you will find after time the wind isn't so bad, just take it a little easier dont try to fight it, just find something you can keep a steady pace at, sporttracks says I had 15mph+ head winds.

It explains why so many p.b's in the latter half of the ride.


North Carolina
Nigel that is a great ride for that distance, temp and wind. Wish I could do that.

I just got back from my ten mile track. I went out to beat 40 minutes, which I think is my best so far, maybe a few seconds under it. I wasn't able to get by that key lime pie I saw in the grocery store last night so I thought I better up the pace a little. I thought I had it, I got a great break at the one light that usually stops me, a car came up at the perfect time and triggered it and I was able to blast thru behind her. Not much head or tail wind. I was flying ( for me).

I did set a PR on the first half, which I just realized is the only part I have set as a segment right now. I couldn't maintain the pace though, I missed the 40 mark by 1:02. I think the extra clothing and cooler weather, as well as getting over a cold are not letting me top the times I set in the warmer weather. It wasn't really that cold after I got going. I am going to stop crying about the weather here. I know y'all are having worse right now and many are still having great rides. I was even able to wear fingerless gloves today and was still pouting about the weather earlier. :blush: I lose some rule 9 points for that.

I was thinking about the weather during my ride. I think it is a combination of my blood pressure meds, losing some weight, getting over a cold and maybe even just getting older that is making me react more to the cool weather. Riding is still fun to me, even if I do have to blow my nose every 2 miles. :thumbsup:


Über Member
Worried about my new up-coming 15 mile round trip new job? :sad:

Did a trial run in the nice weather we had for a bit and this terrible temp and wind is freakin me out man :stop:

p.s I'm getting a new mob next month so I'll be on Strava alot more :thumbsup:


North Carolina
Worried about my new up-coming 15 mile round trip new job? :sad:

Did a trial run in the nice weather we had for a bit and this terrible temp and wind is freakin me out man :stop:

p.s I'm getting a new mob next month so I'll be on Strava alot more :thumbsup:

You will do fine. You will get the legs and cardio built up and will be looking for longer routes home before you know it. :thumbsup:
Worried about my new up-coming 15 mile round trip new job? :sad:

Did a trial run in the nice weather we had for a bit and this terrible temp and wind is freakin me out man :stop:

p.s I'm getting a new mob next month so I'll be on Strava alot more :thumbsup:
There will come a time the wind wont bother you so much, you learn that you wont beat any pb's and that its just a matter of making the best headway you can, dont over exert yourself in it..

Thanks Rocky, I am sure you will, I didn't find it as bad as I thought it might be, I didn't think it cold.


Well I backed out of riding 10miles home from my sisters today. Dropped her car off, grabbed some lunch and got a lift home. Didn't fancy chancing the back roads around her way.

Hopefully weather maybe a bit better tomorrow to get some miles in, if not the turbo will be out.
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