Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Can hear the snow hitting the windows just now and wind really picking up so the thought of cycling in the heat sounds great!

It does doesn't it! It's not quite that bad here but the wind is howling against the walls and absolutely battering the place so thinking back to Menorca is a nice memory.


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Haven't cycled in summer yet as i have only started a month ago , but i don't mind what the temp is i just want this wind to go!


North Carolina
Cycling in the heat can be rough. Here in NC it gets hot AND humid, that can be a tough combination. It can slow you down a lot during the hottest parts of the day. I try to let the sun get lower in the sky and ride in the evenings. I like to watch the sunsets when I ride too.

The mornings are probably the best in the summer, still cool from the night before, most of the time, but I am lazy and don't like to get up early. :huh: You also have to be careful because you can get heat stroke too. You have to stay hydrated and be careful not to get too hot. If it is really hot it is not pleasant to stop because of no breeze and the heat coming up off the road. Narrow roads with lots of trees close to it help a lot in the summer.

I need to add that most of the time the only breeze in the summer is when there is a thunderstorm coming. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
I thought I was free of the turbo trainer until next winter but looks like I am going to be using it again tomorrow as the forecast is still saying snow all day. :sad:


Legendary Member
I thought I was free of the turbo trainer until next winter but looks like I am going to be using it again tomorrow as the forecast is still saying snow all day. :sad:
Pretty dire isn't it :sad: Snow just flickering here but the winds are really strong and bitterly cold. Just extra dog walking for me. I do have a decent exercise bike but I detest it. Exercising indoors on a static machine just doesn't do it for me at all.


Senior Member
Pretty dire isn't it :sad: Snow just flickering here but the winds are really strong and bitterly cold. Just extra dog walking for me. I do have a decent exercise bike but I detest it. Exercising indoors on a static machine just doesn't do it for me at all.

It doesn't do it for me either - I hate it. It's just so boring and you get so hot, even with a fan on you. My particular turbo trainer is rubbish too as the wheel just stops dead when you stop pedalling, so you can't even take a 3 second break from pedalling as I regularly do on the road. It's a bit like constantly going up a big hill where if you stop, you lose momentum, start to wobble and it's so hard to get going again. Horrible.

Come October I'm going to sign up for my local leisure centre and swim to maintain my fitness I think. No point doing that now though as Spring is here... allegedly!


Legendary Member
No point doing that now though as Spring is here... allegedly!
Ha, ha......yes, well I will let you know. Usually meet my neighbour for a walk at 1.30 and it is blowing a gale. Might need a weighted diver's belt to stay on my feet. ^_^


Well-Known Member
A day off work , very little snow but 35mph plus winds which for me is a little too strong having struggled against 27mph winds, head, tail and cross, last weekend.

Unfortunately no newbie progress to report.....and 15 miles would take to me to 500 since starting in January.


Legendary Member
A day off work , very little snow but 35mph plus winds which for me is a little too strong having struggled against 27mph winds, head, tail and cross, last weekend.

Unfortunately no newbie progress to report.....and 15 miles would take to me to 500 since starting in January.
Better no progress than risking going out and getting blown off the bike or in front of a car.


So had to pick the my sisters car up after work so I can service it for her tomorrow. Plan was to ride from work to hers then ride home tomorrow.

5pm came, weather didn't look to bad (snowing lightly on and off all day) so decided to go ahead with the ride there. Within 10mins snow was falling heavy and winds getting up (snow forced into your cold face hurts! lol). Ended up 10 miles and glad I did it and to be fair weather didn't bother me too much. Not a bad average to considering the weather and not really pushing myself too much.

Just hope it doesn't snow heavily overnight as the ride home tomorrow afternoon should be fun haha.


Legendary Member
So had to pick the my sisters car up after work so I can service it for her tomorrow. Plan was to ride from work to hers then ride home tomorrow.

5pm came, weather didn't look to bad (snowing lightly on and off all day) so decided to go ahead with the ride there. Within 10mins snow was falling heavy and winds getting up (snow forced into your cold face hurts! lol). Ended up 10 miles and glad I did it and to be fair weather didn't bother me too much. Not a bad average to considering the weather and not really pushing myself too much.

Just hope it doesn't snow heavily overnight as the ride home tomorrow afternoon should be fun haha.

I left work at 4:30 and got 20 miles in, was glad to get home

Did 26 miles this morning, Going up the hill into Countesthorpe from Blaby end was fun, headwind and driving snow, just put my head down and ground my way up it, got to the top cleaned my glasses and looking at all the slush I had ridden through was glad of the ice tyres.

Doubt I will get any riding done this weekend as I need to go sweet talk the lbs into fixing my knackered back brake tomorrow, then got Monday and Tuesday off work, so won't get a lot of riding done then either. Think I am going to just fall short of doing 1000 miles this month.


Legendary Member
So had to pick the my sisters car up after work so I can service it for her tomorrow. Plan was to ride from work to hers then ride home tomorrow.

5pm came, weather didn't look to bad (snowing lightly on and off all day) so decided to go ahead with the ride there. Within 10mins snow was falling heavy and winds getting up (snow forced into your cold face hurts! lol). Ended up 10 miles and glad I did it and to be fair weather didn't bother me too much. Not a bad average to considering the weather and not really pushing myself too much.

Just hope it doesn't snow heavily overnight as the ride home tomorrow afternoon should be fun haha.

Just noticed your Huncote Bound segment the only times on it are me and you. I can't even remember riding it


Just noticed your Huncote Bound segment the only times on it are me and you. I can't even remember riding it
I've got 76 riders on the segment list for me?

I'll hopefully get the ride home tomorrow, Sundays rides may be cancelled though if weather continues which is a shame. The Sunday north routes just been altered so we go out towards Bradgate park and get the Polly Botts Lane Hill climb in (a real lung buster lol). Was looking forward to it as well!
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