Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
cheers :thumbsup:^_^


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Good stuff on the job monkeylc

I decided not to go out today, wind and snow showers too heavy for me.
Hopefully will get better weather soon!
Bring on Spring and Summer!


Über Member
I am going to stick my neck out and say that today rule 5 does not apply!
Always applies.
Not sure I'll make the Taylor Challenge in eleven days, I'm on 22hrs 28mins...just another 9 hours 22mins to go and 2 days to do it in. Where as I'm sure I could (though don't mind admitting I'm knackered!), it would involve riding till the early hours of the morning or leaving my job. Should have been a bit more realistic when I set myself this goal, I hate to miss a target ...grrr
Just the taking part. I still havent done the wheel, and I got to go to Wakey tomorrow, still shifting things in the house, hate it when the OH restructures things.
Well I had some lunatic try and kill me today:

Today was supposed to be a good day, I was going to go to local bike shops after work and research getting a carbon bike but now I am really shaken up. I don't think that post really describes too well what happens but really...I thought he was going to kill me. :ohmy: :sad:
Glad your ok James, you should have said you suspected him of drinking, easy to say in hindsight I know.


Yeah I'm ok thanks guys. Just really shaken up. I'm a survivor though.

Chin up mate there will always be a few idiots on the road.

I didn't commute today because it was like a blizzard this morning and about 2cm of snow on the ground by this evening! It looks like tomorrow will be much of the same so I'm hoping it will be all clear for Wednesday so I can ride in then :thumbsup:.


Well-Known Member
The weather was bad in Fife today - woke up to a blizzard and -4. A big contrast to last week when I overheated on the ride home wearing a jacket and could only open up the air vents to cool mysel.

You may ask, why didn't she take off the jacket? A simple enough solution. The reason being that when I got changed in the toilets after work I managed to fully strip off before getting my lycra on, including taking off my bra for some strange reason, so I cycled home bra-less (I first realised my error when coasting at some speed over a road hump). As there was no way I could let my overgrown puppies be exposed to the jeers of Edinburgh motorists I plugged on cursing my stupidity, and my overgrown puppies.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
literally at one point i didn't feel safe on the bike i was been blown about so much,m)[/quote

I know exactly what you mean - I had a few BCM's myself. the BBC weather web page did say 27mph bitterly cold winds and it was not wrong. Next time I will take note and not be so keen to add a few more miles.
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