Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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put another 10 and a half mile in yesterday but with a lot of head freezing wind took the strength right outta me still enjoyed it c'mon the spring!!!
Sigh, snowing here this morning and the windchill is biting. Need to examine rule 5!


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
Think it will be a train inside day today. Just took kids to school and its freezing out there, I think trying to breath hard in this is going to cause problems !


Über Member
Well still not fixed the wheel, been pulling shelves down ,moving computers, cables, exercise machine bed, if you can think of it I have probably shifted it at some point to day. Got all the network cable to re route. Well done to all that got, and to you Simon tell your lad hes one hell of a tough kid, it was a bit breezy here, but I am sure once on the road it would have been different, anyway I was due at least two days rest.
Cheers Nigel will tell him, I wished he had bottled out didn't really fancy going out again after my club ride but no, he was up for it.


Today was meant to be a day used for a 40+ miler...this was not the case. I woke up, looked outside 'at last, sunshine' I thought. I proceeded to get fully kitted up and took my bike outside. My reaction was 'it's a bit blowy, but I'm sure once I've warmed up it'll be easier'. No. I carried on, did around a mile and decided 'do a 10 mile out and back and see if you can use the wind to set a PB on that segment you weren't happy with'. No. It was just so cold my legs were struggling on all gears, it was good to get out and have a spin, but there was no real distance or pleasure in it.


North Carolina
Weather is still decent here but now I am fighting off what I think is a chest cold trying to start. Slight cough, chest feeling just a little congested. I noticed it last night and tried to sleep it off. Going to drink hot liquids and probably stay in bed most of the day if not all. :sad: I very rarely get sick, maybe this will go away.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Today was meant to be a day used for a 40+ miler...this was not the case. I woke up, looked outside 'at last, sunshine' I thought. I proceeded to get fully kitted up and took my bike outside. My reaction was 'it's a bit blowy, but I'm sure once I've warmed up it'll be easier'. No. I carried on, did around a mile and decided 'do a 10 mile out and back and see if you can use the wind to set a PB on that segment you weren't happy with'. No. It was just so cold my legs were struggling on all gears, it was good to get out and have a spin, but there was no real distance or pleasure in it.
Makes the good days all the better.


Not sure I'll make the Taylor Challenge in eleven days, I'm on 22hrs 28mins...just another 9 hours 22mins to go and 2 days to do it in. Where as I'm sure I could (though don't mind admitting I'm knackered!), it would involve riding till the early hours of the morning or leaving my job. Should have been a bit more realistic when I set myself this goal, I hate to miss a target ...grrr

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Not sure I'll make the Taylor Challenge in eleven days, I'm on 22hrs 28mins...just another 9 hours 22mins to go and 2 days to do it in. Where as I'm sure I could (though don't mind admitting I'm knackered!), it would involve riding till the early hours of the morning or leaving my job. Should have been a bit more realistic when I set myself this goal, I hate to miss a target ...grrr
Same as you Andy. Doesn't sound much 2hrs a day no problem. Until work rears its ugly head. Don't think I got a hope, only done a third of the time.


Legendary Member
Waited till 11am until the ice cleared most of the roads and risked a ride. Winds still absolutely baltic and got my very first visit from the fairy. She bloomin picked her day. 10 miles from home rear wheel puncture so no option of walking home. Think it took me about 25 minutes which is probably pretty slow but it was my first and my hands were getting numb. Afraid the inside of the tyre just got a cursory check as I knew if I didn't get a move in and get the new tube in quickly my fingers would get too numb to get it done.

Not sure now that I am home and warmed up if I should take it off again and inspect it properly or just trust it will be ok.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
I chickened out ! Lots of quiet heavy snow showers and blowing like ell, with zero deg, so , unbolted the horse sized saddle of the exercise bike and with a bit of engineering here and there, mounted my own seat of my Triban.

wedged my mini iPad where the digital read out should go, and watched Top Gear while I peddled! 1 hr went very quick and took my mind of the pain in my legs....


Über Member
need to get out for a ride!!

But................going bed now.....

1 day off and been for an job interview....................sadly can't cycle cos I'll look like a mess when i get there :laugh:

will do if I get the job though : )

15 mile a day (total)

I got the job ^_^
So looks like I'll be commuting a descent ride now and I'll remember to turn Strava on :huh:
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