Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Done a little route around the country. Open fields with lots and lots of wind!

Strong winds, pushed all around the road, snow and hail in my face!

Only managed do 6.5 miles and came home.

Same story here Scotty, was all hyped up to do approx 20km cycle, went out & the winds were just crazy, literally at one point i didn't feel safe on the bike i was been blown about so much, managed just 11km & got home very frustrated - plus seemed to have the wind in my face no matter which direction i went (surely that's impossible - if not down right rude!!)


Über Member
2 rides today first my club ride thenstraight after took my lad out for a 12 mile loop.
Very cold and windy here.
Only 7 brave souls turned out today but fellow CC member bainy16 was there.
Hard going today, started out in ice/snow type stuff and very strong winds.
Felt like we were going backwards at times average speeds were quite slow but not surprising.
Had a good 20mph blast for 3 or 4 miles with the wind but other than that never seemed to help much.
47.3 miles in 3:06:11 at 15.2mph

I promised to take my 13 year old out for a ride so no rest when I got back but straight back out again.
The lad did well having never ridden in the wind and bitter cold before it was a bit of an eye opener for him.
He got round though and pushed himself quite hard, so I was very pleased with his effort.
12.2 miles in 57:08 at 12.8mph

Have to mention my other 2 who cooked thier mother (and me) a wonderful sunday dinner whilst we were out!

C Wood

Everyone seems to complain about their legs hurting after pushing hard. I don't get this, I feel ill instead. Maybe my heart rate is too fast.


Well-Known Member
North Staffs
No C wood, your not the only one. I went down to village to pick up some milk, and cycled up the hill, into wind. This was after my ride earlier. When I got back I thought my legs were going to explode and I felt like I was going to vomit. Think I did too much today, quad muscles really hurt now.


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Same story here Scotty, was all hyped up to do approx 20km cycle, went out & the winds were just crazy, literally at one point i didn't feel safe on the bike i was been blown about so much, managed just 11km & got home very frustrated - plus seemed to have the wind in my face no matter which direction i went (surely that's impossible - if not down right rude!!)

I have that problem, the wind is always against me!
Its like it has a grudge on me.:laugh:


I Like Bikes
LBS, Usually
Did my first half century today, 55 miles in 4hrs and 35 mins although I had a bit of a muppet moment as I stopped for a quick break on 19 miles in Byfleet and only remembered I had paused my Garmin when I got to West Horsley, 9 miles later! When I eventually got home my Garmin told the world I did 46 miles in 3hrs 23 mins plus my map shows a giant cross country straight line between the two points....

Lost some good data too inbetween as it would have added a lot to the 1585 ft ascended in the route.

Also, my legs feel like they are about to explode, and the less said about my bum the better.

EDIT: Should also add I learnt that when checking weather for a 50 miler, its useless to just check your home area! Got 15 mph winds and 2 hail showers at Ripley and Leatherhead...


North Carolina
IanA, nice job on getting out, stick with it ! The nice days are coming. Some of you sound like you could use a little cheering up and with the great day I have had so far, I am the man to do it.

I started by taking my bike to the shop about a half hour away to get a new chain. The temperature here today is 20c, with very light wind and not a cloud in the sky. The shop was full of customers but it very well staffed. I went straight to the mechanic's area and a gentleman at the counter found the chain and I asked how much to install it, he said $9.99, which if you know how to do it seems like a fortune and if you don't it is a bargain at twice the price. :smile: I asked if he would show me as he did it and he said sure, then I asked how long until he could do it, he said bring your bike in I will do it right now. I think I was out to my truck and back with my bike before the store door had shut itself. The man working with me had a British accent btw but they were so busy I didn't get enough time to get chatty enough to find out where he was from.

He put it on for me and explained exactly how he sizes them. He also checked the shifting and smiled and complimented my bike and its shifting. He may have been just a great sales person but I think he meant it. To my credit, it was spotless and I had just indexed and adjusted everything. He even waived the installation/tutorial fee. I think he was happy to not be working on some old rust bucket that someone brought in so little someone Jr. would have something to thrash for another year. I had a pleasant bike shop experience to start the day, something that can easily be not a lot of fun when I am spending my cash. If anyone ever by chance happens to be in the triangle area of NC and needs assistance with bikes, the Performance Bike store in Cary was topnotch for me today.

I now have my bike dialed in, my confidence in my chain is restored, the weather is great. Hard to get much better, but wait, after I got home I realized that we went to daylight savings time this morning! I was wondering what was wrong with the clock in my truck. :blush: Now I have an extra hour of daylight too. ^_^ The good weather will soon be there and while you are having days like I had today, I will be crying about the heat.:thumbsup:

I thought with all the good mojo going on I would go out and do a relatively flat ride and work on my pitiful cadence. I think the work this winter might have helped some. For my first ride today, I was able to do over 15 mph for 15 miles today. I still have work to do on cadence but not bad for me at this time of year.


Legendary Member
RWright, you lucky bugger, god I need to move to a warmer country !
Yes, second that. Just back from visiting my Dad in a nearby village. Roads have a covering of snow and it is minus 4. Don't think I will be out tomorrow. Outlook is even colder the following night and barely above freezing even during the day. :-(
Did my first half century today, 55 miles in 4hrs and 35 mins although I had a bit of a muppet moment as I stopped for a quick break on 19 miles in Byfleet and only remembered I had paused my Garmin when I got to West Horsley, 9 miles later! When I eventually got home my Garmin told the world I did 46 miles in 3hrs 23 mins plus my map shows a giant cross country straight line between the two points....

Lost some good data too inbetween as it would have added a lot to the 1585 ft ascended in the route.

Also, my legs feel like they are about to explode, and the less said about my bum the better.

EDIT: Should also add I learnt that when checking weather for a 50 miler, its useless to just check your home area! Got 15 mph winds and 2 hail showers at Ripley and Leatherhead...
Go get sporttracks you can edit the gps track.
Well still not fixed the wheel, been pulling shelves down ,moving computers, cables, exercise machine bed, if you can think of it I have probably shifted it at some point to day. Got all the network cable to re route. Well done to all that got, and to you Simon tell your lad hes one hell of a tough kid, it was a bit breezy here, but I am sure once on the road it would have been different, anyway I was due at least two days rest.
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