Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Yeah I reckon if I went out after about 9pm there'd be almost no traffic around here. And if you heard some nutter coming up behind you way too fast you could just hop onto the verge I suppose, most drivers drive fairly slowly at night here though.

The wildlife would be a bit of a problem though. We have deer here who just love to jump across the roads from field to field. I wouldn't want a deer landing on me! :laugh:

I'd like to give it a go but I think I'd need a hi viz jacket and about 6 flashing lights before I felt safe.

I've got my blue aldi jacket (which has a few reflective stripes on) a 1200lumeun front light (and a back up torch) reflective straps around my ankles; and a knog blinder and a backup light on the rear...I keep one on constant and one flashing. It's one of those elastic band attachments on the front light so I pull it up and push it down to dip or full beam. I shall be adding spoke reflectors and a band on front light on the fork at some point when I have a budget for such things...

Where abouts are the deer popular? I can see myself heading that way!

Billy Adam

Senior Member
Got another 27 miles in tonight, went a different route to try and build some time up for the giro challenge, got to try and pace my self more. Wasn't pushing tonight but still getting to 18-19 mph.


Senior Member
I've got my blue aldi jacket (which has a few reflective stripes on) a 1200lumeun front light (and a back up torch) reflective straps around my ankles; and a knog blinder and a backup light on the rear...I keep one on constant and one flashing. It's one of those elastic band attachments on the front light so I pull it up and push it down to dip or full beam. I shall be adding spoke reflectors and a band on front light on the fork at some point when I have a budget for such things...

Where abouts are the deer popular? I can see myself heading that way!

Well they should see you in all that! I was just out in the car though and driving at 40-50mph on country lanes I had people tailgating me constantly which makes me wonder just how fast they would drive if I wasn't there. It's a bit concerning when you think about cycling in the dark. I'm not a slow driver in any means, on the motorway you'll see me in the fast lane doing *cough* 70mph *cough* :whistle: but I do speeds that are appropriate to the road and 60 on a country lane at night is very dangerous. Just tonight a badger crossed right in front of me, if I hadn't been doing 30 I probably wouldn't have been able to stop in time. Which would have killed the badger and probably the car too!

There are wild deer on Bredon Hill, particularly the northern side of it and they roam down the hill into the fields between Little Comberton, Great Comberton and Eckington and jump across roads as they please. The important thing to remember is that if you see one, the rest of the group won't be far behind. Something motorists seem to forget, unfortunately.
Well they should see you in all that! I was just out in the car though and driving at 40-50mph on country lanes I had people tailgating me constantly which makes me wonder just how fast they would drive if I wasn't there. It's a bit concerning when you think about cycling in the dark. I'm not a slow driver in any means, on the motorway you'll see me in the fast lane doing *cough* 70mph *cough* :whistle: but I do speeds that are appropriate to the road and 60 on a country lane at night is very dangerous. Just tonight a badger crossed right in front of me, if I hadn't been doing 30 I probably wouldn't have been able to stop in time. Which would have killed the badger and probably the car too!
Sorry James, I have to correct you here, it's lane three or four or five, there is no such thing as a fast lane as the speed limit applies to all three lanes (unless indicated by warning signs), and you should be to the left lane where possible.;) Though I am sure you know this.
Mind I am one to comment who lost his license through drink (told you in a previous post I had a problem with it)
P.S. who said cleats were good, I cant f'ing get in mine.


Senior Member
Sorry James, I have to correct you here, it's lane three or four or five, there is no such thing as a fast lane as the speed limit applies to all three lanes (unless indicated by warning signs), and you should be to the left lane where possible.;) Though I am sure you know this.
Mind I am one to comment who lost his license through drink (told you in a previous post I had a problem with it)

Well that's the colloquial term for it :tongue: I am not a lane hog though, I move over when possible. It's just doing *cough* 70mph *cough* the opportunity doesn't come up much on busy motorways. :whistle:
Well that's the colloquial term for it :tongue: I am not a lane hog though, I move over when possible. It's just doing *cough* 70mph *cough* the opportunity doesn't come up much on busy motorways. :whistle:
I am sure not these days, thing is the more the term is used the more the idiots on the road think that's what it is.
Is it your first time with clipon shoes/cleats? Or just a change in the cleat itself?
First time, can't engage them well at all, no problem getting out ( I am used to clips so always had to remember) Shoes are the same. i guess it's just practise.
Ohhhh, I thought you were going from wearing shoes, i.e. trainers, to now having to clip in. What inspired the change of clip/cleat?
fed up trying to get my foot back in the clip. especially in the dark.
I have had these since i started back in June (well I got them in July), with the purpose of changing when could afford and if I kept it up.


Managed to do my newbie loop in a quicker time,
and only 2 out of breath rests instead of 3-4 quite happy after just 1 week, feel a bit more comfy on the bike, no way I can ride on roads though, traffic scares the sh1t out of me, should probably have some l plates for being on the pavement, way to wobbly to ride on the road though
I bought a wireless odometer which worked fine first 2 rides but does nothing now, other than read the time, no idea what I am doing with it either so that's useless now, meh
also If I go from the 1st set of gears upto the 2nd set (no idea how to word it, its the one on my left handle) the chain/gears make loads of clunking noises and don't feel right, I have to go up more to the 3rd then back down to 2, so mainly I am riding in between 3rd and 6th gear depending on the incline/decline

No idea if I should be using higher/lower gears

cheers for the encouragement earlier in the thread guys btw :smile:


Managed to do my newbie loop in a quicker time,
and only 2 out of breath rests instead of 3-4 quite happy after just 1 week, feel a bit more comfy on the bike, no way I can ride on roads though, traffic scares the sh1t out of me, should probably have some l plates for being on the pavement, way to wobbly to ride on the road though
I bought a wireless odometer which worked fine first 2 rides but does nothing now, other than read the time, no idea what I am doing with it either so that's useless now, meh
also If I go from the 1st set of gears upto the 2nd set (no idea how to word it, its the one on my left handle) the chain/gears make loads of clunking noises and don't feel right, I have to go up more to the 3rd then back down to 2, so mainly I am riding in between 3rd and 6th gear depending on the incline/decline

No idea if I should be using higher/lower gears

cheers for the encouragement earlier in the thread guys btw :smile:

Looks a great loop, loads of opportunity to add small icreases of distance without much alteration of turning selection.
In regards to gearing, I'm no expert but for me the ones at front work: small - incline middle - flat big - decline. and then gears at back move to keep same/similar resistance but keep speed up.
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