Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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I don't blame you mate, I think most sane people do......which is why those threads are always full of nutters! :laugh:
Can I go join, spent some time in the nut hose.:blush:


'kinell I accidentally wandered into a thread about politics last night and now I have tin foil hatters telling me that the invasion of Afghanistan was about oil, even though it doesn't even have any. Cause obviously it was nothing to do with 3000 people dying in New York or anything!

Note to self: Stay away from those kind of threads! Or maybe just most of the forum...

More importantly, it's still raining constantly and my shoulder still hurts from my fall. :sad: Trying to find the motivation to use the Turbo at lunchtime but it's difficult.

The whole world has an obsession with invading Afganistan. I'm not saying there is some kind of alien artifact there...but there is some kind of alien artifact there


Senior Member
Managed to do my newbie loop in a quicker time,
and only 2 out of breath rests instead of 3-4 quite happy after just 1 week, feel a bit more comfy on the bike, no way I can ride on roads though, traffic scares the sh1t out of me, should probably have some l plates for being on the pavement, way to wobbly to ride on the road though
I bought a wireless odometer which worked fine first 2 rides but does nothing now, other than read the time, no idea what I am doing with it either so that's useless now, meh
also If I go from the 1st set of gears upto the 2nd set (no idea how to word it, its the one on my left handle) the chain/gears make loads of clunking noises and don't feel right, I have to go up more to the 3rd then back down to 2, so mainly I am riding in between 3rd and 6th gear depending on the incline/decline

No idea if I should be using higher/lower gears

cheers for the encouragement earlier in the thread guys btw :smile:

Well done, keep it up :highfive:
It's taken me a while to get the confidence to ride on the roads.
Gears-wise I normally set off in the biggest gear because its downhill first, then flat on my commute. I drop the gears if my legs start to ache a bit, and go up again if I feel like my legs are spinning pointlessly. I haven't really used the lowest set of gears, even on hills because when I go to the lower gears I start to wobble more, especially when standing up.


North Carolina
Sorry to hear the weather is not cooperating for the challenge in some places there. I didn't ride yesterday but am getting ready to go out now. I am now three hours or so behind schedule, but the weather here is not forecast to be bad except for maybe rain one day next week, not sure about the wind but temperatures are looking better now. I even see a 21c temp forecast for Monday. That is how I know spring is about here, highs above 21c during the day. My cat is even starting to act more stupid than normal and his coat is starting to look a little more chocolate color than black. I think the toe covers are coming off this weekend. :smile:


Legendary Member
Sorry to hear the weather is not cooperating for the challenge in some places there. I didn't ride yesterday but am getting ready to go out now. I am now three hours or so behind schedule, but the weather here is not forecast to be bad except for maybe rain one day next week, not sure about the wind but temperatures are looking better now. I even see a 21c temp forecast for Monday. That is how I know spring is about here, highs above 21c during the day. My cat is even starting to act more stupid than normal and his coat is starting to look a little more chocolate color than black. I think the toe covers are coming off this weekend. :smile:

Can't help being a bit jealous of your weather :smile: Wind really picking up here now and heavy rain/wintry showers forecast right through till Monday. Bummer!

Oh, and my cat is currently curled up fast asleep on my lap. She waits till I go to bed and has a mad spell of belting around the house. :laugh:


Well done, keep it up :highfive:
It's taken me a while to get the confidence to ride on the roads.
Gears-wise I normally set off in the biggest gear because its downhill first, then flat on my commute. I drop the gears if my legs start to ache a bit, and go up again if I feel like my legs are spinning pointlessly. I haven't really used the lowest set of gears, even on hills because when I go to the lower gears I start to wobble more, especially when standing up.

Cheers Sheffgirl

Just saw your other post too, nice to see a fellow Sheffielder on here :smile:

There just seems to many nut cases on the road and seeing as I aint ridden a bike since I was kid, I'm in no rush to join them ;)
How are you getting on with your rockrider ? (noticed we have the same bike)
I changed my seat because the one you get with it is shocking, got a charger spoon which is much better and some cheap padded shorts from decathlon for now which are both much better than my first 2 rides which I didn't want to sit down for rest of day after (problem with them is I have pretty big thighs so even though they fit well they are reyt tight round there and I come off the bike walking like john wayne as top of my legs are numb.

Let me know if you find any good and flat routes in sheffield btw ;)


I managed to commute into work and back today regardless of the rain! Although the commute home was some what slow as I seemed to have to stop at every junction / set of lights.

Ride in:

Ride home :

I'm doing a 35 mile ride on Saturday with a few others on here which will be my longest ride to date! Hopefully I will make it in one piece:laugh:.


Legendary Member
Sorry to hear the weather is not cooperating for the challenge in some places there. I didn't ride yesterday but am getting ready to go out now. I am now three hours or so behind schedule, but the weather here is not forecast to be bad except for maybe rain one day next week, not sure about the wind but temperatures are looking better now. I even see a 21c temp forecast for Monday. That is how I know spring is about here, highs above 21c during the day. My cat is even starting to act more stupid than normal and his coat is starting to look a little more chocolate color than black. I think the toe covers are coming off this weekend. :smile:

Hopefully we will see those sort of temperatures sometime this year!. Managed to get 3 1/2 hours done for the challenge today, 2hrs am and 1 1/2 hours pm. PM ride was very very wet. Forecast is crappy for the next few days along with snow forecast for Monday, looks like the ice tyres will be going back on.


Legendary Member
I managed to commute into work and back today regardless of the rain! Although the commute home was some what slow as I seemed to have to stop at every junction / set of lights.

Ride in:

Ride home :

I'm doing a 35 mile ride on Saturday with a few others on here which will be my longest ride to date! Hopefully I will make it in one piece:laugh:.

If you can do 20 miles, you can do 35 miles, you'll be fine.


Tried clear glasses in the rain today, as sometimes my eyes really sting. Did not get on with them and I do hold them responsible for making my front tire flat :/ I'm sure I'd have seen the piece of glass , it was massive! Still managed to extend my commute home a little. Off out again, but only a quick 'bout, I feel knackered!
Hopefully we will see those sort of temperatures sometime this year!. Managed to get 3 1/2 hours done for the challenge today, 2hrs am and 1 1/2 hours pm. PM ride was very very wet. Forecast is crappy for the next few days along with snow forecast for Monday, looks like the ice tyres will be going back on.
8/8/2012 last time I rode in 20+C
Tried clear glasses in the rain today, as sometimes my eyes really sting. Did not get on with them and I do hold them responsible for making my front tire flat :/ I'm sure I'd have seen the piece of glass , it was massive! Still managed to extend my commute home a little. Off out again, but only a quick 'bout, I feel knackered!
I ran over some glass, but the tyres seem fine, though I did hit one hell of a pot hole Wed night.
Cleats well I think I am getting there. increase from 15.9mph to 18.7 47,s quicker over 1.4 miles -.5%
This I am rather proud of (watch me fall tomorrow),
from 10.7mph to 12.4 mph, 18's quicker over 0.4 miles @ 3.7%
I thought I might have got this tonight but could only match my best time, but I have done it three times this month all over 11mph, still want to get that sub 3 mins
I managed to commute into work and back today regardless of the rain! Although the commute home was some what slow as I seemed to have to stop at every junction / set of lights.

Ride in:

Ride home :

I'm doing a 35 mile ride on Saturday with a few others on here which will be my longest ride to date! Hopefully I will make it in one piece:laugh:.
As Chris says the distance will be easy for you in company. You get rides like that, like the run I have in the morning some of the segments are lights dependent on strava, as it doesn't exclude stopping time.


North Carolina
I got a couple of hours in today. It was sunshine but a little windy on my main route so I decided to do a little exploring on the country roads. There is a park not far off my main route but I have not been there since I was a kid. I remember there were some hills there but didn't remember that much. I wonder why most things seem smaller now than when I was a kid, except hills. :headshake:

The hills were not that bad, I started with basically no momentum from the bottom and made it up fine just staying seated. The park is much closer to my route than I realized. The roads are two lane with hardly any paved shoulder outside the white outside line and are not finished as smooth as I like but I will not hesitate to ride them. The traffic is very light and the drivers I did encounter gave plenty of room when they went by. This area leads out into a very large similar rural environment. I am glad I went there, I think I am going to enjoy riding out there. I only saw a few dogs too. At one house four pretty good size dogs came running out to the road barking and I was going slow up the hill. Fortunately, they stayed off the road and backed off before they made me too uncomfortable.

I think I am going to ride more of these rural areas this weekend for the challenge. I am making some spaghetti right now for some fuel. :thumbsup:
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