Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
Yeah, with decent lights it's a blast...I love cutting through the still of night!. you can see traffic much sooner because of lights so I feel safe, as to safer, I'll sit on the fence there! there's much less chance of traffic incidents as there's less to zero traffic. I've taken on roads I've not cycled before in the dark this week and enjoyed it and tackled off road terrain on my road tires( with the moon breaking through some cloud, even at slow speed, it felt like a great cycling moment). You feel like your going much faster, especially on dark cloudy nights, were your light ends your vision, I find it raises my adrenaline, makes me feel sharper and more focused. It always feels daring being in the middle of nowhere in the dark of night and I find it challenges my confidence as much as my bike handling. There's something awesome about encountering nocturnal wildlife too. Usually I pace myself a bit slower at night, but put some effort in tonight, other than the descent which I whimped out on. I always let some one know where I'm going and when I expect to be is good sense.

Yeah I reckon if I went out after about 9pm there'd be almost no traffic around here. And if you heard some nutter coming up behind you way too fast you could just hop onto the verge I suppose, most drivers drive fairly slowly at night here though.

The wildlife would be a bit of a problem though. We have deer here who just love to jump across the roads from field to field. I wouldn't want a deer landing on me! :laugh:

I'd like to give it a go but I think I'd need a hi viz jacket and about 6 flashing lights before I felt safe.


Legendary Member
I'm thinking of trying an early morning ride. I commuted up Saintbury at 06.20 this morning ( in car) lovely and quiet and now light enough. Just need a small see me type front light.

That's what I do Brian. Have been setting out around 6.45am. I have the Moon Meteor on the front and the Niterider Cherrybomb on the back. Both reasonably bright.

Managed my longest ride so far this morning at 32 miles. Unfortunately our weather is about to break down for at least four or five days. Strongish cold winds with persistent rain :sad: It's hard forcing yourself out in it if you are not commuting or training for something in particular. I was managing to keep up with the Strava Challenge too but can't see me making it if I have to take days off. Riding 2 hours is really all I am comfortable with at the moment so I would never catch up again. Just a bit of fun though.


Well-Known Member
Great Yarmouth
Brian if you want a cheap bright light look at this thread. It's done me all Winter, and during the day when it's been non to bright, as bright as it is though it doesn't stop you getting knocked off.

These look good. Might have to invest in some for when i want to do night rides on the country roads.
on the T6, its never run out on me yet, but when we had the snow I was out for about 2 1/2 hrs with it on full, and the warning light came on whilst I was outside taking pictures, so I guess 3 hrs on max, but that will only be a problem if your on country lanes all the time, on low it's bright enough for traffic in town.
on the T6, its never run out on me yet, but when we had the snow I was out for about 2 1/2 hrs with it on full, and the warning light came on whilst I was outside taking pictures, so I guess 3 hrs on max, but that will only be a problem if your on country lanes all the time, on low it's bright enough for traffic in town.
blow me it ran out
Just tried out the new pedals, cant say I am impressed really, haven't fallen over yet, but did get two p.b.'s though I wasn't really trying. I think i need to tweak them as I seemed to far from the pedals in comparison to my clips, though I have changed a lot this last week and still getting used to the saddle.
On the plus it is the 8th day at +14mph even though this one was only just @ 14.01mph.
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