Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
I might try those out. They're double sided aren't they? Would certainly make it easier to clip in to them!

Blimey, that's some hill. The terrain map around where you live is terrifying, I don't think I'd ever have started if I lived in what's practically a mountain range. :ohmy:

I got a pair of Shimano 540 pedals.. :thumbsup:

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Its good when you can look at what you have ridden and smile with achivement... :thumbsup:
Got to agree there.
No time tonight to make any comments. ride home. to photo group, a few new p.b's.


Senior Member
Made a fair effort in my night ride but shorter distance, eyes felt really sore tonight. I think I'm about an hour behind my target for the Taylor Challenge.

Nice one Andy. I prefer exercising at night but I've never done a night ride. How do you find it? I've seen quite a few people on this forum say it's better and they feel safer cycling on country lanes at night but I'm not so sure. :blink:


Nice one Andy. I prefer exercising at night but I've never done a night ride. How do you find it? I've seen quite a few people on this forum say it's better and they feel safer cycling on country lanes at night but I'm not so sure. :blink:
Yeah, with decent lights it's a blast...I love cutting through the still of night!. you can see traffic much sooner because of lights so I feel safe, as to safer, I'll sit on the fence there! there's much less chance of traffic incidents as there's less to zero traffic. I've taken on roads I've not cycled before in the dark this week and enjoyed it and tackled off road terrain on my road tires( with the moon breaking through some cloud, even at slow speed, it felt like a great cycling moment). You feel like your going much faster, especially on dark cloudy nights, were your light ends your vision, I find it raises my adrenaline, makes me feel sharper and more focused. It always feels daring being in the middle of nowhere in the dark of night and I find it challenges my confidence as much as my bike handling. There's something awesome about encountering nocturnal wildlife too. Usually I pace myself a bit slower at night, but put some effort in tonight, other than the descent which I whimped out on. I always let some one know where I'm going and when I expect to be is good sense.


North Carolina
I only got 10 miles in this evening. The roads were wet so I took out my rain bike, no rain while I was riding and surprisingly very little wind. I was going to go for more when I got back after I started to ride some extra miles. I had a visit from the p word fairy. I wasn't carrying a saddle bag since I don't have any extra tubes for the Rain unit anyway. Try finding some older 26 x 1 3/8th size tubes with presta valves in the states :blink:. I guess I will have to go with Schrader type tubes or order from the UK.

Too bad I don't get Giro credit for the 19 minute push home. I did save it as a Strava run though.:rolleyes:
Speaking of the Giro Challenge I just noticed a weather advisory for my area:
* Winds...northwest at 25 to 35 mph with gusts as high as 40 to 50

* Timing...the strongest winds are expected Wednesday afternoon
and evening as a low pressure system deepens along the mid
Atlantic coast.

* Impacts...winds of this magnitude can down trees and result in
isolated power outages.


I enjoy riding at night, get a Cree T6 or two and own the night. The worst part of night riding to me is not being able to scan very far off the sides of the roads for animals running across the road and running up on pot holes. I normally slow down at night just for those reasons. Much more so for animals, the roads in my state are actually not bad compared to other states I have been in.
I only got 10 miles in this evening. The roads were wet so I took out my rain bike, no rain while I was riding and surprisingly very little wind. I was going to go for more when I got back after I started to ride some extra miles. I had a visit from the p word fairy. I wasn't carrying a saddle bag since I don't have any extra tubes for the Rain unit anyway. Try finding some older 26 x 1 3/8th size tubes with presta valves in the states :blink:. I guess I will have to go with Schrader type tubes or order from the UK.

Too bad I don't get Giro credit for the 19 minute push home. I did save it as a Strava run though.:rolleyes:
Speaking of the Giro Challenge I just noticed a weather advisory for my area:
* Winds...northwest at 25 to 35 mph with gusts as high as 40 to 50

* Timing...the strongest winds are expected Wednesday afternoon
and evening as a low pressure system deepens along the mid
Atlantic coast.

* Impacts...winds of this magnitude can down trees and result in
isolated power outages.


I enjoy riding at night, get a Cree T6 or two and own the night. The worst part of night riding to me is not being able to scan very far off the sides of the roads for animals running across the road and running up on pot holes. I normally slow down at night just for those reasons. Much more so for animals, the roads in my state are actually not bad compared to other states I have been in.
Sounds like a day off, we dont get so many animals, though sheep are a problem and deer, depending were you are.
EDIT I forgot badgers, foxes and hedgehogs.
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