Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Senior Member
3 mile ride in this morning shaving 5 min off usual time. 6 miles home tonight 6 miles to work tomorrow 6 miles back. 7 miles to footy training where we do a 5 mile run then an hour of football then 7 miles back by the end of that lot I think ill get the bus in to work on Thursday.

But never felt better!


Senior Member
Great to see everyone is still sticking with it. :smile: I see so few cyclists on the roads compared to just a few weeks ago but we are bucking the trend and not giving up just because it's getting cold!

I finally broke the 30 mile barrier today (34 miles) although very annoyingly my phone died 29.8 miles in! I read somewhere on here about someone manually editing the ride on strava to include bits it missed but I can't see how to do that. Oh well lesson learned I suppose, only use strava if your battery is almost fully charged!

One of my first goals when starting cycling was to do a lap around Bredon Hill. For non-cyclists or casual cyclists round here that's considered a big thing. In fact it was doing it for the first time (and a little bit more) that was my inspiration for starting this thread. So I am very pleased with my two laps. Although I am now a bit fed up of that route and I am feeling braver so soon I will go out and explore and find some new routes. Onwards and upwards!
Well done on the 30 mile barrier Typhon.
The urge is getting stronger for a proper Roadbike. Looking forward to visiting the new store in Coventry.

Just looking at your route, part of it we use on a school run "the hole in the wall" is the name we give to that gap in the houses at Elmley Castle, it's quite tight with a full size coach!


Senior Member
Thanks Brian. I hope you can get your road bike soon. The difference is like night and day compared to a mountain bike. You'll be able to go so much further and faster with it!

Yes I wouldn't fancy driving a coach through that! It's a bit chaotic around the time Bredon Middle is chucking out with all the school buses going through there. I always take a different route if I go out that late in the afternoon.

This is what we are talking about for those that are interested.
The picture doesn't do it justice, it's evil and try doing it with 50 screaming kids behind you! I will look out for you when I do the next Bredon school run.

Just noticed the BTwins are back in stock in big sizes again, that didn't take long.


Nice one mate.

I've just treated myself to a garmin edge 200 as I don't fancy my iPhone battery running out as my rides are now getting longer. Plus can use set courses to it that the local club use.


Senior Member
I don't think I could stand it in a normal car with 2 kids screaming in the back let alone that! Thank you, although I am normally long gone before the Bredon Middle and Prince Henry's school traffic starts.

I'm thinking of taking a left before the hole in the wall and heading down to Hinton and then towards Fish Hill. I'm not sure I fancy climbing Fish Hill on my road bike though, the last time I drove up there the path looked very beaten/broken up. Not ideal for road tyres really. What do you think? There are some lovely roads at the top, you can turn either left or right at the top and find yourself on nice quiet country roads so I'm quite tempted to venture up there. Just not sure about that path.


Senior Member
Nice one mate.

I've just treated myself to a garmin edge 200 as I don't fancy my iPhone battery running out as my rides are now getting longer. Plus can use set courses to it that the local club use.

Thanks Reece. I've been thinking about getting a garmin myself for that very reason. In hindsight it was quite dangerous/foolish, being out on country lanes miles from home without a working phone. I didn't realise that you can access set routes. That's a pretty cool feature.

Get In The Van

Senior Member
West Lothian
did my local training route 23.5 miles on the big chainring for the first time, usually on the smaller ring, its not a flat route and i get up to over a 1000ft at points, plus i knocked a few minutes off my pb time.


Well-Known Member
I use Strava and did a 48.5 mile ride which was around 4 hours moving time - iphone battery wasn't close to running out.

Think if you were up around 75 to 100 on a single ride then it would be a problem


Über Member
Just enough time for a 10 miler after work tonight, again faster than I thought avg 14.5 mph.
Still waiting on my new pedals!!!! :hyper:
Some good distances and times. I am again planning for a good ride on Saturday planned route is 32.5 miles and I will be cycling with two proper cyclists :ohmy: both have over 20 years of club will either make me or brake me :becool:


I use Strava and did a 48.5 mile ride which was around 4 hours moving time - iphone battery wasn't close to running out.

Think if you were up around 75 to 100 on a single ride then it would be a problem
I'm still using an old iPhone 3GS which is a few years old. Battery lasts around 3hours running strava, even with the current update that was meant to improve battery life.

Planning on doing the early and social ride with my club at lower pace so will be out for around 5hours and that's if no one in the group suffers any mechanical issues such as punctures. So garmin seems a good investment.

Plus I like the idea of downloading the clubs set routes for my own pleasure etc.


Senior Member
Just enough time for a 10 miler after work tonight, again faster than I thought avg 14.5 mph.
Still waiting on my new pedals!!!! :hyper:
Some good distances and times. I am again planning for a good ride on Saturday planned route is 32.5 miles and I will be cycling with two proper cyclists :ohmy: both have over 20 years of club will either make me or brake me :becool:

Nice one Davey! :smile: Those quick 10 mile runs after work have helped me enormously. Don't worry about the run at the weekend - it won't be as bad as you think!

I've taken the plunge too and ordered some SPDs and cleats, looking forward to trying them out in a few days time.


Just enough time for a 10 miler after work tonight, again faster than I thought avg 14.5 mph.
Still waiting on my new pedals!!!! :hyper:
Some good distances and times. I am again planning for a good ride on Saturday planned route is 32.5 miles and I will be cycling with two proper cyclists :ohmy: both have over 20 years of club will either make me or brake me :becool:
Nice one on the 10mile after work.

Don't worry about riding with them at weekend. It will make you. Great motivation cycling with others (and make full use of their slipstream lol). Let us know how it goes.
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