Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
I know I didn't get very far but did my first ride in the rain, was only a few miles down some dirt paths (foot still a bit sore) but was great fun with no dog walkers and lots of puddles and mud (and a wet bum).
Got mudguards on the bike? if not, get them, no wet bum!


Über Member
Just over 14 miles tonight :smile:
Steady pace (for me anyway) really enjoyed it tonight.
I am aiming to do a long ride tomorrow, going for 30 miles+.


Proud Daddy
Am I the only one not getting any faster??
I still only average 11ish mph. I can go further and cycle for longer, but I still don't go any faster over all.

After I started to get fitter I was very worried that I was slow.. 11-13 tops. Everyone on here said 'don't worry about speed, work on distance and the speed will come'. They were right, I'll do between 50-70 miles every Saturday now with an average of around 18.5mph (with a fast group).

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Am I the only one not getting any faster??
I still only average 11ish mph. I can go further and cycle for longer, but I still don't go any faster over all.
No, you're not alone :rolleyes:
I'm not bothered about going faster, I scare myself picking up speed going downhill ....


Senior Member
Just over 14 miles tonight :smile:
Steady pace (for me anyway) really enjoyed it tonight.
I am aiming to do a long ride tomorrow, going for 30 miles+.
First 20 mile ride done (about 1 hour 40 mins), Newbury to Hungerford along the tow path, plus some mucking around. Great fun and nice any muddy:smile:

Well done both of you. :smile:

After I started to get fitter I was very worried that I was slow.. 11-13 tops. Everyone on here said 'don't worry about speed, work on distance and the speed will come'. They were right, I'll do between 50-70 miles every Saturday now with an average of around 18.5mph (with a fast group).

That's fantastic progress! That's the kind of pace I hope to be doing soon.


Über Member
Less than 3 weeks after starting training I've completed my first 30 mile ride.

I also passed the 200 miles ridden mark

Weigh in in the morning but I think I've lost over a stone. Still 21st 7lb but moving in the right direction.

Feeling really pleased with myself also treated myself to a Garmin Edge 200 (£106 from Halfords). A great toy to help keep me motivated.

By the way, Mumbles and the Gower was stunning today. Hope it's not the last of this weather.


Well-Known Member
Did my first 50 miler today, or so I thought.

Strava showed 50.3 miles as I got to the top of my drive, when I then hit the finish ride button it decided I had only done 48.5 miles after all. It has nipped the odd half mile off me before but 1.8 miles ???!!!

Anyway, considering I only started riding on the 28th of August I am pretty pleased with that. I have done 389.9 miles in only 40 days !!!

Legs need a soigneur though LOL


Senior Member
Went on my first group ride today - A 'ride strong' Skyride.

Thought it would just be for beginners but I was the only one who hadn't been riding 20 years! More like 2 months! Everyone was very nice though and I had a good time.

Dear Lord though, the hills, the hills! I live in a hilly area and my normal route has almost no flat bits but that was double the elevation gain of my normal 25 mile route. One of the hills at the beginning almost killed me. It was like trying to cycle up a brick wall! After that the other cat 4 climb seemed like nothing at all!


Well-Known Member
Two rides this weekend, approx 20 miles each giving 40 for the weekend and 2000ft total climb. Yesterday I had the friend who got me into cycling with me, and I was determined to show some progress on the ride. Today's ride was a bit disappointing as the return leg didn't track - forgot to unpause it after a map-check stop! :cursing: Worked out the route I took and added the missing 2 miles as a manual entry. Final tally for the weekend is 9 PRs ^_^

But the real newbie progress was going out in the lycra shorts and no overshorts... :blush:
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