Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Proud Daddy
Went on my first group ride today - A 'ride strong' Skyride.

Thought it would just be for beginners but I was the only one who hadn't been riding 20 years! More like 2 months! Everyone was very nice though and I had a good time.

Dear Lord though, the hills, the hills! I live in a hilly area and my normal route has almost no flat bits but that was double the elevation gain of my normal 25 mile route. One of the hills at the beginning almost killed me. It was like trying to cycle up a brick wall! After that the other cat 4 climb seemed like nothing at all!

It's good for you :thumbsup:


Über Member
Well done to you all, some good hills climbed ^_^.
I don't think I am ready for a group ride it is something I aim to do next summer

I took the bike out for a quick spin this afternoon (8mile).
I really can feel a difference.


Über Member
Good work on the 67 mile weekend :thumbsup:

Did my fastest ride yet, 10.8 miles at......16.07 mph.

I went out for a ride tonight and for the first time ever I have had no real wind to slow me down, had a great ride around the coast (so fairly flat. I could tell the ride was going well and I was making good time, but I was amazed to see that was my average speed was as high as it was. ^_^
Hi Guys, Brought a new road bike at the end of August, enthused by the Olympics, as a means of helping with my general fitness . Haven't ridden a road bike for 30 odd years and approaching 50 but loving every ride and hooked. Done 15 rides so far, the first was 5 miles which nearly killed me but this weekend did 13 on Sat with my youngest, who has also got into it and was his first ride, then 30 on Sunday. Ave speed was 16.5 on Sunday which was a nice suprise.


Senior Member
Some amazing progress here guys! You are putting me to shame with your distances. :sad: I'm going to have to try and get a longer run in sometime this week.

I've been wearing my lycra almost since I started though. Sod what anyone else thinks :laugh: I always get the nod from proper lycra roadies so I can't look that silly!

That's a fantastic average speed Andy, well done!


I've been wearing my lycra almost since I started though. Sod what anyone else thinks :laugh: I always get the nod from proper lycra roadies so I can't look that silly!
My thoughts exactly lol. I still won't where them on my commute but it's only 1.2mile each way so no point.
Just caught up with this thread, some amazing motivating comments. I Still haven't covered more than 15 miles in one go yet. I think I need some lights so I can get out out night. The weekends are sewn up with the boys, it is fun to go out on the road with the eldest but it is at a much slower pace. My wife is loving her first proper bike and its great to go out together even if she is only at the 2/3 miles stage.

Gaz Vickers

Well-Known Member
Same as Brian ^^
Lost this thread about 10 pages ago ^_^ - So reading all the comments since are quite remarkable and definately put me to shame (a massive well done to everyone :thumbsup:) . I suppose its dis-heartening when the weather turns, But we are British and 'should' be used to getting wet and cold so sod it (Lycra dries quick and i bought a jacket!) lol.....the only off putting thing for me is going out after dark, i don't feel nowhere near as confident, especially when riding solo.
Just back from one of my loops of 8 miles in 35 mins, then 3 miles with my wife. She has improved massively in just 9 days.
To aid my weight loss I stopped all alcohol intake about 4 weeks ago, still hovering around 19 st though.

My total trip counter is at 196 miles since I re- started.
So it's been a month since I got back in the saddle after a crazy few weeks of weddings, birthday parties, work and holidays and did my "easy" route down some undulating back roads.....the 14 mile route that I had managed to get down to 52min completion today took me 1hr 1! :-0

Every little incline felt like I was climbing Everest- I had nothing to give! And the flats seemed like a challenge as well!

I knew that I would be a little rusty, but this experience just shows what difference a few short weeks out the saddle makes!

Ah well, onwards and upwards!
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