Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Legendary Member
Made it to Saintbury and up the hill, not the best planned day but it all went well apart from needing bolt cutters to get thew the 6 foot gate that was in my way. Most of the 'resting time' was me trying to figure out if I was on the right road and on one cross roads it was third time lucky for getting the way...but other than that fairly well navigated.

With this ride thats 100miles for March and 1000 miles for 2013 :smile:

Well done for 1) finding it and 2) getting up it.


Legendary Member
I worked out to be about 29" from speed and cadence, but it doesn't matter how low it was, just the fact you did it matters, I noticed the H.R. too, keeping a good temp is the way to success on a long steep climb.

The way to success on a long steep climb is a car


Legendary Member
You're no longer a newbie, many of us aren't but we've got a nice little group here now and you're part of that so we're not going to let you stop posting in here. :thumbsup:

I never thought when I started this thread that it would grow so big. It will be 6 months old tomorrow and we are closing in on the 2500th post already!

Thanks to everyone who's kept posting here. You're a big inspiration. There have been quite a few times when I have felt despondent, especially during times where I couldn't get out (like the 2 weeks in Jan and 2 weeks in Feb) but this thread just makes me get straight back on the bike and keep going out, day after day. :biggrin:

I can honestly say if it wasn't for this forum and in particular this thread I would not be anywhere near the mileage I have done. A big :bravo:to everyone.


I worked out to be about 29" from speed and cadence, but it doesn't matter how low it was, just the fact you did it matters, I noticed the H.R. too, keeping a good tempo is the way to success on a long steep climb.

:smile: just quickly counted the teeth on the rear gear and you are correct, it was a 26X23 not 25. I'm thinking the heart rate is telling me I need a proper rest. Relatively speaking I've put in a strong effort this last fortnight without a proper day off. I guess I'll have to add more sleep to keep up this level of cycling.


Über Member
Just back from my 3rd ride in 3 days, nothing amazing mileage wise but considering in Jan & Feb I only managed 3 rides over the entire month I'm pretty happy to be at that stage a few days into March, just struggled to find the time recently.

Well done matey :thumbsup:
Thats good improvement in 2 month...
Well you deserve one, a lot of the posts have been yours! It would be interesting to know how many times each person has posted but I can't seem to find how to do that on Xenforo. Not sure if it's possible.
Well up to this I have posted 1313, of which I reckon 60-70% or so are in this thread.
As you've said it's a friendly bunch of people, in here, always encouragement, as Chris says I probably wouldn't have done so much either, it's nice to have people who are around the same level, to encourage you, I remember back in Oct when I did my first (and only to date) 1,000km in a month, Brian said just go and do the last 16 miles or so to make it, even though I didn't really feel like it, and hopefully we can do the same to those that join, as most of us that have been since this thread started, were where they are now and it gets easier.
:birthday:Happy 6 months "Show us your newbie progress"
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