Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Über Member
should be making a living from that talent,really are good mate.

P.S still looking now ......


Senior Member
I am trying to work my way up to longer rides, normally I just commute to work (6.7 miles round trip). The furthest ride I had previously done was 10.6 miles last summer (or it might have even been the year before lol). This weekend I have done 17.1 miles on Saturday, and 20.4 miles today, so I'm quite pleased with myself :biggrin:
I am trying to work my way up to longer rides, normally I just commute to work (6.7 miles round trip). The furthest ride I had previously done was 10.6 miles last summer (or it might have even been the year before lol). This weekend I have done 17.1 miles on Saturday, and 20.4 miles today, so I'm quite pleased with myself :biggrin:

Looks like you are getting there with this weekends rides. :bravo:


Senior Member
Just done my training loop. I think I can tentatively say for the first time in 6 months......I may be getting a little faster! It was 15.7, so only fractionally faster than I normally go but my average heartbeat was only 161. I did that exact same route on the 15th of Feb after my unintentional 2 week break from cycling and I almost killed myself getting 15.2 mph with an average heartbeat of 172.

So 0.5 mph faster in 2 1/2 weeks in conditions that are very similar and my heart beat 11 times less per minute, putting it in Z3 rather than Z4 most of the time (which it really should't have been, I pushed myself way too hard on that first ride).

I'm particularly glad about that because it's a lovely day out there and instead of enjoying a lovely outing in the countryside I was in agony the whole way round "thinking "SHUT UP LEGS" :laugh:. I feel it was worth it now though!


Legendary Member
Had to stay in today listening to my son throw up every half hour,great......


Aww, poor thing. Tell him he is just trying to stay upsides with HRH ^_^ Hope he's better soon and you manage to get out.


North Wales
I'm Slowly building up to a loop of the back roads around me. That eventually will be about a 9k loop from work home including a trip up the massive alp that resides behind town. (By Alp I mean 100 meters vertical distance at about 4-6% grade, but I'm still fat and pathetic so the meat of the hill is defeating me.) So currently its more of an out and back ending at the highest point of the climb I can manage. A little further each time now though, so its getting more plausible.


Über Member
but I'm still fat and pathetic so the meat of the hill is defeating me

I have a hill that I only do 1 in 5 of my comutes home. I usually chicken out and go round the back way and up the steps. :laugh:

Only about 5 miles total commuting today and a few more doing some chores. Hasn't rained for ages which is nice! bloody cold though.

Billy Adam

Senior Member
How to have fun with cars. No doubt first of many encounters.Car pulled out of a side road on to a one way system , I'm on the right hand side going round to the right they've pulled on from the left. Obviously totally oblivious to me with two light bright fluorescent jacket comes right across forcing me in to the kerb. Then to make matters worse proceeds to go left on the one way system. I did say hello (in not so many words) to let them know I was there.
To make matters worse I forgot to start recording my ride until 2 miles in. Other than that really happy with my recovery ride.
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