Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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Just been looking at your wide angle stuff as that is one of my favourite lens.. :thumbsup:
Mine too.
Had to stay in today listening to my son throw up every half hour,great......

Hope hes better soon.
Thats amazing talent :bravo:
Just done my training loop. I think I can tentatively say for the first time in 6 months......I may be getting a little faster! It was 15.7, so only fractionally faster than I normally go but my average heartbeat was only 161. I did that exact same route on the 15th of Feb after my unintentional 2 week break from cycling and I almost killed myself getting 15.2 mph with an average heartbeat of 172.

So 0.5 mph faster in 2 1/2 weeks in conditions that are very similar and my heart beat 11 times less per minute, putting it in Z3 rather than Z4 most of the time (which it really should't have been, I pushed myself way too hard on that first ride).

I'm particularly glad about that because it's a lovely day out there and instead of enjoying a lovely outing in the countryside I was in agony the whole way round "thinking "SHUT UP LEGS" :laugh:. I feel it was worth it now though!
Your still faster than me James. However I too have seen and increase in speed this last week or so and a reduction in H.R. also a dramatic increase in gear length from 54" in Dec 57", 59", and so far this month 64" which is like a 51x21 gearing (the last two rides have been 67" ) though its only from three days data, and not really difficult rides. Though today was above avg for the year (just)

I might be last out of 4 on this
Ferrybridge rd/Queens Park Dr but I am pleased with it as its an improvement on the last time I did it. 4.1% over 8/10th's of a mile
Ridge Rd first time up this and not last, 2 miles 242ft @ 2.3% avg in 11:32 10.2mph less 22" at lights. 10.7mph
2nd time in 4 days i got a p.b. on this Robin Hood to Park Lane 8's quicker and from 15 to 16.1mph
How to have fun with cars. No doubt first of many encounters.Car pulled out of a side road on to a one way system , I'm on the right hand side going round to the right they've pulled on from the left. Obviously totally oblivious to me with two light bright fluorescent jacket comes right across forcing me in to the kerb. Then to make matters worse proceeds to go left on the one way system. I did say hello (in not so many words) to let them know I was there.
To make matters worse I forgot to start recording my ride until 2 miles in. Other than that really happy with my recovery ride.
Glad your ok.
well this newbie just did another 20 miles today, that's nearly 50 miles in 2 days and I feel good tonight, better than last night after 30 miles... might get another 20 in tomorrow before the rain comes on wednesday.
Nice one, think of the rain as a rest day if you dont want to go out.
Yeah I'm fine Nigel thanks. I think they got more of a fright than me to be honest. The trouble is people are just looking for other cars and nothing else. Cyclist don't seem to register .
I usually have a tat-a-tat with at least one driver. What gets me id how they overtake you coming up to a junction and pull in even though there is less than 50ft or so to the junction.


Legendary Member
Aww, poor thing. Tell him he is just trying to stay upsides with HRH ^_^ Hope he's better soon and you manage to get out.

Mo, you need to join the cycle chat club on Strava, that way we can see how you are doing in the challenge ;) . I noticed on mycyclinglog you got in 2 hours today :thumbsup:


eyup guys

read first few pages so far, seeing people doing 10-20-30 miles and feel a bit daft, no way I could do anywhere near, well maybe 10 downhill ^_^

34 in a couple of weeks, got my bike a rockrider 5.2 last wednesday, not rode a bike for best part of 20 years and only owned a raleigh wildcat as a kid ( not sure I should have admitted that)
anyway done 3 rides so far, all same route, approx 4 miles, On the only possible route I thought round here would be mainly flat (In sheffield so its hill after hill) so far its taking me around 50 minutes inc 2/3 rests when I can feel my legs or feel out of breath I am on beta blockers for anxiety so have to be careful, anyway the route aint as flat as I thought, It looks flat, walks flat but get on a bike and its not flat anymore, no hills as such just a steady incline on way back which feels like everest to me :ohmy:
Not done any exercise since I left the gym about 6 years ago other than a fair amount of walking, so well out of shape (more than I thought) and need to lose a few stone, main reason for starting is to get fitter and I detest running plus have arthritus in my ankle

here is the route I am doing at moment

Heres hoping I can be laughing at this post and doing 10-20 miles asap and also able to go up a hill with a bit of luck


Legendary Member
eyup guys

read first few pages so far, seeing people doing 10-20-30 miles and feel a bit daft, no way I could do anywhere near, well maybe 10 downhill ^_^

34 in a couple of weeks, got my bike a rockrider 5.2 last wednesday, not rode a bike for best part of 20 years and only owned a raleigh wildcat as a kid ( not sure I should have admitted that)
anyway done 3 rides so far, all same route, approx 4 miles, On the only possible route I thought round here would be mainly flat (In sheffield so its hill after hill) so far its taking me around 50 minutes inc 2/3 rests when I can feel my legs or feel out of breath I am on beta blockers for anxiety so have to be careful, anyway the route aint as flat as I thought, It looks flat, walks flat but get on a bike and its not flat anymore, no hills as such just a steady incline on way back which feels like everest to me :ohmy:
Not done any exercise since I left the gym about 6 years ago other than a fair amount of walking, so well out of shape (more than I thought) and need to lose a few stone, main reason for starting is to get fitter and I detest running plus have arthritus in my ankle

here is the route I am doing at moment

Heres hoping I can be laughing at this post and doing 10-20 miles asap and also able to go up a hill with a bit of luck

You will find a lot of people on here started the same as you, in fact a lot of us still are unfit and overweight. As you start off, don't worry if you have to stop and walk up a hill, don't worry about speed or mileage, just get out there and enjoy yourself. Before you know it you will be doing your first 10 miles, then 20 and away you go.


Über Member
eyup guys

read first few pages so far, seeing people doing 10-20-30 miles and feel a bit daft, no way I could do anywhere near, well maybe 10 downhill ^_^

34 in a couple of weeks, got my bike a rockrider 5.2 last wednesday, not rode a bike for best part of 20 years and only owned a raleigh wildcat as a kid ( not sure I should have admitted that)
anyway done 3 rides so far, all same route, approx 4 miles, On the only possible route I thought round here would be mainly flat (In sheffield so its hill after hill) so far its taking me around 50 minutes inc 2/3 rests when I can feel my legs or feel out of breath I am on beta blockers for anxiety so have to be careful, anyway the route aint as flat as I thought, It looks flat, walks flat but get on a bike and its not flat anymore, no hills as such just a steady incline on way back which feels like everest to me :ohmy:
Not done any exercise since I left the gym about 6 years ago other than a fair amount of walking, so well out of shape (more than I thought) and need to lose a few stone, main reason for starting is to get fitter and I detest running plus have arthritus in my ankle

here is the route I am doing at moment

Heres hoping I can be laughing at this post and doing 10-20 miles asap and also able to go up a hill with a bit of luck

You'll soon be doing 20+
eyup guys

read first few pages so far, seeing people doing 10-20-30 miles and feel a bit daft, no way I could do anywhere near, well maybe 10 downhill ^_^

34 in a couple of weeks, got my bike a rockrider 5.2 last wednesday, not rode a bike for best part of 20 years and only owned a raleigh wildcat as a kid ( not sure I should have admitted that)
anyway done 3 rides so far, all same route, approx 4 miles, On the only possible route I thought round here would be mainly flat (In sheffield so its hill after hill) so far its taking me around 50 minutes inc 2/3 rests when I can feel my legs or feel out of breath I am on beta blockers for anxiety so have to be careful, anyway the route aint as flat as I thought, It looks flat, walks flat but get on a bike and its not flat anymore, no hills as such just a steady incline on way back which feels like everest to me :ohmy:
Not done any exercise since I left the gym about 6 years ago other than a fair amount of walking, so well out of shape (more than I thought) and need to lose a few stone, main reason for starting is to get fitter and I detest running plus have arthritus in my ankle

here is the route I am doing at moment

Heres hoping I can be laughing at this post and doing 10-20 miles asap and also able to go up a hill with a bit of luck
Just to echo the the previous posts, it takes a little time but keep at it, I am not fast, but there is one thing hills don't frighten me like they, but then we dont have a really big ones, just some short steepish ones.
I did one today I put off and put off with the excuse I hardly ever go that way, today I went that way to do it, as it turns out i wasn't as bad as I thought, when I have been going down I always dreaded the day I might climb it.
Like you I started with having to stop 2-3 times on a 10 mile run, these days I do my best cycling after 10 miles.
Unlike some on here who do MASSIVE rides at the weekends, I generally do 20-40 mile rides, I have always been able to 10 miles+, but my speed wasn't and isn't even now fast compare with some, I find I can do the distances, I do with ease now. I even surprised myself today when I looked at the figures how much I climbed over the distance and what gear I used overall is higher than than any before and @14.41mph a good speed for me.

Like you I hated hills, did anything to avoid them, turns out it was counter-productive, though whilst I got faster from 9.8mph to about 16mph on one trip, any hill in there and I hated it, so after about 3 months, I started doing the hills I could find, gentle ones but ones that kept going up, then i started on the short steeper ones, and now I dont think there's a hill round here I can't get up, but like I say they arn't huge.
and :welcome: by the way, should have said that first.


eyup guys

read first few pages so far, seeing people doing 10-20-30 miles and feel a bit daft, no way I could do anywhere near, well maybe 10 downhill ^_^

34 in a couple of weeks, got my bike a rockrider 5.2 last wednesday, not rode a bike for best part of 20 years and only owned a raleigh wildcat as a kid ( not sure I should have admitted that)
anyway done 3 rides so far, all same route, approx 4 miles, On the only possible route I thought round here would be mainly flat (In sheffield so its hill after hill) so far its taking me around 50 minutes inc 2/3 rests when I can feel my legs or feel out of breath I am on beta blockers for anxiety so have to be careful, anyway the route aint as flat as I thought, It looks flat, walks flat but get on a bike and its not flat anymore, no hills as such just a steady incline on way back which feels like everest to me :ohmy:
Not done any exercise since I left the gym about 6 years ago other than a fair amount of walking, so well out of shape (more than I thought) and need to lose a few stone, main reason for starting is to get fitter and I detest running plus have arthritus in my ankle

here is the route I am doing at moment

Heres hoping I can be laughing at this post and doing 10-20 miles asap and also able to go up a hill with a bit of luck
Great progress! The whole point of buying that bike was to use it, don't leave it for another 20 years because you're embarrased by not being able to ride 30 miles in an outing.
Do what you can, when you can and you'll get better. Every foot you climb you get to sail down afterwards


Legendary Member
Mo, you need to join the cycle chat club on Strava, that way we can see how you are doing in the challenge ;) . I noticed on mycyclinglog you got in 2 hours today :thumbsup:

I am extremely doubtful if I can manage it. Feeling leg weary and saddle sore and weather is going to take a turn for the worse from Wednesday afternoon. Supposed to be back to wet and windy :sad: I've got 6 hours in at the moment.
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